Rain Uke tab by Savannah Paine (Baritone Chords)

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Album:  unknown
Key: unknownChords
I'm sitting by this window, waiting for that first drop

I'm thinking about the way we used to talk

And how we used to play out in the rain

Those days are gone

I could've stayed

But we went our separate ways

Now I'm sitting waiting hoping for you to come

but I know that I blew my chance to have you back

I messed up

I don't how

To bring you back

There's so many things I could've said

But now that you're gone they're filling my head

Those days are gone

I could've stayed

But we went our separate ways

Now I'm sitting waiting hoping for you to come

but I know that I blew my chance to have you back

What happened to those kids back then, what happened to all of them

We must've lost them while growing up, if only we could sit in the rain and wash it all away.

Those days are gone

I could've stayed

But we went our separate ways

Now I'm sitting waiting hoping for you to come back

but I know that I blew my chance to have you back

I blew my chance to have you back

Uke tab by , 18 Jul 2016

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