On Melancholy Hill Tabulatur von Gorrilaz

4 Im Lied verwendete Ukulelengriffe: D, A, Bm, G

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Tablature / Chords (Ganzer Song)

Font size: A- A A+

Album:  unbekannt
Key: D, BmAkkorde
(D D)             
Up on melancholy hill
(A A)
There's a plastic tree
(Bm Bm)
Are you here with me?
(G G) (A A)
Just looking out on the day
(G G) (A A)
of another dream

(D D)
Well, you can't get what you want
(A A)
But you can get me
(Bm Bm)
So let's set up and see, love
(G G) (A A)
'Cause you are my medicine
(G G) (A A)
When you're close to me
(G G) (A A)
When you're close to me

(D D)
So call in the submarines
(A A)
'round the world we'll go
(Bm Bm)
Does anybody know her?
(G G) (A A)
If we're looking out on the day
(G G) (A A)
of another dream
(D D)
If you can't get what you want
(A A)
Then you come with me

(D D)
Up on melancholy hill
(A A)
Sits a manatee
(G G) (A A)
Just looking out for the day
(G G) (A A)
When you're close to me
(G G) (A A)
When you're close to me
(G G) (A A)
When you're close to me

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