Uke tabs from
Released date : unbekannt
25229 Lieder (4300 tabs und 20929 Akkorde)
Es gibt 25229 Tabulaturen, Ukulelengriffe in der Datenbank
- chords 0.125Song bewerten!
- chords 17

- chords 24

- chords 24

- chords 1922Song bewerten!
- chords 20000 Seconds

- chords 3 Second Memory

- chords 4500 Times

- chords 4am Forever

- chords 67-es Ut

- chords 7 Digits

- chords A Boat Like Gideon Brown

- mix A Childs Clame To Fame

- chords A Friend Of MineSong bewerten!
- chords A Friend Of Mine

- mix A Good ThingSong bewerten!
- chords A Heartbreak Away

- chords A Perfectly Good Heart

- chords A Poop SongSong bewerten!
- chords A Song For The Girl Part

- chords A320

- chords About Buckley Live In Ottawa

- chords Accidentially In Love

- chords Song

- chords AeroplaneSong bewerten!
- chords After The Music Fades Live

- chords Age Of Insects

- chords Air I Breathe

- chords Akela Hoon Mein Part

- chords AliveSong bewerten!
- chords All For You

- chords All For You

- chords All I Ever Wanted

- chords All That I'm Living For

- chords All The Dumb Things

- chords All The Pretty Little Horses

- chords All This Time

- chords All-american

- chords Alle Smnd Er Glade For Piger

- chords Almost But Not Quite There

- chords Already Miss YouSong bewerten!
- chords Als Er Nooit Meer Een Morgen Zou Zijn

- mix Am Ende

- chords America PartSong bewerten!
- chords Amylase

- chords An American By Gods Amazing Grace

- chords An Ex Is An Ex For A Reason

- chords Anders Als Auf Ansichtskarten Part

- chords Ang Awitin Part

- chords Angeber Part

- chords Angel

- chords Angelina

- chords AngelsSong bewerten!
- chords Angels Saints

- chords Anti-lullaby

- chords Anyone But You

- mix ApodarthoSong bewerten!
- chords Are We Different

- chords Are You Looking At Me

- chords Arms Of The Angel

- chords Ass Knockin

- chords At Samma Hall Part

- chords At Your Best

- chords Auer Dir

- chords AustaliaSong bewerten!
- chords Baby On BoardSong bewerten!
- chords Back To Me

- chords Back To The Beat Part

- chords Bad Fish

- chords Bad To Me

- chords Banana Phone

- chords Bandit Queen

- chords Battle Hymns

- chords Battle HymnsSong bewerten!
- chords Beautiful Ladies

- chords Because Of You

- chords Because You Lived

- chords Becoming You

- chords Ben 10Song bewerten!
- chords Bet On ItSong bewerten!
- chords Bhulado

- chords Bide Your Time PartSong bewerten!
- chords Big City Life

- chords Bigger Than Us

- chords Bigger Than Us

- chords Birthday Song

- chords Bizzare Love TriangleSong bewerten!
- chords Black Hole

- mix Black Paper Black Ink

- chords Blessed Be Your Name

- chords Bloody Nose

- chords Blue Eyes Cryin In The Rain

- chords Bohemian Rhapsody

- chords Book Of Love

- chords Book Of Love

- chords Born To Be Wild

- chords Boy With The Thorn In His Side Live

- chords Boys Do Fall In Love

- mix Brazil

- chords Breathe Part

- chords Breathless

- chords Breathless

- chords Bridges And Balloons Part

- chords Bring The Rain

- chords Broad Ripple Is Burnin

- chords Broken

- mix Build To Last

- chords Burma

- chords Burning Lights

- chords Bus Drivers Song

- chords Busby Berkely Dreams

- chords Busy Line PartSong bewerten!
- chords But It Rained

- chords But You A Drank

- chords Butterfly

- chords By The Time I Get To Phoenix

- chords Cai Hung Rainbow

- chords Caledonia

- chords Calul Din Marlboro

- chords Nan

- chords Can't Explain

- chords Can'ta

- chords Carrying Over Live

- chords Catch Me I'm FallinSong bewerten!
- chords Cats EyesSong bewerten!
- chords Chagne YourSong bewerten!
- chords Chanson CacheeSong bewerten!
- chords Chase You Down

- chords Chrashing Down

- chords Christmas Baby Please Come Home

- chords Christmas Baby Please Come Home

- mix Christmas Time Is Here AgainSong bewerten!
- chords Christmases When You Were MineSong bewerten!
- chords Circus Is Leaving Town

- chords Clam Crab Cockle Cowry

- chords Clothes

- chords Clown

- chords Cmon Cmon

- chords Cold As You

- chords Cold As You

- mix Come On Eileen

- chords Come Onlets Go

- chords Comedown This Cloud

- chords Coming Around Again

- chords Comletely MiserableSong bewerten!
- chords Complicated

- chords Constantinople

- chords Cookout

- chords Counterfeit Blues

- mix Crazy

- chords Crazy

- chords Crazy

- chords Crazy As A Loon

- chords Crazy Girls

- chords Crazy Girls

- chords Creep

- chords Cry

- chords Cry

- mix Crying In Denial Part

- chords Cum On Feel The Noize

- chords Cum On Feel The Noize

- chords Cycle Part

- chords Da Cheng Xiao Ai

- mix Dahil Ikaw

- chords Dahil Sayo Sa Himig Ng Aking GitaraSong bewerten!
- chords Dance Away

- chords Dancing In The Dark

- chords Darkness Round The Sun

- chords Day Trip

- chords Day You Went Away

- chords Days And Days

- mix Death Defied By WillSong bewerten!
- mix Declaration Of IndependenceSong bewerten!
- chords Delilah

- chords Despair In The Departue Lounge

- chords Devil Is Beating His Wife

- chords Devil Made Me Do It

- chords Di Mana Kan Ku Cari Ganti

- chords Diamond

- chords Diamonds Are Forever

- chords Dig Up Her BonesSong bewerten!
- chords Dime Otra Vez PartSong bewerten!
- chords DivorceSong bewerten!
- chords Do You Believe It

- chords Do You Wanna

- chords Don't Let My Go

- mix Don't Panic

- chords Don't Preach

- chords Don't Say Goodbye

- chords Don't Tell Mamma

- chords Don't Think Twice It's Alright Part

- chords Don't Write Me OffSong bewerten!
- chords Down Easter AlexaSong bewerten!
- chords Dream Sequence

- chords Early Morning

- chords Earth To Bella Part 1

- chords Easy Way Out

- chords Edge Of The Night

- chords Elden

- chords Eleven Saints

- chords Emily

- chords Emo Rangers

- chords Encosta-te A Mim PartSong bewerten!
- chords Endless Entertainment

- chords English Man In New York

- chords Enough Is Enough Part

- mix Eraser Part

- chords Ever The Same Snippet

- chords Ever The Same Snippet Part

- chords Every Line Of A Long Moment

- chords Every Me And Every You

- chords Every Mile Of Memory

- mix Every Thug Needs A Lady Live Song bewerten!
- chords Every Time We TouchSong bewerten!
- chords Everybody

- chords Everybodys Gone To War

- chords Everyday

- chords Everything I Own

- chords Everythings Gonna Be Alright Part

- mix Everytime Part

- chords Evil Scotsman Part

- chords Eyes Without The Face

- chords Face For The Radio

- chords Faith Of The Heart

- chords Fall At Your Feet

- chords Falling Star

- chords Fast Company

- chords Fatso

- mix Favourite SongSong bewerten!
- chords Fear You Won't Fall

- chords Fear You Won't Fall

- chords Fearless

- chords Fearless

- chords Feel My SoulSong bewerten!
- chords Feelings That Grow Stronger In The Dark

- chords Felt So Right

- chords Fewer Broken Pieces

- chords Fight Off Your Demons Part

- chords Fire And Stone

- chords First Class

- chords First We Take Manhattan

- chords Fluffy Lucy

- chords Flugzeuge I'm Bauch

- chords For One Day

- chords For The Nights I Can't Remember

- chords Forbidden Love

- mix Forevemore

- chords Forgetful Lucy

- chords Forgetful Lucy

- chords Forks And Knifes

- chords Frail Grasp On The Big Picture

- mix Fred Jones Part 2

- chords Fred Jones Part 2

- chords French Shore

- chords Freunde Part

- chords Friend Of Mine

- chords From A Window

- mix Fuck You I'm Drunk Part

- chords Fun Fun Fun With The Beach Boys

- chords Gabi

- mix Gallery

- chords Garagem Da Visinha PartSong bewerten!
- chords Garden Of Gethsemane

- chords Gardenheadleave Me Alone Part

- chords Gate 22

- chords Gemuruh

- chords Gimmie More

- chords Glowing Inside

- chords God With Us

- chords Going Down That Lonely Road

- chords Going Going Gone

- chords Good Enough

- chords Good Morning Beautiful

- chords Good Time

- chords Goodbye Days

- mix Goodnight Boy

- mix Got Ma Nuts From A Hippy

- chords Got Me DrinkingSong bewerten!
- mix Graduation Song

- chords Grand Unification Part 2

- chords Green Spandex

- mix Groove Is In The Heart Part

- chords Ground Control To Major Tom

- chords Guerra All Interno

- chords Gugmang Giatay

- chords Guillotine Part

- chords Gunnin

- chords Gur Mig Lykkelig Part

- chords Guy Who Turned Her Down

- chords Hair In My Eyes Like A Highland Steer PartSong bewerten!
- chords Hand Of Faith

- chords Happy

- chords Happy Christmas War Is OverSong bewerten!
- chords Happy X-mas War Is Over

- chords Hard To Say I'm Sorryget Away

- chords Harrowdown Hill

- chords Hats Off To The Zebras

- chords Hawaii

- mix Heart Of Gold

- chords Heart Of Worship

- mix Heaven On Their Minds

- chords Hello Cruel World

- chords Hello Miss Lovely So You Like My Jeans

- chords Help

- chords Help

- chords Here Comes The Rain

- chords Here I Am To Worship

- chords Here We Go Again

- chords HeregoesnothinSong bewerten!
- chords Hermann Luves Pauline

- chords Hero

- chords Heroes By Choice

- chords Hey Day

- chords Hey GirlSong bewerten!
- chords Hey YaSong bewerten!
- chords Heystan Part

- chords Hickory Wind

- chords Hidden In My Head

- chords Hide Away

- chords HighSong bewerten!
- chords Hilot

- chords Himmelblau

- chords Himmelblau Part

- chords Hired Gun

- chords Hit Me Baby One More Time

- chords Hold Fast

- chords Holes In Heaven

- chords Hollywood Girl

- chords Home

- chords Home Among The Gum TreesSong bewerten!
- chords Home Among The Gum TreesSong bewerten!
- chords Home Is Where The Hurt Is

- chords Home Is Where Your Happy

- mix Hometown Fantasy

- chords Honestly

- chords Hooray For The 21st Century

- chords House At Pooh CornerSong bewerten!
- chords House At Pooh Corner

- chords House Gone Up In Flames

- chords How Do You Do

- chords How Far Have We Really Come

- chords How Great Is Your Love

- chords How It Should Be Sha Sha

- chords How Strong Do You Think I AmSong bewerten!
- chords Hurricane

- chords I Can Only Imagine

- chords I Can Only Imagine

- chords I Caught Fire In Your Eyes

- chords I Could Run Away PartSong bewerten!
- chords I Could Sing Of Your Love Forever

- chords I Don't Wanna Dance Part

- chords I Get Knocked Down

- chords I Have Seen The Rain

- chords I Have Seen The Rain

- chords I Hope You Dance

- chords I Learned From You

- chords I Loved Her First

- chords I Luv You

- chords I Miss You

- chords I Need You To Love Me

- chords I Never Told You What I Did For A Living

- chords I Remember When

- chords I Remember You

- chords I Say No

- chords I Stand For You

- chords I Tell The Truth Even When I'm Lying Critics ChoiceSong bewerten!
- chords I Think I'm Falling

- chords I Used To Love Her But I Had To Kill Her

- chords I Useta Love Her

- chords I Wanna Hold Your Hand

- chords I Was Only NineteenSong bewerten!
- chords I Will Not Look At Titties For A Year

- chords I Will Wait

- chords I Wish You Knew This Song Was About You

- chords I Wish You Would Have Smiled In The Bakery

- chords I Won't Back Down

- chords I Won't Go Home Without You

- chords If I Were Gay

- chords If I Were Gay

- chords If We Were A MovieSong bewerten!
- chords If You're Going To San Fransisco

- chords If Youve Got The Money Part

- chords IgnoranceSong bewerten!
- chords I'll Be There For You

- chords I'll Never Be Anybodys Hero Now

- mix I'll Stand By YouSong bewerten!
- chords I'llegal

- chords I'llumination

- chords I'm A Beliver

- chords I'm A BeliverSong bewerten!
- chords I'm A Knight

- chords I'm Already Home

- chords I'm Alright

- chords I'm Always Willing To Be

- chords I'm Drinking Again

- mix I'm In Like With You

- chords I'm In Love Part

- mix I'm In Love With My Guitar Part

- chords I'm No Superman

- chords I'm No Superman

- chords I'm No Superman

- chords I'm Not Crying

- chords I'm Only Sleeping

- chords I'm Ticked Off Step Off

- chords I'm Walking On Sunshine

- chords In Flowers

- chords In The Arms Of The Angel

- chords In The Deep

- chords In The End

- chords In The Radios Hot Sun Handsome Furs

- chords Isabel PartSong bewerten!
- chords Isnt She

- chords It Could Be You Part

- chords It Hurts

- chords It Might Be You

- chords Itoshi No Eri

- chords It's A Long Way Home To Donegal

- chords It's Five Oclock Somewhere

- chords It's Happy Line

- chords It's Not About You

- chords It's Not Easy To Be Me

- chords I've Been Dying To Reach You

- chords I've Been Dying To Reach You Song bewerten!
- chords I've Got A Name

- chords I've Got A Theory

- chords Jack Daniels If You Please

- mix Jaded

- chords Jalta Raha

- chords January Days

- chords Je Fais De Toi Mon Essentiel

- chords Jealousy

- chords Jen

- chords Jeremy Freiser

- chords Jessicas Suicide

- mix Jesus Must Die

- chords Jingle Bombs

- chords Jump

- chords Jump Up Behing Me

- chords Just Another Night

- mix Just Don't Love You No More

- chords Just For Tonight

- mix Just For Tonight

- chords Just Like Heaven

- chords Just Like Heaven

- chords Kahani Mohabbat Ki

- chords Karena Cinta

- chords Kasihnya Laila

- chords Kattmat (Strange Things Happen)

