Thorbjørn Egner ukulele tabs

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Norway ()
1 songs (1 tabs and 0 chords)

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There are 1 Thorbjørn Egner Ukulele tabs and chords in database

Biography Thorbjørn Egner

Thorbjørn Egner (12 December 1912 – 24 December 1990) was a Norwegian playwright, songwriter and illustrator known for his books, plays and musicals for children.He grew up in the working class neighbourhood Kampen in Oslo and his breakthrough was on the nationally broadcast children's radio show "Barnetimen for de minste" in the beginning of the 1950s. He received the Cappelen award in 1979 and also won three Spellemann awards: in 1975 for "Ole Brumm og vennene hans"Read more on

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