It All Makes Sense At The End Tabulatur von Molly Lewis (für Baryton)

12 Im Lied verwendete Ukulelengriffe: G, C, E, A, Baug, D#, A#, Cm, G#, Fm, F, B#m

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Tablature / Chords (Ganzer Song)

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Jahr:  2013
Key: unbekanntAkkorde
# I figured out all of these chords just by watching Molly Lewis' YouTube video 
#for this song, so some of the chords may be off. When I couldn't find the right
#chord, I used something else that sounded similar.

# Molly Lewis uses some chords formations that are different from the standard ones,
#so I'll put those below:

(Going G G string, C C string, E E string, A A string)
Cm = 5333 (barre chord)
G# = 5343 (barre chord)
Baug = 4332
Fm = 5543 (barre chord)
F = 5553 (barre chord)

Intro: D# D# A# A# Cm Cm G# G# D# D# Baug Baug G# G# Fm Fm G# G# (If you listen to the song, Molly switches back to G# G# momentarily.)

D# D# A# A#
When I met you, I thought you were really smart

Cm Cm G# G#
And even more so when we started going out

D# D# Baug Baug
It was your intellect that really won my heart

G# G# Fm Fm G# G#
There was just so much stuff you knew so much about

D# D# A# A#
I was hungry for knowledge, and I was single

Cm Cm G# G#
I didn't want to date and really hadn't planned to

D# D# Baug Baug (Pause)
But you were cool and you were smart and you were multilingual

G# G# Fm Fm G# G#
And I felt like I could really understand you

Cm Cm G# G#
But then, it went downhill

D# D# G# G#
and we'll never get back to our better days

Cm Cm G# G#
I'm done, I've had my thrill

D# D# A# A# G# G#
and I think we ought to go our separate ways

Fm Fm D# D# A# A# Cm Cm
But it isn't you, it's me

G# G# D# D# A# A# Cm Cm G# G#
I guess we just weren't meant to be

D# D# Baug Baug
I thought we were inseparable, I thought you were my friend

Cm Cm F F G# G# Fm Fm
But looking back now, it all makes sense at the end

D# D# A# A#
You're sometimes vague, and you're often inconsistent

Cm Cm G# G#
You've no opinions, you never take a stance

D# D# Baug Baug
You're so dispassionate, you always sound so distant

G# G# Fm Fm G# G#
And I tell you, you know zilch about romance

D# D# A# A#
And not once did you ever say you love me

Cm Cm G# G#
You sent no flowers, you NEVER called me "honey"

D# D# Baug Baug
And you always talked as if you were above me

G# G# Fm Fm G# G#
And it felt like you were always needing money

Cm Cm G# G#
Sometimes you generalize,

D# D# G# G#
And on better days your tone is condescending

Cm Cm G# G#
And when we talk books or films

D# D# G# G#
You ALWAYS find a way spoil the ending

Fm Fm D# D# A# A# Cm Cm
But it isn't you, it's me

G# G# D# D# A# A# Cm Cm G# G#
I need someone more scholarly

D# D# Baug Baug
I thought you had the answers, but your smarts are all pretend

Cm Cm F F G# G# Fm Fm
And my attraction only makes sense at the end

D# D# A# A# Cm Cm
You just believe everything you're ever told

D# D# G G B#m B#m Cm Cm
You never question, I'm pretty sure you don't fact check

D# D# F F (Play this like a normal F F)
When someone puts ideas into your head

G# G# Fm Fm
You never blink, you immediately buy it

D# D# Cm Cm G G F F Fm Fm
I won't say that you have no integrity... but I might imply it

D# D# A# A# Cm Cm G# G# D# D# Baug Baug G# G# Fm Fm G# G#

D# D# A# A#
It turns out you're not the guy I thought I knew

Cm Cm G# G#
and I think we need to stop and take a breather

D# D# Baug Baug
I never know if what you're saying's really true

G# G# Fm Fm G# G#
and frankly, sometimes, I don't think you know either

D# D# A# A#
You have no real facts, your knowledge is all hearsay

Cm Cm G# G#
And I'm tired of playing all your stupid games

D# D# Baug Baug
You don't keep pictures of me, and you don't know my birthday

G# G# Fm Fm G# G#
I don't think that you even know my name

Cm Cm G# G#
You keep tabs on other girls

D# D# G# G#
But I notice there's no article for me

Cm Cm G# G#
You're known by all the world

D# D# A# A# G# G#
So I guess I'm just a droplet in the sea

Fm Fm D# D# A# A# Cm Cm
But it isn't you, it's me

G# G# D# D# A# A# Cm Cm G# G#
I owe you no apology

D# D# Baug Baug
I know not to judge my company just based upon its looks

Cm Cm G# G# F F
I'm too grown-up for your articles, it's time that I read books

Tabulatur von , 01 Jan 2010

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