- chords Keep On Walking Part

- chords Kenneth Clarkes Beard

- chords The One (You could never have)

- chords Kiss MeSong bewerten!
- chords Kiss Yourself Goodbye

- chords Knives Part

- chords Knock Yourself OutSong bewerten!
- chords Knock Yourself OutSong bewerten!
- chords Kom Anglar

- chords Konayuki

- chords Kyushit PartSong bewerten!
- chords La Lettre

- chords Lady Luck

- mix Lady Stardust

- chords Lady Stardust

- chords Lady Stardust Part

- chords Land Down Under

- chords Land Down Under

- chords Lao Shu Ai Da Mi

- chords Lara

- mix Last Generation

- chords Last Generation

- chords Last Look Part

- chords Last Look

- chords Last Time Infected Me

- chords Laugh And A Half

- chords Learn To FlySong bewerten!
- chords Learning The Game

- chords Leave The Meories Alone

- chords Leaving To La

- mix Leizah

- chords Lena

- chords Let It Drop

- chords Let It SnowSong bewerten!
- chords Let Me Fly

- chords Let My Love Open The Door

- chords Let U Go

- chords Lied Vom Scheitern

- chords Life During Wartime

- chords Light Surrounding You

- chords Like Only A Woman Can

- chords Lim-mus

- chords Liquid

- chords Listen To The Rain

- chords Little Star

- mix Llyoyd Dobler

- chords London Town

- chords Lonely Cat

- chords Long Time Coming

- chords Long Time Coming

- chords Longday

- chords Lonley Stranger

- chords Looking For The Summer

- chords Lords Of Lords

- chords Losin You

- chords Losing You

- chords Lost Highway

- mix Lost Highways

- chords Lost In The Moment

- chords Love Is Real

- chords Love Machine

- chords Lucio Starts Fires

- chords Lullaby For A Stormy Night

- chords Madchen Und Rabauken

- chords Made To Worship C

- chords Magic Works

- chords Magmamahal Muli

- chords Make You Smile Part

- chords Makes Me Wonder

- chords Makes Me Wonder

- chords Mamaw

- chords Mamaw

- chords Manda Una Seal

- mix Maneater

- chords Maneater

- chords Manifest Destiny Sorority Tears

- chords Marajuanaville

- chords Maria

- chords Marijuanaville

- chords Marilyn

- chords Marvelous Light

- chords Marys Song Oh My My My

- chords Mata Hati Jiwa

- chords Maximum Firepower

- chords Maybe Tomorrow Part

- chords Meicsiceo

- chords Merry Christmas Everybody

- chords Merry Christmas Everybody

- chords Messages

- chords Mexican Werstler

- mix Mfeo - Parts 1 And 1

- chords Midnight In Parliment Square

- mix Midnight In The City Of Destruction

- chords Mief

- chords Mirai

- chords Missing You

- chords Mistaken

- chords Mit Dir

- chords Mix Tapes Cellmate

- chords Mizerable

- chords Mizerable

- chords Mmm Sarap

- chords Mon Yous Mon Us But No Them

- chords Monster

- chords Monster

- chords Morning Bound Train

- chords Most Lonely Faces

- chords My FriendSong bewerten!
- chords My House

- chords My Life Before Today

- chords My Little Runaway

- chords Na M Agapas Part

- chords Neko No Ongaeshi

- mix Never Let You Go

- chords Never Met A Girl Like You Before

- chords New Romantic

- chords New Romantic

- mix New RomanticSong bewerten!
- chords New Romantic

- chords Night Of My Life

- chords Nina

- chords Nine Millions Bicycles

- chords Nineteen Stars

- chords Nineteen Stars

- chords No Bad News

- chords No More Walks In The Wood

- chords No More Walks In The Wood

- chords No No Never

- chords No No Never

- chords No SoulSong bewerten!
- chords No Way To Escape

- chords Nobody Knows It But Me

- chords Non Entity

- chords Nothing Compares To You Part

- chords NothingsevergonnastandinmywayagainSong bewerten!
- chords Now Or Never Part

- chords Nursing

- chords O CSong bewerten!
- chords Ode To Deodorant

- chords Old Red

- chords Old School

- chords Old SchoolSong bewerten!
- chords Om Du Lamnade Mig Nu Part

- chords On Some Far Away Beach

- chords On The Bright Side Of The Road

- chords Once

- chords One And Only You

- chords One Good Reason

- chords One Last Time

- chords One Love

- chords One Song Glory

- chords Only A Woman

- mix Our SongSong bewerten!
- chords Our Song

- chords Over And Over AgainSong bewerten!
- chords Over The Mountains

- chords Over You

- chords Owl

- mix Palisades Parks

- chords Panahon

- chords Papa Don't Preach

- chords Para Syo Part

- chords Parallel Worlds

- chords Ichhedana

- mix Pelican On A Stick Part

- chords Pencils In The Wind Tape Of Love Part

- chords Perempuanku

- chords Perfect Day

- chords Pick Of Destiny

- chords Pick You Up

- chords Pirates Who Don't Do Anything

- chords Place In This World

- chords Platform 9 34 Part

- chords Poison Heart

- chords Poppy BirdSong bewerten!
- chords Ppna Landskap PartSong bewerten!
- chords Princess Familiar

- chords Protest Song

- chords Psycho Girl

- mix Pull Me Through

- chords Pumpkin Pie Part

- chords Push Your Head Towards The Air

- chords Pushing Me Away

- chords Quiksand Jesus

- chords Racing Rats

- chords Racing Rats

- chords Ram It Home PartSong bewerten!
- chords Ramblin Gamblin Man

- chords Rat Within The Grain Part

- chords Real Love

- chords Re-defining Love

- mix Reden

- chords Release Me

- chords Rescue Me

- chords Rifles Of The Ira

- mix Right In Two

- chords Rise Up With Fists Live

- mix Road To Rock And Roll

- chords Rock And Roll SongSong bewerten!
- chords Rockin Me

- chords Rockin RobinSong bewerten!
- chords Rockstar

- chords Roll Out The Barrell

- chords Rolling Star

- chords Ronnie Talk To RussiaSong bewerten!
- chords Room Service

- chords Rotilj

- mix Run

- chords RunningSong bewerten!
- chords Running

- chords Running Block

- chords Sa Mog Bicikla Pala Si

- chords Sa Uulitin

- chords Sa Uulitin Part

- chords Sab Bhula Kai

- chords Sadly Beautiful

- chords Sailing The Wind

- chords Sakura Saku

- chords Salmon Song Part

- chords Salute My Shorts

- chords Sandalan

- chords Sandalan

- chords Sarah Smile

- chords Sasquatch Part

- chords Saturday Nights Alright For Fighting

- mix Saved By The Bell

- chords Saw It On Your Key BoardSong bewerten!
- chords Say Goodbye To Jrhigh

- chords Say That You Love Me

- chords Say This Sooner No One Will Ever See Things The Way I Do

- chords Scattered Cover Part

- chords Schrei Nach Liebe Part

- chords Scitzophrenic Conversations

- chords Scummy

- mix ScummySong bewerten!
- chords Seabreeze

- chords Seatbacks And Tray Tables

- chords Seatle

- chords Secret Letters

- chords Secrets Of The Heart

- chords See Me In Shadows

- chords Seen Better Days

- chords Sellotape

- chords Seven Weeks Until The Summer

- chords Shake Sugaree Part

- chords ShalalalalaSong bewerten!
- chords She Could Be You Part

- chords She Could Be You

- chords She Could Be You

- chords She Cries

- chords She Holds The Key

- chords She Only Smoles When She Drinks

- chords Sheila Stella

- chords Shiver

- chords Short BalladSong bewerten!
- chords Shout To The Lord Part

- chords Sick And Tired

- chords Sick And TiredSong bewerten!
- chords Simple ConsolationSong bewerten!
- chords Sing To Me

- chords Sing To The King

- chords Sister I'm A Poet

- chords Situation

- chords Six Feet Under

- chords Skin

- chords Skin

- chords Slip Sliding Away

- chords Slip Sliding Away

- chords Slogans

- chords Sloop John B

- chords Smashing

- chords Smilin

- chords So Nice To Be With You

- chords So Would Have I

- chords Solace Part

- chords Some Will Seek Forgiveess Others Escape

- chords Somebodys Son

- chords Somehow

- mix Someone Is There Waiting For My Song

- chords Something To Do

- chords Somewhere Over The Rainbow

- chords Sonia BianchiSong bewerten!
- chords Sonnet 29

- chords Sopia

- chords Soul Singer In The Session Band

- chords Spancil Hill Part

- chords Sparks Fly

- chords Special Fred

- chords Spit It Out Part

- chords Stars In Their EyesSong bewerten!
- chords Start Of Something New

- chords State Of Things

- chords Stationary LoveSong bewerten!
- chords Stay BeautifulSong bewerten!
- chords Stay With Me Brass BedSong bewerten!
- chords Stop The Crying

- chords Strawberry FieldsSong bewerten!
- chords Street Of Uptown Part

- chords Sugar Coated

- chords Sundays Best

- chords Sunny Afternoon Live

- chords Supernova

- mix Susan Miller RagSong bewerten!
- chords Sweet Kinda SomethingSong bewerten!
- chords Sweet Maria

- chords Sweet Sweet Surrender

- chords Swing Of Lie

- mix T Is Altijd Lente

- chords Tak Tahu Harga Cinta

- chords Take A Breath

- chords Take A Breath

- mix Take A Message To Mary

- chords Take MeSong bewerten!
- chords Take Me With You

- chords Taking My Own Sweet Time

- mix Talking Of Michelangelo

- chords Tanz Der Molekle

- chords Tara Lets

- chords Team Zissou English

- chords Teardrops On My Guitar

- chords Teardrops On My Guitar

- chords Teardrops On The RocksSong bewerten!
- chords Tears

- chords Teletubbie Massaker

- chords That Girl

- chords Thats The Good Stuff

- chords The Baker Acrobat

- chords The Devil Is Real

- chords The Lark Asceding Part

- chords The Lonliest City Of All

- chords The Otherside

- mix The Road Ahead

- chords The Truth Comes Out

- chords The White One Is Evil

- chords Theres A Good Reason These Tables Are Numbered Honey You Just Havnt Thought Of It Yet

- chords Things We Said

- chords Think Of You

- chords Thinking Of Linking

- chords Three Second MemorySong bewerten!
- chords Time After Time

- chords Time After Time

- chords Time Aint Running Out Part

- chords Time To Be Your 21

- mix Times Scar

- chords Tinig

- chords Tirna Noir

- chords Tirna Noir

- chords To Be Treated Right

- chords To Love Somebody

- chords To You

- chords Tonight

- chords Too Late

- chords ToreteSong bewerten!
- chords ToreteSong bewerten!
- chords Touch Me Part

- chords Tour Song

- chords Travelin SoldeirSong bewerten!
- chords Truck Got Stuck

- chords Trying To Recall

- chords Tu Mi Amor

- chords Turn Out The Lights

- chords Tusen Bitar Part

- chords Two-headed Boy Part Two

- chords Ukelele Boy

- chords Ulipon Sa Gugmang Giatay

- mix Ung Kt

- chords Unisex ChipshopSong bewerten!
- chords Unsubstantiated Rumors Are Good Enough For Me

- chords Unten Mit Dem King Part

- chords Untitled

- chords Upside Down

- chords Upside DownSong bewerten!
- mix Utan Dina Andetag Live

- chords Venn Part

- chords Venn Part

- chords Victims Of Love

- chords Voltaic Crusherundrum To Muted Da

- chords Vorbei Ist Vorbei

- chords Waffle Song

- chords Wagon Wheel

- chords Wagon WheelSong bewerten!
- chords Waiting In Canada

- mix Waiting In The WeedsSong bewerten!
- mix Walkways

- chords War Piano Version

- chords Warmer Abend Part

- chords Warmer Climate

- chords Wart Mal Part

- chords Was Wir Alleine Nicht Schaffen PartSong bewerten!
- chords Way Back Into LoveSong bewerten!
- chords We Nowher And It's NowSong bewerten!
- chords Wedding Song

- chords Well Worn Hand

- chords Wenn Es Scheint Dass Nichts Gelingt

- chords Were Only In It For The Drugs Part

- mix What A Day For A Day Dream

- chords What Child Is This Part

- chords What Do I Do With My Heart

- chords What Do I Do With My HeartSong bewerten!
- chords What Dreams Are Made Of

- chords What Dreams Are Made Of

- chords What Dreams Are Made Of

- chords What I Do On Saturday

- chords What I Love About SundaysSong bewerten!
- chords What If God Smoked Cannabis

- chords What I've Been Looking For PartSong bewerten!
- chords What I've Been Looking ForSong bewerten!
- mix What Would Steve DoSong bewerten!
- chords What You Don't KnowSong bewerten!
- chords When Are You Coming Home

- chords When Doves CrySong bewerten!
- chords When My Wife Met My Girlfriend Part

- chords When The Angels Lift Our Eyelids In The Morning

- chords When There Was Me And YouSong bewerten!
- chords When There Was Me And YouSong bewerten!
- chords Where Do We Go From Here

- chords Where Do You Go To My Loveley

- chords Where Oh Where

- chords Whiskey For My MenSong bewerten!
- chords White Christmas Part

- chords White Christmas

- chords White Lines Part

- mix Who Is It

- mix Who Is Like You

- chords Who Needs Actions When You Got Words

- chords Who Wrote Holden Caulfied

- chords Whole Lot Of Leaving

- chords Why

- chords Why

- chords Why

- chords Wicked Game

- chords Window In The Sky

- chords Window In The Sky

- chords Wine In The Afternoon

- chords Winter SongSong bewerten!
- chords Wonderwall PartSong bewerten!
- chords Word Of God Speak

- chords Word Of God Speak

- chords Working Class Man

- chords Write This Down

- chords Xxzxczx Part

- chords Yearbook

- chords Yeh Hai Meri Kahani

- chords Yellow Butterfly

- chords Yellow Butterfly

- chords You Are The Music In MeSong bewerten!
- chords You Are The One

- chords You Belong To MeSong bewerten!
- chords You Can Talk To Me

- chords You Can't Fool Old Friends Eith Limousines

- chords You Can't Have It All

- chords You Don't Even Call Me By My Name

- chords You Don't Even Know

- chords You Don't Know Me PartSong bewerten!
- chords You Feel The Same Way Too

- chords You Never Let Go

- mix You Or Somebody Like You

- chords You Said No - Crash And Burn

- chords You Said No - Crash And Burn

- chords Your Anything

- chords Your Anything

- chords Your Not Alone

- chords Your Pretty Smile

- chords Your So VainSong bewerten!
- chords Your SongSong bewerten!
- chords You're All That I Have

