Play songs by Cali on your Uke
Top Tabs & Chords by Cali, don't miss these songs!
There are 4 Cali Ukulele tabs and chords in database
- chords C'est Quand Le Bonheur
- chords C'est Quand Le Bonheur [ Rate ] Rate song!
- chords Elle M'a Dit
- chords Je M'en VaisRate song!
Cali Albums
Biography Cali
There are at least two artists who go by the moniker 'Cali'. Cali (Bruno Caliciuri) is a singer-songwriter and musician who was born June 28, 1968 in Perpignan, France. After many years of playing in bars, villages' theaters, and in front of no body (bordeaux), Cali wrote his first album "Amour parfait". His lyrics talk about love, but the bad side of love with break-ups, clashes, depression, divorces...
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