Down Along The Dixie Line Tab de uke por Gillian Welch (Acordes Barítonos)

5 Acordes usados na música: G, C, A7, Em, D

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Tablature / Chords (Música Inteira)

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Ano:  2011
Tom: D, G, Em, BmAcordes
Afinação original: -2.0 passo(s) (afinação original)
Tab/cifra de progressão de acordes organizados para o Ukulele.
D# D#

Way down in Dixie, oh do they miss me,

G# G# D# D#

Down along the Dixie Line

D# D#

Banjoes are strumming, horseflies are humming,

F7 F7 G# G#

Ripe melons on the vine

Cm Cm D# D# G# G# F7 F7

The gold and the gray, we'd sing look away

D# D# A# A# D# D#

Way down along the Dixie Line

D# D#

I spent my childhood walking the wildwood

G# G# D# D#

Down along the Dixie Line

D# D#

Freight trains a-squalling, highballs a-bawling,

F7 F7 G# G#

Four engines at a time

Cm Cm D# D# G# G# F7 F7

I was so happy with Momma and Pappy

D# D# A# A# D# D#

Down along the Dixie Line

D# D# G# G#

Can't you hear those drivers wail?

D# D# A# A#

Can't you see those bright rails shine?

D# D# G# G#

Gonna catch that fireball mail

D# D# A# A# D# D#

Leave that Northland far behind

D# D#

A A river of whiskey flows down in A A#ixie

G# G# D# D#

Down along the Dixie Line

D# D#

They pulled up the tracks now, I can't go back now

F7 F7 G# G#

Can't hardly keep from crying

Cm Cm D# D# G# G# F7 F7

Oh do they miss me way down in Dixie

D# D# A# A# D# D#

Down along the Dixie Line

D# D# G# G#

Can't you hear those drivers wail?

D# D# A# A#

Can't you see those bright rails shine?

D# D# G# G#

Gonna catch that fireball mail

D# D# A# A# D# D# G# G# F7 F7

Leave that Northland far behind

D# D# A# A# D# D#

Down along the Dixie Line

Tab de uke por , 10 Jun 2016

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