- mix You're Pitiful

- chords Zgvas Gavxar

- chords Take Me Home

- mix 74/75

- chords Rubber DuckeySong bewerten!
- mix Ukulele LadySong bewerten!
- mix You Belong To Me

- chords Sunburnt Hand

- chords Burgesinha

- chords Somewhere Over The Rainbow / Wonderful World

- chords Summer SongSong bewerten!
- chords Somewhere Over The Rainbow

- chords Kaleidoscope World

- tab WaltzSong bewerten!
- tab Sunshine On Your Leprichauns HatSong bewerten!
- chords Walk SoftltSong bewerten!
- chords Your 16Song bewerten!
- chords Knocking On Heaven Door

- chords Somewhere Over The Rainbow, Wonderful World

- chords My EverythingSong bewerten!
- chords Your Biggest Fan

- chords In The Jungle

- chords The Chain Bass PartSong bewerten!
- chords King Of Carrot Flowers Part 1

- chords Crazy

- mix Dixie (melody) Part

- chords Albi The Racist Dragon

- mix Pachabels Canon In D (intro)

- chords Let It Snow

- mix Somewhere Over The Rainbow

- chords Halleluja

- chords Fanny Har H PartSong bewerten!
- tab Newborn

- mix Plug In Baby - Intro

- chords 1234

- mix Banana PancakeSong bewerten!
- mix The Girl &the RobotSong bewerten!
- mix Merry Chritmas

- chords Take The Star Out Ofthe WidowSong bewerten!
- chords Take The Star Out Ofthe WidowSong bewerten!
- chords 1234

- chords The World Is Awesome /boom-de-ah-da/

- mix Staten Island Slide

- chords New Bigcitydreams

- chords Don't Trust Me

- chords Yourbiggestfan

- chords Free Falling

- chords The Uneasy Rider

- chords Kiss The Girl

- chords Tim Mcgraw

- chords Awesome God

- mix The Lion Sleeps Tonight

- chords The Lion Sleeps TonightSong bewerten!
- chords Don't Trust Me Part

- chords TroubleSong bewerten!
- chords You Belong With Me

- chords Love Story

- chords Upside Down (key Of D)

- chords Before The StormSong bewerten!
- chords Heal Me Im Heartsick

- chords Math Is A Wonderful Thing

- chords Room On The Third FloorSong bewerten!
- chords Minnesota GirlSong bewerten!
- chords Dont Trust Me

- chords Anniversary Waltz Part 1Song bewerten!
- chords Im No Superman

- chords Guy Love

- chords Never Leave You

- chords Every Time We Touch

- chords Break Down Part

- chords Love Story

- mix 1234

- chords Talkin' About A Revolution

- tab B0un3Song bewerten!
- chords My Lovely Horse

- chords Dont Wanna Miss A Thing

- chords Happy

- chords Losing ItSong bewerten!
- chords Losing It

- chords Everything I OwnSong bewerten!
- chords We Just Touched Awkwardly

- chords Trouble

- chords Did It Hurt

- mix An Extra Song For You (bonus Track)

- chords To Make You Feel My Love

- chords Now Your Gone

- tab Smile & Ldn

- chords The Day I DiedSong bewerten!
- mix Dy'er Mak'er

- chords The Wreck Of Ol' 97Song bewerten!
- chords Five Feet High And Risin'Song bewerten!
- chords The Fun SongSong bewerten!
- chords Lord FranklinSong bewerten!
- chords Rock Around The ClockSong bewerten!
- chords Don't Marry Her

- chords CenterfoldSong bewerten!
- chords Snoopy V The Red Baron

- chords Always Forever

- chords Heart Of Worship

- chords I Can Only Imagine

- chords Land Of The FreeSong bewerten!
- chords Open The Eyes Of My Heart

- chords The Old Rugged Cross

- chords Old English Folk SongSong bewerten!
- chords Big Rock Candy Mountains

- chords Oh, How I Love JesusSong bewerten!
- chords Old Cowboys Like MeSong bewerten!
- chords One Day At A TimeSong bewerten!
- chords Battle Of New OrleansSong bewerten!
- chords Looking In Your Big Brown Eyes

- chords Still Havn't Found What I'm Looking ForSong bewerten!
- chords Somewhere Over The Rainbow/what A Wonderful World

- chords What A Friend We Have In Jesus

- chords This Is The DaySong bewerten!
- chords At The CrossSong bewerten!
- mix Christ ReturnethSong bewerten!
- chords Birthday SexSong bewerten!
- chords Breakdown (live Version)

- chords Our Mps Are Arseholes!Song bewerten!
- chords Oh Danny Boy

- chords The Unicorn Song

- chords Swingin' On A Star

- chords Five Foot Two

- chords Honey Baby (remix)Song bewerten!
- chords Hallelujah

- mix Somewhere Over The Rainbow/what A Wonderful World

- chords Build Me Up, Buttercup

- chords Show Me The Way To AmarilloSong bewerten!
- chords Lets Dance To Joy Division (key Of C)

- mix Cats In The Craddle

- chords First Dance

- chords On The Brightside

- chords Don't Trust Me

- chords Hangin' AroundSong bewerten!
- chords Two Pi

- chords To YouSong bewerten!
- chords Number 1Song bewerten!
- chords Stairwell

- chords First Dance

- mix Trapzeze SwingerSong bewerten!
- chords Anyone Else But You

- chords Fast Times In Tahoe

- tab Thunderstuck Part

- chords Nude - For Soprano Ukulele In C

- chords Living In The SunlightSong bewerten!
- mix The Love SongSong bewerten!
- chords Losing It Intro

- chords Stand Buy Me

- tab No Woman No Cry(correction) PartSong bewerten!
- chords Sunday With A Flu

- chords Je N'ai Pas La Gale PartSong bewerten!
- chords Little Grass Shack

- chords Blessed Be The Name Of The Lord

- mix Rainbow Veins

- chords Big Bad JohnSong bewerten!
- chords Michelle (ma Belle) PartSong bewerten!
- chords Sorted For E's And WhizzSong bewerten!
- tab Yankie Doodle

- chords Burning Up

- mix Twilight Zone Theme

- tab Indiana Jones(simplified)

- chords Au Grand JamaisSong bewerten!
- chords Don't You Want Me Baby

- chords Alone

- chords Jane Doe

- mix Herecomes The Sun

- tab Dancing In The Moonlight IntroSong bewerten!
- chords Trouble

- chords Mon Coeur, Mon Amour Part

- chords The Universe SongSong bewerten!
- chords Hapiness Is A Warm Gun

- chords Take A Walk On The Wild SideSong bewerten!
- chords Afternoon Delight

- chords Sto LatSong bewerten!
- chords Danyuan Ren ChangjiuSong bewerten!
- chords Tian Mimi

- chords Die Gedanken Sind Frei (thoughts Are Free) PartSong bewerten!
- mix Die Gedanken Sind FreiSong bewerten!
- chords Screw You

- chords Deck The HallsSong bewerten!
- chords White Christmas

- chords Rocking Around The Christmas TreeSong bewerten!
- chords Rudolf The Red Nosed ReindeerSong bewerten!
- chords The Twelve Days Of Christmas

- chords Winter WonderlandSong bewerten!
- chords Let It SnowSong bewerten!
- mix Stairwell

- mix Stairwell

- chords Mountain DewSong bewerten!
- chords Stairway To Heaven (chords)

- chords Love Bug

- chords Ukulele Blues PartSong bewerten!
- chords Celila

- tab Happy Birthday

- chords Picture To Burn

- chords You Should've Said No

- chords White Horse

- chords Mountain O'thingsSong bewerten!
- tab Happy Birthday

- chords 30 Days

- chords SomebodySong bewerten!
- chords Liar Liar

- chords I Just Laugh

- chords Hummingbird

- chords Any!Song bewerten!
- chords I'd Do AnythingSong bewerten!
- chords Jump Then Fall

- chords Fifteen

- chords Effervescing ElepahntSong bewerten!
- chords Edelweiss

- chords I've Got Nothing

- chords I Got A Feeling

- chords Come On EileenSong bewerten!
- chords Come On Eileen

- mix Wait For You

- chords Riverboat FantacySong bewerten!
- mix A Song About AcneSong bewerten!
- mix 1,2,3,4

- mix Santeria

- chords I Dont Wanna Let You GoSong bewerten!
- chords Maybe TomorrowSong bewerten!
- tab Purple Haze (simpler Version)

- tab Tetris Theme

- mix Our Worlds Collide

- chords My Soldier PartSong bewerten!
- chords Sunset

- chords Les Champs Elys

- chords Anywhere Part

- chords Day Man

- chords Fell In Love With A One Night Stand

- chords Dragostea Din Tei (the Numa Numa Song)

- chords Smelyalater

- chords The Lion Sleeps Tongiht

- mix Handlebars (12 Fret Version)

- chords Fuzzy Blue LightsSong bewerten!
- chords Santa BabySong bewerten!
- chords O Chirstmas TreeSong bewerten!
- chords Une Seule VieSong bewerten!
- chords Ensemble PartSong bewerten!
- chords Indifference

- chords La Poup Part

- chords J'ai Demand Part

- tab Sunday With A FluSong bewerten!
- tab Walking With A Ghost

- chords I'm Yours [simple Way With Guitar]Song bewerten!
- chords Kj Part

- tab One Thing (12 Fret Version)

- chords Rock And Roll Dreams Come True

- chords Ka Nohona Pili Kai Intro

- chords Cho Chang

- chords ConfusionSong bewerten!
- chords The Best Day

- tab Spirder's Webs

- chords Hurt So Good

- chords Little Pink HousesSong bewerten!
- chords The TitanicSong bewerten!
- chords I Have Seen The Rain

- chords Forgive MeSong bewerten!
- chords Something StupidSong bewerten!
- chords 4th Time AroundSong bewerten!
- chords Lilly Rosemary & The Jack Of HeartsSong bewerten!
- chords Duet With Myself

- chords Holly Jolly Christmas

- chords Beautiful Creation

- chords S PartSong bewerten!
- chords Grevling I Taket PartSong bewerten!
- chords PartSong bewerten!
- chords WaitinSong bewerten!
- chords Somewhere Over The Rainbow/what A Wonderful World

- chords 12 Days Of Christmas - Hawaiian Style

- chords In The Jungle Part

- mix In The Aeroplane Over The Sea (with Solo)

- chords En Del Av Mitt Hj Part

- mix The Meat CapSong bewerten!
- chords Every Day Is Like Sunday

- chords You Got The LoveSong bewerten!
- chords If Your Wondering If I Want You To ( I Want You To)

- mix Babydoll PartSong bewerten!
- chords Something FamiliarSong bewerten!
- chords Possibility

- chords Un Quart De Piasse PartSong bewerten!
- chords Moisi MoSong bewerten!
- chords Välkommen Till Våran ö

- chords Afternoon DelightSong bewerten!
- chords Making Love, Ukulele Style

- chords Merry X-mas Everybody

- chords I'm Dreaming Of A White Christmas

- chords O Come All Ye FaithfulSong bewerten!
- chords Rudolf The Red Nosed ReindeerSong bewerten!
- chords Have Yourself A Merry Little ChristmasSong bewerten!
- chords Hosanna(just Chors) RiffSong bewerten!
- chords Silent Night Intro

- chords HélèneSong bewerten!
- tab Song Of Time / Temple Of Time - The Legend Of Zelda: Ocarina Of Time

- mix Forgetful Lucy Intro

- chords The Prayer

- chords Boy On Their BirthdaysSong bewerten!
- chords Thinking Drinking Sinking FeelingSong bewerten!
- chords The Chain Bass Part Riff

- chords Jane Doe Riff

- chords Cheers Theme Tune PartSong bewerten!
- chords Silent Night(ful Song)

- mix 1,2,3,4

- chords Somewhere Over The Rainbow, I Can't Help Falling In Love With You

- chords Happy Birthday

- chords Nothing Compares 2 U

- chords Out Of My LeaugeSong bewerten!
- chords Road To Hell

- chords Burns Like Summer SunSong bewerten!
- chords How ComeSong bewerten!
- mix Guava Jelly

- chords So CloseSong bewerten!
- chords Surrender

- mix Sugar, We're Going Down

- chords New Born [agathe Style]

- chords Be AsSong bewerten!
- tab EternalSong bewerten!
- chords Crush Crush Crush

- chords Men In Black

- chords Down For My Niggas Riff

- chords When Love And Hate Colide (easy Way)Song bewerten!
- chords When Love And Hate ColideSong bewerten!
- chords 6 Months (chorus) RiffSong bewerten!
- chords Shes Got Style Part

- tab Zelda's Lullaby - Ocarina Of Time PartSong bewerten!
- tab Duelling BanjosSong bewerten!
- tab Rick And GrooveSong bewerten!
- mix Fifteen Intro

- tab Ocarina Of Time - Zelda Lulaby

- tab Lux Aterena (requiem For A Dream)

- mix Zelda's Lullaby - The Legend Of Zelda: Ocarina Of Time

- chords This Is You Life

- chords What Is Love

- chords Lump Of CoalSong bewerten!
- chords Here Come Santa Claus

- mix Swing Life Away (intro)

- tab Dueling Ukuleles

- chords Over The Years

- chords Super HoneymoonSong bewerten!
- chords Easy (like Sunday Morning)

- chords As Long As The Grass Will GrowSong bewerten!
- tab Crazy G Simple VersionSong bewerten!
- chords Beyond The ReefSong bewerten!
- chords Against The WindSong bewerten!
- chords I Don't Wanna DanceSong bewerten!
- chords Little LifeSong bewerten!
- chords What Is LoveSong bewerten!
- chords Against The WindSong bewerten!
- chords Turn The Page

- chords Rambling Gambling ManSong bewerten!
- chords Hey Girl!Song bewerten!
- chords Step On MeSong bewerten!
- chords Boston

- chords I'm No SupermanSong bewerten!
- chords My Hope

- chords Lady Melody

- chords Silent Night Part

- chords Sweet Victory Part

- tab Taylor (intro)Song bewerten!
- mix The Kiss That I Never Had

- mix Perfect TogetherSong bewerten!
- tab Happy BirthdaySong bewerten!
- chords Hey There Delilah (words)Song bewerten!
- mix Somewhere Over Rainbow

- chords StarstrukkSong bewerten!
- mix Give Me That Love Part

- chords Nothing Can Change This LoveSong bewerten!
- chords Into Your Arms

- chords Northern SkiesSong bewerten!
- tab Never Stop

- mix Party In The Usa (improved)Song bewerten!
- chords Auld Lang Syne

- chords Little Seal GirlSong bewerten!
- tab The Good The Bad And The UglySong bewerten!
- tab Tubular Bells

- chords Lets Duet

- chords L'ombre Et La LumièreSong bewerten!
- mix Jane Doe Solo

- mix Sweet Like SugarSong bewerten!
- chords Whats My Age Again (chords) PartSong bewerten!
- mix Undercover LoverSong bewerten!
- mix Stand By Me

- chords WhySong bewerten!
- chords Mr Blue Sky

- mix A Lack Of ColourSong bewerten!
- mix Smoke On Water Riff

- mix Mm Bop

- chords On S'attacheSong bewerten!
- chords Parce Qu'on Ne Sait Jamais

- chords Mon P'tit GarsSong bewerten!
- chords Little PeopleSong bewerten!
- chords Did It Hurt

- chords Roses

- chords I Wanna Grow Old With You

- tab Ending Theme

- chords Its Not Over

- chords Inside My HeadSong bewerten!
- chords Simple Enough

- chords La Derniere Minute

- chords What Is Love?

