Shooting Stars Tabulatur von Bag Raiders (für Baryton)

9 Im Lied verwendete Ukulelengriffe: F, Dm, Am, C, Em, G, Am7, Fadd9, C6

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Tablature / Chords (Ganzer Song)

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Jahr:  2011
Key: C, AmAkkorde

F F Dm Dm F F Dm Dm
F F Dm Dm F F

F F F F Dm Dm Dm Dm
Am Am Am Am C C Em Em


F F Dm Dm
It's late and I'm awake
Am Am
Staring at the wall
Open up my window
Em Em F F
My head floats out the door

Dm Dm
No one else around
Am Am
And a shimmer takes my eye
I lift my head
Em Em F F
I'm blinded by the sky

Dm Dm
Feel my weight in front
Am Am
Following the sound
It moves away so fast
Em Em F F
I fall down to the ground

Dm Dm
I know there's more to come
Am Am
Jump back to my feet
And I only see ahead of me
Em Em F F
Chasing down the street (down the street)

F F Dm Dm Dm Dm
Am Am Am Am C C Em Em G G


Am7 Am7 Em Em
Gave my love to a shooting star
Fadd9 Fadd9
But she moves so fast
Fadd9 Fadd9 G G
That I can't keep up

I'm chasing

C6 C6 Em Em
I'm in love with a shooting star
Fadd9 Fadd9
But she moves so fast
Fadd9 Fadd9
When she falls then
I'll be waiting


Am7 Am7 Em Em
Gave my love to a shooting star
Fadd9 Fadd9
But she moves so fast
Fadd9 Fadd9 G G
That I can't keep up

I'm chasing

C6 C6 Em Em
I'm in love with a shooting star
Fadd9 Fadd9
But she moves so fast
Fadd9 Fadd9
When she falls then
I'll be waiting


Am7 Am7 Em Em
Gave my love to a shooting star
Fadd9 Fadd9
But she moves so fast
Fadd9 Fadd9 G G
That I can't keep up

I'm chasing

C6 C6 Em Em
I'm in love with a shooting star
Fadd9 Fadd9
But she moves so fast
Fadd9 Fadd9
When she falls then
I'll be waiting

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Tabulatur von , 06 Sep 2017

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