When You're Gone Tab de uke por Jesse Stewart (Acordes Barítonos)

5 Acordes usados na música: C, E7, Am, F, G

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Tablature / Chords (Música Inteira)

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Álbum:  desconhecido
Tom: AmAcordes
[Intro] C C E7 E7 Am Am F F Am Am G G C C

C C E7 E7
It took everything I had just to roll out of bed
Am Am F F
Had to get down to that corner get the f*ck out my head
Am Am G G C C
Gave her every coin I made, and she, she makes me wait

C C E7 E7 Am Am F F
But tell me who, yeah who, well who’s gonna rip me off
Am Am G G C C
Who’s gonna rip me off, when you’re gone?

C C E7 E7
I left them on the table I swore I must’ve had 'bout seven or eight
Am Am F F
Woke up nothing but a half butt staring me in my dumb f*ckin' face
Am Am G G C C
Oh sh*t buddy how, how could you do me like that?

C C E7 E7 Am Am F F
But tell me who, yeah who, whos gonna smoke my smokes
Am Am G G C C
Who’s gonna smoke my smokes, when you’re gone?

C C E7 E7
I was coming off the end of some awful sort of bender
Am Am F F
I thought I might throw the last couple into the vegetable crisper
Am Am G G C C
But I woke up to nothing but cans in my sink

C C E7 E7 Am Am F F
Well tell me who, oh yeah who, who’s gonna drink my morning booze
Who’s gonna drink my booze, when you’re gone?

C C E7 E7
Well I’m sitting in the park with my hobo dog
Am Am F F
Well she's off in the corner eating some other hobo’s log
Am Am G G C C
Well aw f*ck, who are you buddy? I gotta deal with this

C C E7 E7 Am Am F F
Tell me who, yeah who, whos gonna beat my dog
Am Am G G C C
Who’s gonna beat my dog, when I’m gone?

C C E7 E7
Still sitting in the same f*ckin park, way the f*ck past dark
Am Am F F
Gotta fist full of reasons, why the b*tch should've came back but
Am Am G G C C
You know she doesn’t cause, She makes me wait

C C E7 E7 Am Am F F
Well tell me who, yeah who, whos gonna beat my wife
Who’s gonna beat my wife, when I’m gone?

C C E7 E7
So I’m sitting here and I’m feelin kinda sh*tty
Am Am F F
I thought I might wander down to the inner east side of this godforsaken city
Am Am G G C C
I picked up, I dropped off. There weren't no ambulance for me

C C E7 E7 Am Am F F
But tell me who, yeah who, well whos gonna smash the dope
Am Am G G C C
Who’s gonna smash the dope, at my wake?

C C E7 E7
Took everything I had to roll outta bed
Am Am F F
Get down to that corner man get the fuck outta my head
Am Am G G C C
I gave her every coin I ever made and she, she makes me wait

Lyrics and Chords according to the original YouTube version: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=F7oocmqiI2g

Tab de uke por , 05 Jan 2020

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RIP JESSE. Thanks for all your amazing tunes.
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