- chords Be Okay

- chords John Browns BodySong bewerten!
- chords You?ll Be In My Heart

- chords Can't Stop Lovin YouSong bewerten!
- chords Brimful Of Asha RiffSong bewerten!
- chords Fly Me AwaySong bewerten!
- chords I Can't Help Falling In Love With You PartSong bewerten!
- chords Where Do I Go

- chords Your Time Hasn't Come YetSong bewerten!
- chords Only Fools Rush In

- chords Waltzing Matilda

- chords Whiskey Your The DevilSong bewerten!
- chords Anyway You Want MeSong bewerten!
- chords The Break Up Song

- chords BeatingSong bewerten!
- chords Resurrection FernSong bewerten!
- chords 2 Bodies, 1 HeartSong bewerten!
- chords Making Love

- chords Open HappinessSong bewerten!
- chords Bret You Got It Going On

- chords Lonley

- chords Outta HereSong bewerten!
- chords Dream On (chords)

- chords I Don't Wanna Miss A Thing

- chords All Of My Love Part

- chords Wine Ted

- chords Hazy

- chords Stu's Song

- chords Can't Help Falling In Love With You

- chords J'veux Du SoleilSong bewerten!
- chords Je M'suis Fait Tout P'tit

- mix Supplique Pour être Enterré Sur La Plage De SèteSong bewerten!
- chords PossibilitySong bewerten!
- mix Secrets ( For Low-g Tuned Uke's )

- mix The Price Of Freedom

- chords Hvalen ValborgSong bewerten!
- chords Min Store KærlighedSong bewerten!
- chords Stewarts Forderbræt PartSong bewerten!
- chords Ta' Og Fuck Af!Song bewerten!
- chords Øresundsvisan PartSong bewerten!
- chords Vestre FængselSong bewerten!
- chords Hammer Hammer FedtSong bewerten!
- chords Det Er Idag Et Solskinsvejr PartSong bewerten!
- chords Fra Sauterne

- chords Hvad Gør Vi Nu Lille Du PartSong bewerten!
- chords Tarzan MamamiaSong bewerten!
- chords Vi Er Dem, De Andre Ikke Må Lege MedSong bewerten!
- chords NittenSong bewerten!
- chords De Første Kærester På MånenSong bewerten!
- chords Der Står Et Billede Af Dig På Mit BordSong bewerten!
- chords Johnny Han Var Lige Ved At Blive SindsygSong bewerten!
- chords Kender Du DetSong bewerten!
- chords SexchikaneSong bewerten!
- chords Står På En AlpetopSong bewerten!
- chords Så Længe Jeg LeverSong bewerten!
- chords Ved Du Hvad Hun SagdeSong bewerten!
- chords Deine Schuld

- tab Island Woman

- chords Femme Libérée

- chords German National Anthem - Die Deutsche Nationalhymne

- mix Better Together (intro And Chords Simplified)

- mix Your Beautiful

- mix Im WaitingSong bewerten!
- chords Morgan De Toi

- chords Lovers MoonSong bewerten!
- chords Knock You Down

- chords Something About YouSong bewerten!
- chords Razor Blade

- chords Take Me HomeSong bewerten!
- chords Texas TeaSong bewerten!
- chords Garands At NormandieSong bewerten!
- chords The Times They Are A-changing

- chords Je Ne Veux Pas TravaillerSong bewerten!
- chords Turn Your Light Down Low

- chords Stop Talking About Comic Books Or I'll Kill YouSong bewerten!
- chords Slow Life

- chords Fold In Your HandsSong bewerten!
- chords No T'enyoroSong bewerten!
- tab Monkey Island ThemeSong bewerten!
- chords Watcha Say Part

- chords Down

- mix Freeze My SensesSong bewerten!
- chords Moblisi In Mobile (1st Way) PartSong bewerten!
- chords Mobilis In Mobile (2nd Way)Song bewerten!
- chords L'hiver

- chords Je Ne Veux Pas Rester Sage

- chords Nostalgique Du Cool

- chords Close To MeSong bewerten!
- tab Ukulele LadySong bewerten!
- chords Résidents De La RépubliqueSong bewerten!
- tab Toxicity Intro

- chords Requiem Pour Un ConSong bewerten!
- chords 95 Fois Sur 100Song bewerten!
- chords Only Began

- chords Sous Le Soleil De Bodega

- chords Holydays

- chords 59th Street Bridge Song- "feeling Groovy"

- chords Whole Lotts LosinSong bewerten!
- chords I Don`t Want You Back

- chords Vampire

- mix Jane Doe

- chords The Wolves (act 1 And 2)

- chords Banna Pancakes Intro

- chords 4 Am

- chords Ill Be Misisng You

- chords Somewhere Over The Rainbow

- chords Short And Sweer

- chords Will The Circle Be UnbrokenSong bewerten!
- chords Allstar

- chords Ta' På Landet (jeg Er På Rekreation)Song bewerten!
- chords Candy

- chords Moi Lolita Part

- chords Bad Reputation

- chords Penny's Song

- chords Soul Sister (beginner)

- chords Said SadlySong bewerten!
- chords On Saturday NightSong bewerten!
- tab Fireflies IntroSong bewerten!
- chords La Première FoisSong bewerten!
- chords Mon Aman De Saint Jean PartSong bewerten!
- chords Les Histoires D'a

- chords One Last Song Part

- chords Stop The Dams (aluminium)Song bewerten!
- chords Living On A PrayerSong bewerten!
- chords Marre Des Pauvres! Part

- chords Dejeuner En Paix

- chords Pigs On The Wing Part 1

- chords Alligator (acoustic)

- chords Soldadito MarineroSong bewerten!
- chords Elämä Ikkunan TakanaSong bewerten!
- chords Message To You Rudi

- chords CayenneSong bewerten!
- chords Bella CiaoSong bewerten!
- chords Cristal Ship

- chords Lovesick

- chords She's Got You High

- chords Life After You

- chords Bad To Me

- chords Guy Love

- chords Les Papillons_best Of De PocheSong bewerten!
- chords Adventure Time Theme

- chords Obsessions

- chords Raspberry Beret

- chords Something To Talk About

- chords High Hopes

- chords Hey Soul Sister In C

- tab All My LifeSong bewerten!
- tab Monkey Island Theme

- mix Trouble

- chords Fuck You Geldof Part

- chords Man

- mix A New England (kingblues)

- chords All Nazi Skinheads Are Gay

- chords Can't Stand It

- chords Can't Stand It

- tab Ghostbusters ThemeSong bewerten!
- tab Girl Let Me KnowSong bewerten!
- tab Adams Family Corrected

- chords Needle And Thread

- chords If It Means A Lot To You (real Tuned)

- chords Luk Droemende IndSong bewerten!
- chords Jul Paa VesterbroSong bewerten!
- chords Han Ska' Bare Lige Ha' Den Regnet UdSong bewerten!
- mix You Don't Know Me

- tab Can't Stop ( For Low-g Tuned Uke's )

- chords When The Wind Blows

- chords Waving Flag

- chords Flowers For A GhostSong bewerten!
- chords Love Story

- chords SuperheroSong bewerten!
- chords Ballad At Thirty-fiveSong bewerten!
- tab Ending ThemeSong bewerten!
- tab In My Place-intro Riff

- chords I Get Paper (ft. Kevin Cossom) Riff

- chords Asian Sound Part

- tab Oxygene IvSong bewerten!
- tab Top Gun Theme

- chords Prettiest Friend

- chords Happy GroundSong bewerten!
- chords Sous Les Juppes Des Filles Part

- chords Dare4distance

- chords Bowers Reply ( Mario Kart Love Song Parody)Song bewerten!
- chords Gold Lions

- chords When The Man Comes Around

- chords The Duck Song

- chords Make Love In This Club

- tab L' Hymne De Nos Campagnes

- tab Scarbrough Fair

- chords Kuro RiffSong bewerten!
- chords Warum Bin Ich So Fröhlich Part

- tab Start Of Mario Theme Tune (Super Mario Bros) Part

- chords The Valentine's Day Song PartSong bewerten!
- mix Muai Hawaiin Supperman

- mix Wake Up My DarlingSong bewerten!
- chords Umbrella (rihanna Cover)

- chords Movin' OnSong bewerten!
- chords One Tin Soldier

- chords Run RiverSong bewerten!
- chords Gute Nacht Freunde!Song bewerten!
- chords Tubthumping

- chords Im Wagen Vor Mir ...Song bewerten!
- chords I Try

- chords Francaise Des Jeux

- chords The Legend Of D Ray WhiteSong bewerten!
- chords Bless His Ever Loving HeartSong bewerten!
- chords (what's So Funny About) Peace, Love And Understanding?

- chords Hey Whatshadoin'?Song bewerten!
- chords The Pills I Took

- chords Petit Oiseau

- chords Jede Zelle Meines Körpers Ist Glücklich!Song bewerten!
- chords Tropical Hawaiian Day

- chords Invisible

- chords Untouchable

- chords Untouchable

- chords Fifteen

- chords Helplessly In Love (accidentally In Love Parody)

- chords Vue De L?extérieur

- chords All Of Me

- mix Lullaby Of A Dead ManSong bewerten!
- mix The OneSong bewerten!
- chords I'd Lie

- mix L'été Revient

- mix Falling Slowly(hard Version)

- mix VibaSong bewerten!
- chords Tree Hugger

- chords Hooked Up On Us PartSong bewerten!
- chords Moon Over ParmaSong bewerten!
- chords Where We Belong

- chords There Is A Light And It Never Goes Out

- chords One Time

- tab Into Your Arms

- chords C'est La VieSong bewerten!
- chords Bain De Sang (negativ) PartSong bewerten!
- chords Les Cers-volants Part

- chords Blues Du DentisteSong bewerten!
- mix Ever Fallen In Love (with Someone You Shoudn't've)Song bewerten!
- chords L'amourSong bewerten!
- chords Les Plus Beau Du QuartierSong bewerten!
- chords Le Toi Du MoiSong bewerten!
- chords Daanz La Merco Benz PartSong bewerten!
- chords Det Er En Ganske Særlig Feeling PartSong bewerten!
- chords Badfish/boss Dj

- chords Country Road (with Paula Fuga)

- chords Aún No Me Toca Part

- chords Alles Aus Liebe

- chords Look At UsSong bewerten!
- tab Spoon Slide Guitar (mahalla)

- chords Amigos Para Siempre (friends Forever)

- tab Zelda's Lullaby

- chords Way Over Yonder In The Minor KeySong bewerten!
- chords Windward Skies PartSong bewerten!
- chords Girl I've Been Hurt PartSong bewerten!
- chords SuperheroSong bewerten!
- chords I'll Kill Her

- tab Jane Doe

- chords Don't Think Twice It's Alright

- chords Knockin' On Heavans Door

- chords I Will Never Love You More

- tab Twinkle Twinkle Little Star

- tab God Save The QueenSong bewerten!
- chords Evil LoveSong bewerten!
- chords Peach MoonSong bewerten!
- chords VorreiSong bewerten!
- chords Tenia Tanto Que DarteSong bewerten!
- chords La Chica De Ayer Part

- chords Si Tu No Estas Aqui

- mix Liza JaneSong bewerten!
- chords Epitaph

- chords In The Court Of The Crimson KingSong bewerten!
- chords Myfriendjane

- chords Waldorf Worldwide

- chords You Belong To Me

- mix Stu's Song (from The Hangover)

- chords Gate Keeper

- chords I Can't Help Halling In Love With You

- chords Everbodys Changing

- mix End Theme

- chords If We Ever Needed You

- chords Sticks and Stones PartSong bewerten!
- chords Showstopper

- chords I Just Want You

- chords Till Kingdom Come

- chords Sé Lo Que Hicisteis El último Verano PartSong bewerten!
- chords Porque Te Quiero Como El MarSong bewerten!
- chords All Thats Known

- chords My Junk

- chords Song Of Purple Summer

- chords The Dark I Know WellSong bewerten!
- chords Terrified

- mix The Legend Of Zelda - Great Fairy Fountain

- chords SayonaraSong bewerten!
- chords Life Is Like A Boat

- tab 04 Ghosts 01Song bewerten!
- chords Walk Through The Fire

- mix IronmanSong bewerten!
- chords I'm Under Your Spell

- chords How Soon Is Now (charmed Theme)

- chords Your Hand In MineSong bewerten!
- chords Do You Want To Date My Avatar

- chords FrostbiteSong bewerten!
- chords Leave It Alone (correct Chords)

- chords When You Wish Uopn A Star

- mix Asleep Under Last Week's NewsSong bewerten!
- chords The Walk (simplified)Song bewerten!
- chords Way Back Into Love

- chords Lalalove You

- chords If Your Out There Part

- chords Life After YouSong bewerten!
- chords Autumn JaneSong bewerten!
- mix Santeria Correct Version

- chords Silent Sigh

- chords Future BoySong bewerten!
- chords Standing On A RockSong bewerten!
- chords Bananita DulcaSong bewerten!
- chords Can't Stand It

- chords Somewhere Over The Rainbow/ Trees Of Green.

