You've Got A Friend In Me Tabulatur von Randy Newman (für Baryton)

16 Im Lied verwendete Ukulelengriffe: C, Gaug, C7add9, F, F#dim, C7, E7, Am, D7, G7, B7, E6, Fdim, Em, A7, Dm7

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Jahr:  1995
Key: unbekanntAkkorde
[C C]You've got a [Gaug Gaug]friend in [C C]me [C7add9 C7add9]
[F F]You've got a [F#dim F#dim]friend in [C C]me [C7 C7]
[F F]When the [C C]road looks [E7 E7]rough [Am Am]ahead
And you're [F F]miles and [C C]miles
From your [E7 E7]nice warm [Am Am]bed
[F F]Just re[C C]member what your [E7 E7]old pal [Am Am]said
Boy, [D7 D7]you've got a [G7 G7]friend in [C C]me

[C C]You've got a [Gaug Gaug]friend in [C C]me[C7add9 C7add9]
[F F]You've got a [F#dim F#dim]friend in [C C]me
[F F]You've got [C C]troubles, well [E7 E7]I've got 'em [Am Am]too
[F F]There isn't [C C]anything [E7 E7]I wouldn't [Am Am]do for you
[F F]We stick to[C C]gether and we [E7 E7]see it [Am Am]through
[D7 D7]you've got a [G7 G7]friend in [C C]me [C7 C7]

[F F]Some other folks might be
A A [B7 B7]little bit smarter than I am
[C C]Bigger and [F#dim F#dim]stronger [C C]too
[B7 B7]But none of [E6 E6]them will [Fdim Fdim]ever [B7 B7]love you the [Em Em]way I [A7 A7]do
It's [Dm7 Dm7]me and [G7 G7]you, boy

[C C]And as the [Gaug Gaug]years go [C C]by[C7add9 C7add9]
Our [F F]friendship will [F#dim F#dim]never [C C]die
[F F]You're gonna [F#dim F#dim]see
It's our [C C]des[E7 E7]ti[A7 A7]ny
[D7 D7]you've got a [G7 G7]friend in [C C]me [A7 A7]
[D7 D7]you've got a [G7 G7]friend in [C C]me

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Tabulatur von , 14 Dez 2009

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flag for US(ISO2) (Port Orchard)
awesome!love it just it could use editing by putting in the lyrics so it's easier! :)
31 Aug 2012

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