Lapis Lazuli Tab uke di Rebecca Sugar

7 Accordi usati nel brano: Am, E, F, Esus4, C, Dm, Fm

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Tablature / Chords (Brano intero)

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Album:  sconosciuto
Chiave: sconosciutoAccordi
Am Am
She was trapped in a mirror
And it couldn't be clearer
She wanted to leave this place
Esus4 Esus4 E E
And get herself back in space
Am Am C C
And dad you might think she's a criminal
Dm Dm F F
But our friendship comes through subliminal
Am Am E E Am Am F F
Lapis Lazuli, you fled into the bottom of the sea
Am Am E E Am Am Fm Fm
Lapis Lazuli, you were so mad, but then you came around to me

Tab uke di , 12 apr 2015

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MarthaUke avatar
flag for SE(ISO2) (Karlskoga)
The Chorus is wrong, it's supposed to be C E7 Am F
And instead of the Esus4 there should be a C, also all E should be E7 ;P
21 Oct 2016
masterisk avatar
flag for US(ISO2) (St. Louis)
The Am at the beginning of the 4th and 2nd to last lines sounds a little off but other than that great work.
07 Aug 2015

Top Tabs e accordiby Rebecca Sugar, non perdere queste canzoni!

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