- chords One Man RevolutionSong bewerten!
- chords Girl Shaped Love DrugSong bewerten!
- mix Stu's Song

- chords Real Love

- chords El Contragolpe PartSong bewerten!
- chords Marihuana Boogie

- chords Zapato ViejoSong bewerten!
- chords Libertad

- chords Bat Out Of Hell

- chords Sunny DaysSong bewerten!
- chords Bad Horse Chorus

- chords The Day That Music Died

- mix Kumbaya

- chords Whippin PicadillySong bewerten!
- chords Not If You Where The Last Dandy On Earth

- chords Viva La GoriaSong bewerten!
- chords Crazy Baldheads

- chords Cientos De Preguntas PartSong bewerten!
- chords Si Me MarchoSong bewerten!
- chords Bonita De Mas Part

- chords Resistiré

- chords Me VoySong bewerten!
- chords The Battle Of New OrleansSong bewerten!
- chords Die AllerschuerfsteSong bewerten!
- chords Teenagerliebe PartSong bewerten!
- chords Captains And Cruise Ships

- chords Stroms Never Last

- chords La Semaine Prochaine

- chords Neighbourhood #2 (laika)

- chords One FoundationSong bewerten!
- chords The Hukilau Song

- chords Indecisive

- chords Happy Medium

- chords At Last

- chords Symbol In My Drive WaySong bewerten!
- tab Epona's Song

- chords Symbol In My Driveway (better Then First) Part

- chords Alexander's LullabySong bewerten!
- chords Guateque CampesinoSong bewerten!
- tab Clock Town Theme

- chords Hey Me Hey Mamma

- chords Secondhand News PartSong bewerten!
- chords Cupid (improved)

- mix Upside Down (with Picking)

- tab Battle Screen (red/blue)

- chords SparkSong bewerten!
- chords My Self Esteem's Not Low Enough To Date You

- chords Brighter Lights

- chords Por Quererte

- chords Si Tu QuisierasSong bewerten!
- chords Quien? PartSong bewerten!
- chords Sola PartSong bewerten!
- chords Quien No Tiene Talento Enseña/ Chi Non Ha Talento Insegna PartSong bewerten!
- chords El PasoSong bewerten!
- chords Gimme Three Steps

- chords International War Crimnial

- chords Body Count PartSong bewerten!
- chords I Heard It Though The Grapevine

- tab My Bolder (picking Intro)Song bewerten!
- mix Song For A Jedi Part

- chords Baby Part

- chords Ueber Den WolkenSong bewerten!
- chords I Just Havent Met You Yet

- chords Kopfüber In Die HölleSong bewerten!
- chords Männer Sind Schweine

- chords Onprangering PartSong bewerten!
- chords Sommer, Palmen, Sonnenschein PartSong bewerten!
- chords Triste Canción De Amor PartSong bewerten!
- chords GoldSong bewerten!
- chords Losing It

- mix Headlights Look Like Diamonds

- chords Ghost In My HouseSong bewerten!
- chords Drunken Lulbies

- chords Your Biggest Fan

- chords LovelySong bewerten!
- chords Acciedentaly In Love

- mix Born One Down

- tab Feel ItSong bewerten!
- chords Then She/he Kissed MeSong bewerten!
- chords I'm Leaving On A Jet Plain

- chords I Just Want You

- chords The OptimistSong bewerten!
- mix Pokemon Original ThemeSong bewerten!
- tab Let It Be Solo

- tab The Flinstones Part

- tab C Scale And F Scale Part

- chords Love Without End

- chords The Day The Nazi Died

- chords I Love Rock And Roll

- chords I'm A Little AirplaineSong bewerten!
- chords Feel It In My Bones (acoustic)

- chords KookenhakenSong bewerten!
- chords By Tv LightSong bewerten!
- chords Breakfest In America

- chords I Think You Know

- chords Wise UpSong bewerten!
- chords Put Me Back Togeather

- chords I'll Be Here AwhileSong bewerten!
- chords When I Goose StepSong bewerten!
- chords A Duet With Myself

- chords Rock N Roll Highschool

- chords Spider Man

- mix King Of The Hill Theme

- chords Dear Jamie Sincerly Me

- chords Terry's SongSong bewerten!
- chords C'mon C'mon

- chords OnceSong bewerten!
- mix SoothsayerSong bewerten!
- chords Let The Water RiseSong bewerten!
- chords Adventure Time Theme

- chords Spit And Stars PartSong bewerten!
- tab Aloha 'oe

- tab Amazing Grace

- tab Chimchim Cheree

- tab Forgetful LucySong bewerten!
- tab Greensleves

- tab Happy BirthdaySong bewerten!
- tab Johnny Be Good

- tab Killing Me Softly

- mix Light A Way

- chords Little SisterSong bewerten!
- chords Tv Theme Song

- mix No Superstar Part

- chords Porphyrophobia

- tab Top Gun Theme

- chords Goregoregadget Intro

- chords Walk AwaySong bewerten!
- chords Airplanes (ft. Hayley Williams and Eminem)

- chords I Think You Know

- chords Johanna Give Me Hope PartSong bewerten!
- tab White ChristmaSong bewerten!
- chords The Fabric Of Our Lives Part

- chords I'm A Believer-beginners RiffSong bewerten!
- tab Axel F Bass Part

- tab Dat New New

- tab Ottoman

- chords When I Look In Your EyesSong bewerten!
- tab So Close

- chords Self Esteam

- mix Smells Like Teen Spirit ( Main Riff )

- chords Love The Way You Lie (ft. Rihanna)

- mix Smells Like Teen Spirit ( Guitar Only )

- tab Magic Ukulele Waltz

- chords I Wish That I Could See You Soon PartSong bewerten!
- chords Their Dance, Your Chance RiffSong bewerten!
- mix Surfin'bird RiffSong bewerten!
- chords Doug Loves Movies IntroSong bewerten!
- chords Listomania

- tab 911 AccousticSong bewerten!
- chords Wak Waka (this Time For Africa) (official 2010 World Cup Theme Song) Part

- chords En Lille Ã...ndsvag MelodiSong bewerten!
- tab Bink's Sake

- mix Amazing Horse

- chords Pink Panther Theme Song IntroSong bewerten!
- tab Rock Lobster-lead (family Guy Cover)Song bewerten!
- chords I Bet That You Look Good On The Dance Floor

- chords I Think You Know

- chords The Debt

- chords Make A Man Out Of You

- chords Woolworths Theme(fresh Food People) Part

- chords In To The Sunshine

- tab Gerudo Valley Intro

- tab Eponas Song

- chords You Are My Sunshine

- tab Bumbamara

- chords Adventure Time With Finn and Jake Theme

- chords Wishi I Didn't Know NowSong bewerten!
- chords Young PilgramsSong bewerten!
- chords New Perspective Part

- chords This Ukulele

- mix If It Means A Lot To You (real Tuned With Intro)

- chords Hawaiian Superman

- chords Wonderful, So Wonderful (beautiful One)Song bewerten!
- chords OceansSong bewerten!
- chords Love's Not A Competition But I'm WinningSong bewerten!
- tab Knocking On Heaven's Door

- chords Once Upon A December

- tab Ill Be Here Awhile PartSong bewerten!
- tab Love Story

- chords Night Bird Part

- mix Hold On PartSong bewerten!
- chords Your SmileSong bewerten!
- chords Waka Waka (it's Time For Africa)

- tab Harry Potter Song

- mix In The Jungle

- chords Dayman

- tab No Suprises

- mix Screw You

- chords Hushabye Mountain

- chords Where Do We Go From HereSong bewerten!
- chords Where Do We Go From Here

- chords Billionaire (featuring Bruno Mars) Riff

- mix Crazy Train Riff

- chords UmbrellaSong bewerten!
- chords Matthias Replaces Judas.Song bewerten!
- chords Thieves Amoung Us

- mix Fast Car Intro

- mix Fast Car Intro

- chords Somewhere Over The Rainbow

- chords Doctor Blind Part

- chords Today Was A Fairy Tale

- chords Générique Intro

- chords Petit Oiseau. IntroSong bewerten!
- mix Toothpaste Kisses Solo Intro

- chords Ridin' DirtySong bewerten!
- chords Californis Gurls PartSong bewerten!
- chords Don't Stop Believn' Part

- chords Painting Flowers ( Alice In Wonderland Soundtrack ) Part

- chords 1,2,3,4 Part

- mix I Wanna Fuck A Dog In The Ass Solo

- chords No Way

- chords I Love You 5Song bewerten!
- tab Constellations (dgbe)

- tab From The Clouds (dgbe)

- tab Horizon Has Been Defeated (dgbe)Song bewerten!
- mix I'm Yours (dgbe)Song bewerten!
- tab People Watching (dgbe)Song bewerten!
- tab Rodeo Clowns (dgbe)Song bewerten!
- tab Sexi Plexi (dgbe)

- mix Upside Down (dgbe)

- tab We Can Still Be Friends (dgbe)Song bewerten!
- tab Wonderful World (dgbe)

- chords Our Song

- mix Stairwell

- mix The Man Who Cant Be Moved (aldrines)Song bewerten!
- chords Title Song

- chords Jungle Drums

- chords One LoveSong bewerten!
- chords Cheap Rewards

- chords J'ai Deux Amours (madeleine Peyroux's Cover)

- tab Dat New New

- chords Petit RastaSong bewerten!
- chords Beautiful Ride

- chords Coffee And Cigarettes

- mix Brick House

- mix Perfect Two

- tab Legend Of Zelda Medley Part

- chords Cheatercheaterbestfriendeater

- tab Russian / Soviet National Anthem

- chords Cheatercheaterbestfriendeater

- mix 3's and 7's IntroSong bewerten!
- mix 3's and 7's Intro

- tab Perfect Two

- tab No One Knows Intro and Riff

- mix SleepersSong bewerten!
- tab Katyusha

- chords Laugh And A 1/2 RiffSong bewerten!
- tab Frere Jacques (brother John)

- chords Cheatercheaterbestfriendeater

- tab Inspector Gadget Theme

- mix Shave And A Haircut 2 Bits

- chords Everything In My LifeSong bewerten!
- chords By Chance (you & I)

- tab Le Tourbillon De La Vie

- tab The Man Wo Can't Be Moved

- chords Birthday Girl

- mix You Always You Part

- chords Tout Le Monde

- tab Zelda's Lullaby

- tab Twinkle Twinkle Little Star

- mix If You Go Leave Your Key In The Mailbox

- chords Everytime You Lie

- chords Under The Bridge (original Version)

- chords Down In The Ruined WorldSong bewerten!
- chords Chasing Time

- chords I'd Rather Dance With YouSong bewerten!
- tab The Kids Dont Stand A Chance

- mix I'm Forever Blowing BubblesSong bewerten!
- chords West Coast Intro Intro

- chords This Sh*t Getz Old

- chords Uraltalk

- chords The F.u.n Song

- chords Look For MeSong bewerten!
- chords Iloveyoumorethanyouwilleverknow

- chords That Should Be Me

- mix Bink's Sake Part

- chords Stare At The Sun(1st Vs/ Chorus) PartSong bewerten!
- chords Pheonix Ignition Intro

- chords The Comprimise

- chords What You're Told

- chords Unity Ft MatisyahuSong bewerten!
- chords Unity Ft Trevor HallSong bewerten!
- chords Here With Me

- tab Killing In The Name Of Part

- chords Right Round$ha Part

- chords Starstrukk Ft. Katy Perry

- chords Spoken ForSong bewerten!
- chords SanctifiedSong bewerten!
- chords Theif

- chords Heartless(cover)

- chords Sellout

- chords Sympathique (je Ne Veux Pas Travailler)

- chords Days Go Bye

- chords On My OwnSong bewerten!
- chords Through The Trees

- tab Jane Doe Solo PartSong bewerten!
- tab Spanish Sahara Solo Part

- tab Gee

- mix Sunshine

- tab Duelling Banjos

- chords Bed Intruder Songs

- mix Neutron Star Collision (love Is Forever)

- chords About A Girl (acoustic)

- chords Shes Got Style

- chords Sand Tall Part

- chords Introducing Me

- chords Hey, Soul Sister(beginner)

- chords Love In This Club(beginner) Part

- chords A Little More Time Part

- chords Comets Part

- chords Because I'm Stupid

- chords From The Beginning To NowSong bewerten!
- chords I'm Yours (simplified) PartSong bewerten!
- tab Circus ThemeSong bewerten!
- tab Over The Hills And Far AwaySong bewerten!
- chords Somewhere Over The Rainbow

- chords You Belong With Me

- chords Distant Romance

- mix Just My ImaginationSong bewerten!
- tab Song Of Time

- chords Sacrilegious

- chords Sacrilegious

- chords Molly's Hangover Part

- tab Candy Land

- tab Cow And Chicken Part

- tab Nausicaa Requiem Intro

- tab Legend Of Zelda: Saria's SongSong bewerten!
- tab Legend Of Zelda: Zelda's Lullaby

- chords First Dance (official) Part

- tab Nokia Theme

- tab Heartbeats (the Knife Cover)

- tab Le Ciel Dans Une ChambreSong bewerten!
- chords Baby Intro

- tab Love Of My Life (short Intro) IntroSong bewerten!
- chords Introducing Me

- chords One Is The Loniest Number

- tab Walkin' On Sunshine (easy) PartSong bewerten!
- chords La Di DahSong bewerten!
- mix BillionaireSong bewerten!
- chords In Which Draco And Harry Secretly Want To Make Out

- chords Rainbow Connection

- tab Mortal Kombat Theme (techno Syndrome)

- chords Mine

- chords Kissing You

- chords Knocking On Heavens DoorSong bewerten!
- chords An Irish Lullaby

- chords Viva La Vida (easy) Riff

- chords Revofev (revolution Of Evolution) Riff

- chords Speak Now

- chords Better Than Revenge

- tab Imagine Intro

- chords Better Than Revenge

- chords Bed Intruder

- chords Don't Go Breakin' My Heart

- chords OutsidersSong bewerten!
- mix Curse Of The CurentsSong bewerten!
- chords Unthinkable

- chords On Raglan Road

- mix Comic Jumper Stats SongSong bewerten!
- chords Splosion Man Donuts Song Part

- chords Love Song

- chords Today My Life Begins

- chords Charles In Charge Theme Part

- chords Soldier (live)

- chords You And I (live)

- tab Animal Crossing: Wild World [overworld Theme] RiffSong bewerten!
- chords I Still Think

