Sunrise Sunset Tab par Fiddler On The Roof (Accords Baryton)

9 Accords utilisés dans la chanson: Am, E7, A7, Dm, B, B7, Dm7, G7, C

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Tablature / Chords (Chanson entière)

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Année:  1971
Tonalité: inconnuAccords
Am Am          E7 E7            Am Am       E7 E7
Tevye Is this the little girl I carried?
Am Am E7 E7 Am Am A7 A7
Is this the little boy at play?
Dm Dm A7 A7 Dm Dm B B B7 B7 E7 E7
Golde I don't remember growing older -- When did they?

Am Am E7 E7 Am Am E7 E7
Tevye When did she get to be a beauty?
Am Am E7 E7 Am Am A7 A7
When did he grow to be so tall?
Dm Dm A7 A7 Dm Dm B7 B7 E7 E7
Golde Wasn't it yesterday when they were small?

Am Am Dm Dm Am Am E7 E7 Am Am Dm Dm Am Am E7 E7
Men Sun-rise, sun-set, sun-rise, sun-set,
Am Am Dm Dm Am Am Dm Dm Am Am A7 A7
Swiftly flow the days;
Dm7 Dm7 G7 G7 C C
Seedlings turn overnight to sun-flow'rs,
Dm Dm E7 E7 Am Am
Blossoming even as we gaze.

Am Am Dm Dm Am Am E7 E7 Am Am Dm Dm Am Am E7 E7
Women Sun-rise, sun-set, sun-rise, sun-set,
Am Am Dm Dm Am Am Dm Dm Am Am A7 A7
Swiftly fly the years;
Dm7 Dm7 G7 G7 C C
One season following anoth-er,
Dm Dm E7 E7 Am Am
Laden with hap-pi-ness...and tears.

Am Am E7 E7 Am Am E7 E7
Tevye What words of wisdom can I give them,
Am Am E7 E7 Am Am A7 A7
How can I help to ease their way?
Dm Dm A7 A7 Dm Dm B B B7 B7 E7 E7
Golde Now they must learn from one another, Day by day.
Am Am E7 E7 Am Am E7 E7
Perchik They look so natural together.
Am Am E7 E7 Am Am A7 A7
Hodel Just like two newlyweds should be.
Dm Dm A7 A7 Dm Dm B7 B7 E7 E7
Perchik and Hodel Is there a canopy in store for me?

Am Am Dm Dm Am Am E7 E7 Am Am Dm Dm Am Am E7 E7
All Sun-rise, sun-set, sun-rise, sun-set,
Am Am Dm Dm Am Am Dm Dm Am Am A7 A7
Swiftly flow the days;
Dm7 Dm7 G7 G7 C C
Seedlings turn overnight to sun-flow'rs,
Dm Dm E7 E7 Am Am
Blossoming even as we gaze.

Am Am Dm Dm Am Am E7 E7 Am Am Dm Dm Am Am E7 E7
Sun-rise, sun-set, sun-rise, sun-set,
Am Am Dm Dm Am Am Dm Dm Am Am A7 A7
Swiftly fly the years;
Dm7 Dm7 G7 G7 C C
One season following anoth-er,
Dm Dm E7 E7 Am Am
Laden with hap-pi-ness...and tears.

Tab par , 13 avril 2016

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