3 Im Lied verwendete Ukulelengriffe: B, Dbm, E

Ansehen dieser Akkorde für Bariton
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#I have seen alot of Versions of this song, but this is the best version I have #come across(I did not make thiese chords).B
Heres a little song I wrote You might have to sing it note for noteE
Dont worry be happy
#This just goes on in the whole song, and for the ohhhhh bit its the same chord #progression( The strumming is a reggae strum). Thats the way I play it but you #cange the chords when ever you want!
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I Love this Song !!! everytime i fell bad i have to hear this Song and all will be good
01 Dec 2012

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Über dieses Lied: Dont Worry, Be Happy
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