- tab Canon In D

- chords Time Well Spent Part

- chords F.u.n

- chords The Dog Days Are Over Part

- mix Dear Prudence (outro) Part

- mix Did It Hurt? Part

- chords Happy

- chords First Dance (lovin On You) Part

- chords Lullaby Part

- chords Dj Got Us Falling In Love Again Part

- chords Cheap Date Part

- chords Lullaby

- tab Bluekulele (blues On The Ukulele)Song bewerten!
- tab Super Mario Bros main Theme (Super Mario Bros)

- mix Moving To New York(chorus)

- chords Being From Jersey Means Never Having To Say You Are Sorry

- chords Love You More PartSong bewerten!
- chords Ooh La La

- chords Tell Me, Cutie

- chords Love You More Part

- mix I Still Think Part

- tab Nokia Ringtone

- chords Saved (acoustic Version)Song bewerten!
- chords Fly Away

- chords California

- chords Ooh La La

- tab Ce Soir Tu Vas Prendre (intro)

- chords Yourbiggestfan

- chords Last Song I'm Wasting On You

- chords The Other Side Of The Pillow

- chords Two Beds And A Coffe MachineSong bewerten!
- chords Here Comes My Baby Intro

- chords I Hate This Part Right Here

- chords GetawaySong bewerten!
- tab Harry Potter Theme Song

- mix Linus And Lucy [peanuts Theme]

- tab Legend Of Zelda Main Theme

- chords Not Alone (ep Version)

- chords Jane Doe

- chords Check Yes Juliet(all On A String, Or The One On The Top In Tableture) Part

- chords Always Summertime

- chords F.u.n

- chords If This Was A Movie

- chords Hallelujah

- chords Stupid Questions PartSong bewerten!
- chords Patience PartSong bewerten!
- chords Another Sad Love Song PartSong bewerten!
- chords His Song PartSong bewerten!
- chords Lonely Sundays PartSong bewerten!
- chords Qui De Nous Deux

- tab Final Fantasy FanfareSong bewerten!
- chords Smells Ike Teen Spirit IntroSong bewerten!
- chords Mahal Kita Kasi Part

- tab Carol Of The Bells Part

- mix Jingle Bell Rock PartSong bewerten!
- tab Ganja Smuggling Part

- chords What's Wrong With YouSong bewerten!
- chords Replay

- chords My Hero

- chords King Of Spain (open F Tuning)

- chords Tu Es Ma CameSong bewerten!
- mix Come Together (tutorial)

- mix Proud Mary-simple

- tab The Island Part 1 (synth Part Chorus)

- chords Britty Boy Part

- chords Boulevard Of Broken Dreams (acoustic)

- chords Ten Guitars

- chords Ten Guitars-simple ? Part

- chords Smells Like Team Spirit SoloSong bewerten!
- chords Peach, Plum, Pear

- chords 30 Days

- chords Meet You There (key D)

- chords Please Don't Let Me Go

- chords Hold On To What You Beleive

- chords Gentlemen Don't Intro

- chords Granger Danger

- chords Courage The Cowardly Dog Ending

- chords Sure Thing

- mix I Would Die For YouSong bewerten!
- tab BeakdownSong bewerten!
- chords Au Clair De La Lune PartSong bewerten!
- chords Last Kiss

- chords God Damn You're Beautiful

- chords God Damn You're Beautiful

- chords That Green Gentlemen (things Have Changed)

- tab Life In Technicolor 2 Intro Riff

- chords E.t (futuristic Lovers)

- tab The Good The Bad And The Ugly

- mix The Scientist- Acoustic

- tab Somke Under The WaterSong bewerten!
- chords Mean

- chords Toxic Acoustic

- chords The Rainbow SongSong bewerten!
- chords Coyote Song PartSong bewerten!
- chords Spaceman Stu (mcdonalds Commercial)Song bewerten!
- chords Spaceman Stu

- chords Dont Worry, Be Happy Part

- mix Touble Part

- chords Adventure Time Theme Song

- chords Baby Only You (easy Version)

- chords Daddy (why Did You Eat My Fries?)

- chords UntitledSong bewerten!
- chords Swing Low, Sweet Chariot

- chords C Est La Vie PartSong bewerten!
- chords I Can Tell That We Are Going To Be Friends

- chords Somewhere Over The Rainbow

- chords Somewhere Over The Rainbow

- chords Any Kind Guy By:big Time Rush

- mix Take A Bite Of An AppleSong bewerten!
- chords You Are

- chords Satellites

- tab Family Guy Fixed

- chords Marching On TogetherSong bewerten!
- chords Not In Nottingham (robin Hood)

- tab More Than Meets The Eye PartSong bewerten!
- chords Don't Trust Me

- chords Lullaby

- chords Better Together (hawaiian Version)

- chords Not Afraid (beginner)

- chords American Pie

- chords Grey Or Blue Part

- chords BlainerificSong bewerten!
- tab Smoke On The Water Intro

- chords I Got No RootsSong bewerten!
- chords Perfect Stranger (ft. Katy B) Part

- mix Long Distance

- tab Bonne Humeur

- tab Fuzzy Blue LightsSong bewerten!
- chords Girl, Yo'll Be A Woman Soon

- tab Sunny MorningSong bewerten!
- tab Super Pouvoir D'achatSong bewerten!
- tab AmssétouSong bewerten!
- tab Machistador

- chords Hey Stephen

- tab Amssétou (rectified)Song bewerten!
- chords F**kin' PerfectSong bewerten!
- chords Henry Rollins Don't DanceSong bewerten!
- mix Self Vs Self (ft. In Flames)

- chords Please Don't Let Me Go Part

- chords Gilligan's Island Theme

- chords I'm Comin' Home (superjail!) Part

- tab Morning Song Intro

- chords Schnappi Das Kleine Krokodil

- chords Happy Song Ii

- chords Sure ThingSong bewerten!
- chords Use Sombody PartSong bewerten!
- chords Ending 4 Ranma 1/2

- chords Gitchi Gitchi Goo

- chords Invincible (acoustic)Song bewerten!
- mix 30days Part

- chords DreamboatSong bewerten!
- mix Flow Intro

- chords I Need Thee Every Hour (hymn 98) Part

- chords Daydreams (demo)Song bewerten!
- chords Imagine (easy Version)

- chords Marceline's Fry Song

- chords PostcardsSong bewerten!
- chords Somewhere Over The Rainbow

- chords Money All Over The World Part

- chords God 'll Never Let You DownSong bewerten!
- chords Satan Lend Me A Dollar PartSong bewerten!
- mix I'll Try Anything Once

- mix Moon And MeSong bewerten!
- tab Saria's Song Part

- mix Sailor Moon Opening Theme Part

- chords When The Shit Goes Down PartSong bewerten!
- chords Ladybug

- chords Always On My Mind (easy Version)

- tab Futurama Theme SongSong bewerten!
- chords Vermillion Pt.2Song bewerten!
- chords Unsterblich

- chords Buy You A Drink PartSong bewerten!
- chords Sweet Perfection

- tab Back To Cali

- chords Friday Im In Love Intro Intro

- tab Harry Potter Theme Song

- chords She's Got Style

- chords She's Got Style

- chords Coffee And Cigarettes

- chords What Goes Around Comes Back Around PartSong bewerten!
- mix Drop Baby, Drop Part

- chords Feel The Love Generation Riff

- tab Nutrioli RiffSong bewerten!
- chords Our Titanic PartSong bewerten!
- tab Strawberry Fields Intro Part

- chords WasterSong bewerten!
- tab Kandi (intro) PartSong bewerten!
- chords Tubular Bells( Simplified Riff) IntroSong bewerten!
- chords Love Type Thing

- mix Fearless

- chords Baby Got Back Acoustic

- chords I Am A Child Of God

- chords Enchanted

- tab Time Of Our Life

- chords I Already Miss You

- chords Le Festin

- tab Zelda Windwaker Opening Theme/medi's LullabySong bewerten!
- chords Tale As Old As Time Beauty And The BeastSong bewerten!
- chords Daddy's Little GirlSong bewerten!
- tab Theme Song!!!!!

- tab Dragon(beginning)

- mix Yesterday (cover)

- chords Trampoline

- chords Cheap Date

- chords Bruta Ciega Sordomuda

- tab Heart Skipped A Beat Intro

- chords Hit YouSong bewerten!
- tab Coke Theme

- chords Ten Guitars IntroSong bewerten!
- chords Olive YouSong bewerten!
- chords Olive You PartSong bewerten!
- tab Fairy FountainSong bewerten!
- chords Symphonies Ft. Dan Black

- chords Nippel Song

- chords Teletubbies Theme Part

- chords Clinton Wasn't On A Bill, He Was One

- chords Halleljuah

- chords Coffee And Cigarettes

- tab Theme Song

- chords Summer Dreamin'Song bewerten!
- chords Dig Up Her Bones (easier Version) PartSong bewerten!
- chords James Bond Theme Tune RiffSong bewerten!
- chords Perfect Two Part

- chords Break It UpSong bewerten!
- chords Hey Soul Sister (easy)

- chords Trouble

- chords Rugrat Theme RiffSong bewerten!
- chords ChangeSong bewerten!
- tab Pink Panther Theme Song

- chords Raise Your Class Riff

- chords Trampoline

- chords Our Song

- chords Eu Nasci A 10.000 Anos AtrásSong bewerten!
- mix Limit As X Approaches GirlfriendSong bewerten!
- chords Boa Sorte Good Luck

- chords In My Life (instrumental Versian)

- chords Big Bang 2

- chords Draw Me Close To You

- chords Draw Me Close To You

- chords Do Lado De CáSong bewerten!
- chords Toast And Marmalade For TeaSong bewerten!
- chords Love Is On It's Way

- chords Gotta Find You

- chords Send It On

- chords Wouldn't Change A Thing

- chords Play My Music

- chords Pizza Girl

- chords First Dance

- chords You Belong With Me

- chords Pack UpSong bewerten!
- chords If You're A Viper PartSong bewerten!
- chords Persuit Of Happiness RiffSong bewerten!
- mix In The Jungle Melody

- chords My Name PartSong bewerten!
- chords Night NurseSong bewerten!
- mix Hey There Delilah (picking Intro)Song bewerten!
- chords In The Mourning

- chords Hallelujah

- chords Another Hitachi DaySong bewerten!
- chords BeneditionSong bewerten!
- chords Hey Soul Sister(easy)Song bewerten!
- chords Wicked WtichSong bewerten!
- chords One Way Jesus

- chords Phineas And Ferb Opening Theme SongSong bewerten!
- chords Holiday (solos) Solo

- chords Someday My Prince Will Come

- chords Can't Stand It

- chords Perfect Two

- chords My Girl Riff

- chords E.t (futuristic Lover)

- tab Voodoo Chile (slight Return)

- chords Darkside Part

- tab Fearless Part

- chords Lullaby PartSong bewerten!
- tab Rhinestone Eyes (riff) Part

- chords Bad Day

- chords Terrified

- chords Let's Go To The Mall

- chords Written In The Stars Ft Eric Turner

- chords Written In The Stars Ft Eric Turner

- chords Hotaru No Hikari (shalala) PartSong bewerten!
- tab Musetta's Waltz

- chords The Beard Song

- tab Married LifeSong bewerten!
- chords Princess Next DoorSong bewerten!
- chords Lookin' For Love (in All The Wrong Places)Song bewerten!
- chords Reggablues Part

- chords Sunday Song PartSong bewerten!
- tab A Community Service Announcement PartSong bewerten!
- chords Seven Nation Army (simplified) Part

- chords Louise Et Thelma PartSong bewerten!
- chords Under Cover MartynSong bewerten!
- chords Still Around

- mix I Can Tell That We're Going To Be Friends Part

- chords This Land Is Your Land RiffSong bewerten!
- chords Mon MétroSong bewerten!
- chords Cherrybomb

- chords By Chance (you And I) PartSong bewerten!
- chords He Is A Pirate theme Song (Pirates Of The Caribbean) Riff

- chords Silent WarSong bewerten!
- chords White Horse

- chords Duet With Myself

- tab Complete Hedwig's Theme

- tab Mary's Song (oh My My My)

- chords Revelaton Song

- chords Take On Me

- chords Yo Soy Tu Amigo Fiel (toy Story)

- mix The Defibrillator PartSong bewerten!
- chords You're Not SorrySong bewerten!
- chords I Can't Help Falling In Love With You

- chords Like A TreeSong bewerten!
- chords CannonballSong bewerten!
- chords Ours Et Compagnie

- tab Twinkle Twinkle Little Stars

- chords This Is War

- mix Zelda Oot - Market ThemeSong bewerten!
- chords I'll Make A Man Out Of You

- chords Danny's Song

- tab It's Not OverSong bewerten!
- mix Honey BabySong bewerten!
- chords The War Is Not OverSong bewerten!
- chords I Promise

- chords Baby Come Back IntroSong bewerten!
- mix Old Mcdonald Had A Farm

- chords CheatercheaterbestfriendeaterSong bewerten!
- chords Cheap Date

- chords New TomorrowSong bewerten!
- mix By Chance (you N I)

- chords Sheldon Coopers Soft Kitty (big Bang Theory) Part

- chords Garbage TruckSong bewerten!
- chords Common DenominatorSong bewerten!
- chords Fifteen

- tab Kalinka (intro)

- tab Wilhelmus Van Nassouwe

- chords I Heart You Online

- tab Under The Bridge - ChorusSong bewerten!
- chords Da Da Dam (finland Eurovision 2011)Song bewerten!
- chords Missing You

- tab Spam Love Song

- tab Valentine

- chords The King Of Carrot Flowers Part 1

- chords Marry Your Daughter

- chords Juggernauts (acoustic)Song bewerten!
- chords I Will Never Love You More

- tab Spam Love SongSong bewerten!
- chords Screw You

- chords Guy Love

- chords Book Of Love

- tab Clock Town - Majora's Mask

- chords What's My Age Again? PartSong bewerten!
- tab Grief And Sorrow PartSong bewerten!
- chords Please StaySong bewerten!
- chords Do You Love Me? (old Gregg)Song bewerten!
- chords PounceSong bewerten!
- tab Emily

- chords You Belong With MeSong bewerten!
- chords My Heart (basic) PartSong bewerten!
- chords My Kind Of PefectSong bewerten!
- chords Distant Romance PartSong bewerten!
- chords The Break Up Song

- chords Into Your Arms

- chords You Always Hurt The One You Love

- chords BluetoothSong bewerten!
- chords Coca LightSong bewerten!
- chords Colorado Sunrise

