Jordan Klassen ukulele tabs

Play songs by Jordan Klassen on your Uke

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2 songs (1 tabs and 1 chords)

Top Tabs & Chords by Jordan Klassen, don't miss these songs!

There are 2 Jordan Klassen Ukulele tabs and chords in database

Jordan Klassen Albums

Biography Jordan Klassen

This is music built out of pure imagination; with twinkles of xylophone keys and the snapping of fingers to pronounce a beat; with playful whistles that bridge a melody and bashfully plucked strings, Jordan Klassen knows how to craft exquisitely eccentric music. Violins are rolling awake while drowsy piano notes are sustained over the hollow echoes of wine glass sighs. Backup vocals are called out from afar, delicately finger-picked guitars cultivate melodies, feet lash out in earthy thumps. All topped off with the true allure of this artist: his ethereal voice.

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