Tab ukulele senza accordi.

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Commenti Tab (3)
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Oh, thank you so much for the review. I hope there will be more tabs from Korn. From Russia with love
23 Apr 2018

Nice one!
I was listening to my Nu Metal playlist on Spotify today and I heard this song and I was like, "Oh my god! I wonder if anyone has posted this intro on yet? or else I have to!" But you beat me to it!
Thanks! It's such an epic song and must be played by all Nu Metal/Ukulele fans of the world!
Thanks again. :D ;) :)
Nice one!
I was listening to my Nu Metal playlist on Spotify today and I heard this song and I was like, "Oh my god! I wonder if anyone has posted this intro on yet? or else I have to!" But you beat me to it!
Thanks! It's such an epic song and must be played by all Nu Metal/Ukulele fans of the world!
Thanks again. :D ;) :)
23 Mar 2018

Top Tabs e accordiby Korn, non perdere queste canzoni!
Info brano: Falling Away From Me
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