- mix When We Say (juicebox)Song bewerten!
- chords RestorationSong bewerten!
- tab Spam Love Song

- tab Staten Island Slide

- chords Artificially EnhancedSong bewerten!
- chords Unicorns PartSong bewerten!
- chords Mean

- tab Runaway (soul Surfer)Song bewerten!
- chords Tropico De Cancer RiffSong bewerten!
- chords Buenos Tardes

- chords What Are Words

- chords I Want Her To Fall In A HoleSong bewerten!
- chords Waddleboobs Blocks Out The SunSong bewerten!
- chords TrampolinesSong bewerten!
- mix Zombies

- chords Theme From ZorroSong bewerten!
- chords The Beard Song

- chords Subterranean Homesick AlienSong bewerten!
- chords Isaga DraakonilSong bewerten!
- chords MuusikSong bewerten!
- chords SilmalaudSong bewerten!
- chords Teine Kadriorg

- chords Joonistatud MeesSong bewerten!
- chords The Duet

- chords HeikiSong bewerten!
- chords Black AmplifierSong bewerten!
- chords HallutinationsSong bewerten!
- mix Other Side Part

- tab Careless Whisper (saxaphone Part) PartSong bewerten!
- chords Retarted In Love

- chords Effects Of Sunshine PartSong bewerten!
- chords Umbrella PartSong bewerten!
- tab Mahna Mahna PartSong bewerten!
- chords The Sandman The Breakman And MeSong bewerten!
- chords Written In The Stars Solo SoloSong bewerten!
- chords Heartbeat

- chords I'm A Bitch, I'm A LoverSong bewerten!
- chords Here Comes Those EyesSong bewerten!
- chords The Road To Jericho Is Lined With Starving PeopleSong bewerten!
- chords Air Has Life PartSong bewerten!
- mix Diamond In The Rough PartSong bewerten!
- chords Vanlla PartSong bewerten!
- mix You Dont Miss Your Water Till The Well Runs Dry Part

- chords Phineas And Ferb Theme Song

- chords Kiss Me Forever PartSong bewerten!
- mix Nouveaux Horizons PartSong bewerten!
- chords Es Gibt Kein Bier Auf HawaiiSong bewerten!
- chords Somewhere Over The Tainbow (full)Song bewerten!
- chords It Doesn't MatterSong bewerten!
- chords The Cellulose Gum SongSong bewerten!
- chords I Need Your LovinSong bewerten!
- chords I'm No Superman

- chords Never Be What You WantSong bewerten!
- tab Tetris Theme

- chords The Blues RiffSong bewerten!
- chords Dancing In The Moonlight (correct Version)

- mix Warriors Of The World UnitedSong bewerten!
- chords She Makes Dirty Words Sound Pretty

- chords Do You Wanna Tangle?Song bewerten!
- chords Makeup Smeared Eyes

- chords Parker

- chords Hesitating BeautySong bewerten!
- chords Nice Guys Part

- chords She Makes Dirty Words Sound Pretty

- mix Seewhatweseas

- chords Sugar, We're Going Down Part

- chords Beautiful Creation

- chords Nothing On YouSong bewerten!
- chords Wedding Dress

- chords He's A Pirate PartSong bewerten!
- chords Better People (for Beginners)

- tab Hi'ilaweSong bewerten!
- chords Happy Days (theme Tune)Song bewerten!
- mix Gary Come HomeSong bewerten!
- mix 1234

- chords Ain't No Pleasin YouSong bewerten!
- tab FirefliesSong bewerten!
- chords I Don't Feel Like Dancing

- chords Island Song [end Theme]

- chords Yoo Khon Diew : Better Staying AloneSong bewerten!
- chords When I Look Into Your EyesSong bewerten!
- chords Simple ThingsSong bewerten!
- chords Lovin You PartSong bewerten!
- chords Let It Be (simplified Chorus) PartSong bewerten!
- chords Marvin's RoomSong bewerten!
- chords Untitled LullabySong bewerten!
- mix You Always Hurt The One You Love Part

- chords Song 2 YouSong bewerten!
- mix Liar

- chords Pardon MeSong bewerten!
- chords When You Walk In That RoomSong bewerten!
- chords You Belong With Me Part

- chords Sha La La La La (baby It's You)Song bewerten!
- chords Brand New Day

- chords Good As GoldSong bewerten!
- chords Dunas

- chords If Paradise Is Half As NiceSong bewerten!
- tab Up Theme Song

- chords Spencer On A Friday NightSong bewerten!
- chords Turd For Her LunchSong bewerten!
- chords Dumb Song It Sucks PartSong bewerten!
- chords He's A Pirate (Pirates Of The Caribbean) PartSong bewerten!
- chords First Song On Ukulele

- chords Sad ClownSong bewerten!
- chords Lullaby Part

- chords Mrs CaldwellSong bewerten!
- chords My Fat Baby

- chords Martin DartinSong bewerten!
- chords I've Lost My KeysSong bewerten!
- tab Not TomorowSong bewerten!
- chords Liz Con Las MallasSong bewerten!
- chords Who Ate All The Pies?Song bewerten!
- chords The 8vkm SongSong bewerten!
- chords Lighters Part

- chords Shooting The Moon

- chords Aliigator Sky

- chords Mrs Caldwell (extended Version)Song bewerten!
- chords The List Song PartSong bewerten!
- tab Moment For Life

- chords If The Stars Were MineSong bewerten!
- chords You Always Hurt The Ones You LoveSong bewerten!
- chords My SoliderSong bewerten!
- chords Stuck On You/wonderful Tonight MedleySong bewerten!
- chords Pimpass Paradise PartSong bewerten!
- chords If Time Is All I Have ( Easy Version )Song bewerten!
- chords Curvy Nose Man Can See YouSong bewerten!
- chords End Of An Era

- chords Laundry Day

- chords On The Rise

- chords Ramona Part

- chords Lighters PartSong bewerten!
- chords Coffee And Cigarettes

- chords Cheatercheatebestfriendeater

- tab Smell Like Teen SpiritSong bewerten!
- chords Aint't That Right RiffSong bewerten!
- mix Smoke On The Water

- chords Adventure Time Theme Song

- tab Happy BirthdarSong bewerten!
- chords Perfect Two

- chords Hey Soul Sister (intermediate)

- chords Hey Soul Sister (beginners)

- chords Lighters Featuring Bruno Mars RiffSong bewerten!
- chords Broken Ft. Amy Lee

- tab A Small Song/tuneSong bewerten!
- chords Picture To Burn

- chords Marvin's Room Part

- chords Black Day In Deptember

- chords I'm Yours (simplified With The Riff)Song bewerten!
- chords The Luckiest

- chords Miss AccaciaSong bewerten!
- tab He Is A Pirate (Pirates Of The Caribbean)

- mix Debaser PartSong bewerten!
- chords Pass Out PartSong bewerten!
- mix Counting Stars

- tab Harry Potter Theme Song

- chords Free Falling

- chords Eeinie MeenieSong bewerten!
- chords Let Me Hear Your VoiceSong bewerten!
- tab Bob Marley Lively Up YourselfSong bewerten!
- chords Look At Me NowSong bewerten!
- chords Katyusha

- tab Bad To The BoneSong bewerten!
- chords MedsSong bewerten!
- chords HaranaSong bewerten!
- chords I Know, You Know (psych Theme) Part

- tab Shake Me Down (opening)Song bewerten!
- chords The Funeral

- chords What Is Love

- chords Spam Song (freestyle) PartSong bewerten!
- chords Spam Love Song (freestyle)

- tab Keyboard Cat Song

- chords Next 2 You Ft. Justin Bieber

- chords Am 11:00Song bewerten!
- chords Happy

- chords My Terrible FriendSong bewerten!
- chords Trust Issues

- tab Mario Bro's Theme Song!Song bewerten!
- chords Lighters

- chords Under The Sea (in Spanish, Its The Same)

- chords This Is LoveSong bewerten!
- tab Zelda's LulabySong bewerten!
- tab When We Say (juciebox) IntroSong bewerten!
- chords I Ali'i No 'oeSong bewerten!
- tab Song Of StormsSong bewerten!
- tab Song Of Storms

- chords Dare4distance

- chords Do You Think It Would Be OkSong bewerten!
- chords I Don't Do BoysSong bewerten!
- chords Something That I Want (from Tangled)

- chords Cinderella RockafellaSong bewerten!
- chords You Should Of Killed Me When You Had The ChanceSong bewerten!
- chords Together (studio) Part

- chords Hypnotize PartSong bewerten!
- chords (i'm Not Your) Stepping Stone

- mix Knee Deep (feat Jimmy Buffet)Song bewerten!
- tab New Born (solo)

- chords Ghandi/buddhaSong bewerten!
- tab Numb (intro)Song bewerten!
- chords My Body Is A CageSong bewerten!
- chords Love

- chords Girl TeamSong bewerten!
- chords Knocking On Heavens Door

- tab What I've Done

- chords Black RiffSong bewerten!
- tab Lost Without YouSong bewerten!
- chords Oh Bla Di Oh Bla DahSong bewerten!
- chords Mr Mewse And His Techni-colored ShortsSong bewerten!
- chords If The Moon Fell Down TonightSong bewerten!
- chords The Happy Birthday Song

- chords Somewhere In Brooklyn

- chords EverytimeSong bewerten!
- tab Wish You Were Here (intro Solo) PartSong bewerten!
- tab Cater To YouSong bewerten!
- chords Chlorine BathSong bewerten!
- tab Wish You Were Here (intro Solo)

- chords Walking On A Dream PartSong bewerten!
- chords Adventure Time Theme Song Part

- mix Moment For Life

- tab Interstellar Overdrive SimpleSong bewerten!
- chords You Spin Me Right Round PartSong bewerten!
- tab Prelude Of Light Part

- tab Requiem Of Spirit Part

- chords Faraway (feat. Chris Richardson) Part

- chords As Long As We Have LoveSong bewerten!
- chords Show Me How It GoesSong bewerten!
- chords Times Like TheseSong bewerten!
- chords Could've Been Mine (chorus) PartSong bewerten!
- chords If The Moon Fell Down Tonight

- tab Hedwig's Theme

- chords Time Travel

- chords I See The Light Part

- chords Big Girls Don't CrySong bewerten!
- chords CigarettesSong bewerten!
- mix Home

- chords Rain Over Me Fret. Mark Anthony Intro

- chords I Got A Felling PartSong bewerten!
- chords Adventure Time ThemeSong bewerten!
- tab Super Mario Bros. Original Theme

- chords Simple Love Song

- tab Chrono Trigger - Gato's SongSong bewerten!
- chords A Daydream AwaySong bewerten!
- chords If I Only Had A Brain

- tab Chrono Trigger - Corridor Of Time

- tab Chrono Trigger - Fanfare 1

- chords Nothing Is WrittenSong bewerten!
- chords She Said YesSong bewerten!
- chords UntitledSong bewerten!
- chords Unfinished BusinessSong bewerten!
- tab Mexican Wine SoloSong bewerten!
- chords She (+1)

- chords Ancient Walls Of FlowersSong bewerten!
- chords Jonathan LowSong bewerten!
- chords Say It Ain't So

- chords Dr. Worm PartSong bewerten!
- chords Sunday Night Bike Ride PartSong bewerten!
- chords Phoenix Lament\ EpilogueSong bewerten!
- mix Sun Goes DownSong bewerten!
- chords Lighters PartSong bewerten!
- chords By Chance (you And I) Part

- tab Blue Roses Falling (intro)

- tab Tetris Theme Riff

- chords Deep Cries Out

- chords OneaSong bewerten!
- chords OneaSong bewerten!
- mix Pencil Full Of Lead PartSong bewerten!
- tab Heart BreakerSong bewerten!
- tab Happy BirthdaySong bewerten!
- tab Happy BirthdaySong bewerten!
- chords Bananas Part

- mix Jesus Ranch

- chords Save Me, San Fransisco

- chords Going Crazy Over Night PartSong bewerten!
- chords Oh Fionna

- chords Dick In A BoxSong bewerten!
- chords Mother Lover

- chords Forever And Always

- chords Smelyalata

- chords 99 Red Ballons

- chords Wish You Where Her

- mix Coz I Luv YouSong bewerten!
- chords I Might As Well Be On MarsSong bewerten!
- chords Rock'n'roll Suicide

- chords Mama Weer All Crazee NowSong bewerten!
- chords Chlorine Bath

- tab Zelda's Lullaby

- chords Simplistic Trance- Like Getaway

- chords The Kiss I Never HadSong bewerten!
- chords Cute Without The 'e' (simple Version) Riff

- chords Somewhere Over The Rainbow

- chords Jesus Don't Want Me For A Sunbeam

- chords Mirrors PartSong bewerten!
- tab Party In The U.s.a. (best Version)

- chords Another Halleluja

- tab Next Episode (best Version)

- tab Crazy Train (logical Version)Song bewerten!
- chords Georgy GirlSong bewerten!
- chords I Lay My Love On YouSong bewerten!
- chords Little ChildrenSong bewerten!
- chords I Remember WhenSong bewerten!
- chords MarianaSong bewerten!
- tab Soul Sacrafice (with Intro Solo)Song bewerten!
- tab Pirates Of The Carribbean Theme (1st Half)

- tab Here Comes The Sun (best Version)

- tab Real Muthaphukkin G'sSong bewerten!
- tab Wish You Were Here (with Intro Solo)

- chords Side To SideSong bewerten!
- chords Bigcitydreams

- chords Dear John

- tab I Can Only Imagine IntroSong bewerten!
- tab Blackbird (100% Accurate)

- tab Goonight Moon

- chords 3-way ( It's Not Gay )Song bewerten!
- chords Ji$@ In My PantsSong bewerten!
- chords You Make Me Fell TheSong bewerten!
- tab Song Of Storms

- chords Part Of Your World (first Verse) PartSong bewerten!
- chords Never Be What You Want (based On Acoustic Version) RiffSong bewerten!
- chords Oh, Fiona

- chords Zip-a-dee-doo-daSong bewerten!
- chords I'll Believe In AnythingSong bewerten!
- chords Sargent Pepper's Lonely Heart's Club Band

- chords PapillonSong bewerten!
- chords I Have Found A PlaceSong bewerten!
- mix Everlong Intro Riff

- chords Never Grow Up

- chords Never Grow Up

- chords The Bonsai Tree PartSong bewerten!
- chords Oh, Fionna

- chords West BerlinSong bewerten!
- chords Goodmorning SleepyheadSong bewerten!
- mix You Don't Know Me Ft. Regina Spektor

- chords EnvoiSong bewerten!
- tab Pirates Of The Caribbean Theme (2nd Half)

- tab Hawaiian Vamp (cool Hawaiian Riff)

- chords Your Universe

- chords On A Tropical Island

- chords The Way I Loved You

- chords Long Live

- chords I Missed You

- chords Spam Love Song PartSong bewerten!
- chords Jona VarkSong bewerten!
- chords On A Tropical Island

- chords Baba O'reily Part

- chords Spam Love Song

- chords If I Die Young Part

- tab Ukulele Weeps (entire Song) (improved)

- chords Oh Fionna

- chords Tropical Island Song

- chords Wild ThingSong bewerten!
- tab Winnie The Pooh Theme Arr. By David Lewis

- chords Daddy Why Did You Eat My Fries? (full)

- chords Lemme Smang It Girl (ft. Flynt Flossy)

- chords RaviolesSong bewerten!
- chords Bitter Sweet

- chords Hula Song (timon And Pumbaa)

- chords Yoummy Yummy YummySong bewerten!
- mix Chalwa

- chords I'm Just Your ProblemSong bewerten!
- chords The Lion Sleeps TonightSong bewerten!
- tab Zelda's Lullaby (simple Version)

- chords Friday Is ForeverSong bewerten!
- chords Love The Way You Lie Part 2 (ft. Rihanna)

- chords Balada Boa (tche Tche Rere)Song bewerten!
- chords Its Cool We Can Still Be Friends PartSong bewerten!
- chords The Christmas Song Song PartSong bewerten!
- tab She's Not There (intro) PartSong bewerten!
- chords Nobody Riff

- chords Potential Break-up Song

- tab Totoro

- chords Up Where We BelongSong bewerten!
- chords Invincible

- tab She's Got You High

- chords The Hith RoadSong bewerten!
- tab Happy Birthday

- tab Happy Birthday

- tab Charge (baseball)Song bewerten!
- chords Count On Me (easy) PartSong bewerten!
- chords Ironman Intro

- tab 1234

- chords The Break-up Song (let's Just Be Friends)Song bewerten!
- chords Won't Give InSong bewerten!
- mix Shire ThemeSong bewerten!
- tab Ocarina Of Time: Market Theme

- mix Spam Love SongSong bewerten!
- tab I'm Yours-intro PickingSong bewerten!
- chords She Got Her Own (miss Independent Remix) PartSong bewerten!
- chords 5 O Clock PartSong bewerten!
- chords Veggie Tales Theme Song

- chords Adventure Time Theme Song

- chords Ashes PartSong bewerten!
- mix Chase Cue 1Song bewerten!
- mix Pink Panther Theme SongSong bewerten!
- chords 1234/best I Ever Had

- tab Airplanes (end Tune)

- chords Part One (savannah)Song bewerten!
- tab Star Wars Theme Song

- chords Wondering Where The Lion Are PartSong bewerten!
- chords Lucky Ft. CalliatSong bewerten!
- chords Time Travel

- chords Was Wenn GottSong bewerten!
- tab Hedwig's Theme X

- tab First Of The Year (exquinox)

- mix Chase Cue 1

- chords Gypsy Mc / Muddhouse PartSong bewerten!
- chords You've Got Growing Up To DoSong bewerten!
- chords The Problem With SaintsSong bewerten!
- chords Seven Drunken NightsSong bewerten!
- chords Sharing Is CaringSong bewerten!
- chords Cheap Date Solo

- chords Apple Of My Eye PartSong bewerten!
- chords Thinking About You

- chords The 'a' Team

- chords Whoever She Is

- chords Sometimes I Get A Good Feeling Intro

- chords Colors Of The Wind - Pocahontas Version

- mix Soldier Boy

- chords Como SoySong bewerten!
- tab Cantina Band SongSong bewerten!
- chords Somebody Kill Me PleaseSong bewerten!
- chords Tears Dont Fall ( Intro Riff) IntroSong bewerten!
- chords Delicate CycleSong bewerten!
- tab I'm Just A Little Black Raincloud

- chords F.u.n Song

- chords Tonight You Belong To Me

- tab Ruffneck BassSong bewerten!
- chords Navesink BanksSong bewerten!
- mix Generator_first FloorSong bewerten!
- tab Mr.brownstoneSong bewerten!
- chords Where Is My Mind

- chords BreezySong bewerten!
- tab Give Love A Try

- tab Nyan ThemeSong bewerten!
- chords Baby PleaseSong bewerten!
- tab Lavender Town Theme Part

- chords Folha De BananeiraSong bewerten!
- tab Lavender Town Theme Part

- chords The BoatSong bewerten!
- tab Amazing Grace (harmonics) PartSong bewerten!
- tab Silent Night (harmonics) PartSong bewerten!
- chords 85Song bewerten!
- chords Pre-drink SoundtrackSong bewerten!
- tab Crazy Train Solo

- tab The Ballad Of Curtis Lowe IntroSong bewerten!
- chords Jingle Bells

- tab Bucovina ClubSong bewerten!
- tab Another Riff From Bucovina ClubSong bewerten!
- mix Modern Girls And Old Fashioned MenSong bewerten!
- tab Ambling Alp [intro Only]Song bewerten!
- tab Stylo (main Riffs)

- tab 19-2000 (riff)Song bewerten!
- tab Time Won't Let Me Go (intro + Main Riff)Song bewerten!
- chords The Heretic's Song

- chords FogSong bewerten!
- chords RespireSong bewerten!
- chords Going Out Of StyleSong bewerten!
- tab Three Hunters Theme Part

- chords I Miss You (beginner)Song bewerten!
- chords Gold DiggerSong bewerten!
- tab Devil In Disguise SoloSong bewerten!
- chords No FloodsSong bewerten!
- chords Silent Night (christmas Song)

- chords Jed's Other Poems/beautiful GroundSong bewerten!
- chords I Try

- chords Five O'clock In The Morning IntroSong bewerten!
- tab Cough Syrup IntroSong bewerten!
- chords Spongebob Squarepants - Beginning ThemeSong bewerten!
- mix Holocene (intro)Song bewerten!
- chords Price TagSong bewerten!
- chords Hakuna MatadaSong bewerten!
- chords Count Om Me PartSong bewerten!
- tab Have I Told You Lately That I Love You PartSong bewerten!
- chords Can't Take My Eyes Off You

- tab Let's Groove (riff)Song bewerten!
- tab Wake Me Up When September Ends Solo

- chords Schrei Nach Liebe Solo

- chords My Girl (where Did You Sleep Last Night) PartSong bewerten!
- chords Gold In The Eternal FireSong bewerten!
- tab Barton HollowSong bewerten!
- tab Ballad Of The Sky Goddess

- chords 4 Chord Song

- chords LightweightSong bewerten!
- chords Tell Me I'm A WreckSong bewerten!
- tab Aruarian DanceSong bewerten!
- chords Jingle BellsSong bewerten!
- tab Both Hands IntroSong bewerten!
- tab Doing The CockroachSong bewerten!
- chords Haunted PartSong bewerten!
- mix Parade Of ClonesSong bewerten!
- chords 4 Chord Song

- chords Girl In Stilettos RiffSong bewerten!
- chords The Ballad Of Peter PumpkinheadSong bewerten!
- chords To Make You Feel My Love

- chords Efy Medley PartSong bewerten!
- tab Buckingham Green Solo Pt. 1Song bewerten!
- mix Days Of Summer

- tab Scary Monsters And Nice SpritesSong bewerten!
- chords Lost Without You

- tab Rango Main Theme

- tab Star Wars Ep.2 Sad Theme PartSong bewerten!
- mix Someone New (ft. Heather Nova)Song bewerten!
- tab 12 Days Of ChrismasSong bewerten!
- chords So Special

- tab The Hill

- chords Crosses (for Beginners) PartSong bewerten!
- tab Davy Jones Theme (Pirates Of The Caribbean)

- tab A CureSong bewerten!
- chords Wtihout YouSong bewerten!
- chords Lovesick

- chords The Elements Song

- tab Gee

- tab Psycho Killer (intro)Song bewerten!
- chords I'm Just Your Problem Part

- mix I Will Possess Your Heart (baseline) Part

- chords Silent NightSong bewerten!
- chords 4 Chord SongSong bewerten!
- chords Viva La Vida

- chords Stormy End PartSong bewerten!
- chords In YouSong bewerten!
- chords New AgeSong bewerten!
- chords Take My HeartSong bewerten!
- tab Happy Birthday PartSong bewerten!
- chords The Adventures Of Raindance Maggie

- chords The Right OneSong bewerten!
- chords Wizard Love PartSong bewerten!
- chords On A Tropical IslandSong bewerten!
- tab Exploration

- chords Whisky

- tab Wipe Out (solo)Song bewerten!
- tab Jane Doe (solo)

- chords Somewhere Over The Rainbow

- tab Safe And Sound (intro)Song bewerten!
- chords Que Se Chama AmorSong bewerten!
- tab Happy Birthday

- chords Adventure Time Theme SongSong bewerten!
- tab Delfino Plaza

- chords Valerie [best Version]

- tab SanteriaSong bewerten!
- mix Rock LobsterSong bewerten!
- chords Rumor Has ItSong bewerten!
- chords Welcome Home (simplified)

- chords Welcome Home (difficult)

- chords Mistletoe (version 1)

- chords Beautiful Creation

- chords Your Biggest Fan

- chords Material Girl PartSong bewerten!
- tab Redemption Song (intro) PartSong bewerten!
- chords Tudo BemSong bewerten!
- mix Bom DiaSong bewerten!
- chords O Que é Que Eu Faço Pra Tirar Você Da Minha CabeçaSong bewerten!
- chords Faz TempoSong bewerten!
- tab Memories From A Deck Part 2Song bewerten!
- tab Tu CarcelSong bewerten!
- tab Chasy Coy - Never ChangeSong bewerten!
- mix What Went WrongSong bewerten!
- tab Soft Kitty

- chords Yesterdays (transposed)Song bewerten!
- tab My Beloved Monster (main Riffs)Song bewerten!
- tab 100 Years (intro)Song bewerten!
- tab Shop Theme

- tab Batman Theme SongSong bewerten!
- chords This Is The StuffSong bewerten!
- tab Old And Out Of TuneSong bewerten!
- chords Video Killed The Radio Star

- chords Alcoholic PartSong bewerten!
- tab Aufstehn IntroSong bewerten!
- tab How I Met Your Mother Theme IntroSong bewerten!
- chords Again

- chords Save Me San Francisco

- tab Mad World

- tab Fire Red/ Leaf Green Pokecenter

- tab Pallet Town

- tab Graveyard Dancing Intro

- tab Laminated E.t. Animal

- chords You Set Me On FireSong bewerten!
- tab Epona's SongSong bewerten!
- chords Oh, Fionna

- mix Eine Insel Mit Zwei BergenSong bewerten!
- chords Did I Let You Know (original Tuning)Song bewerten!
- tab A Tear For EddieSong bewerten!
- chords Moving Right Along IntroSong bewerten!
- tab Sleepy Puppies

- tab Zár Az égboltSong bewerten!
- chords Wenn Jetzt Sommer WärSong bewerten!
- mix Moon On The WaterSong bewerten!
- tab Sherlock (bbc) Theme Song Part

- tab Pink Panther Theme Song

- chords My Freeze Ray

- tab Red/blue Bicycle

- chords More Than Words IntroSong bewerten!
- chords White Horse Part

- chords New Perspective Part

- mix Fluorescent Adolescent Intro PartSong bewerten!
- tab Wedding Dress IntroSong bewerten!
- tab I Feel Like Dying PartSong bewerten!
- chords Cowboy Butt Sex

- chords Cancion Del Mariachi IntroSong bewerten!
- chords You Don't Deserve Me Part

- chords Susan Strong

- tab Use Somebody (intro) Part

- chords Team (bassline) RiffSong bewerten!
- chords Team (bassline) [12 Fret Version] RiffSong bewerten!
- chords I Do AdoreSong bewerten!
- chords The Lonliness Of A Tower Crane DriverSong bewerten!
- tab Somebody That I Used To Know. (feat Kimbra)Song bewerten!
- chords New Perspective Part

- tab Bonama PartSong bewerten!
- tab Love Light PartSong bewerten!
- tab Love Light (better) PartSong bewerten!
- chords No More TimeSong bewerten!
- chords My Freeze Ray PartSong bewerten!
- mix The Lion King: Be Prepared PartSong bewerten!
- mix Lion King: Be Prepared Part

- chords Hercules: The Gospel Truth Part

- chords A Moment When Tension Breaks PartSong bewerten!
- mix Hello Cold World PartSong bewerten!
- tab Bubbly IntroSong bewerten!
- tab Donkey Kong Country ThemeSong bewerten!
- chords She's Got You High RiffSong bewerten!
- tab Fake Wings

- mix Date Rape

- chords I'm Comin' HomeSong bewerten!
- chords It Is Well With My Soul

- chords Kiss From A Rose (intro) IntroSong bewerten!
- chords No SurprisesSong bewerten!
- chords SatelliteSong bewerten!
- chords This Is The Stuff (original Tuning)

- chords Cinta Muka Buku

- tab La MigraineSong bewerten!
- chords Stand In The Rain Part

- mix Hold My Hand PartSong bewerten!
- mix Hold My Hand PartSong bewerten!
- tab If It's The Beaches PartSong bewerten!
- chords Somewhere Only We Know (original Tuning)

- tab Good Riddance (transposed)Song bewerten!
- mix Wake Me Up When September Ends (trasposed)Song bewerten!
- chords Love Will Tear Us Apart (difficult)Song bewerten!
- tab I Miss You (intro) [note Alternate Tuning]Song bewerten!
- tab Money For Nothing (intro)Song bewerten!
- chords Falling StarsSong bewerten!
- chords When We're Human

- tab A Favor (guitar Solo)Song bewerten!
- chords I'm Yours (harder Version)Song bewerten!
- chords Cecilia Part

- chords Grounds For Divorce (version 2)Song bewerten!
- mix One Day Like This (version 2)Song bewerten!
- chords Mirrorball (version 2)Song bewerten!
- mix Divine (french 2008 Eurovision Entry)Song bewerten!
- chords Sex Bomb (acoustic Version)

- chords According To You

- mix Scarface (push It To The Limit)(acoustic Version)Song bewerten!
- mix Scarface (push It To The Limit)Song bewerten!
- tab ThersholdSong bewerten!