Beyond The Sea Tab de uke por Bobby Darin (Acordes Barítonos)

18 Acordes usados na música: F, Dm, Gm, C7, A7, Dm7, F7, Bb, D7, Gm7, Db7, A, F#m, Bm7, E7, G7, C, Am

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Tablature / Chords (Música Inteira)

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Ano:  2004
Tom: desconhecidoAcordes

F F Dm Dm Gm Gm C7 C7 F F Dm Dm
Somewhere beyond the sea

Gm Gm C7 C7 F F A7 A7 Dm7 Dm7
Somewhere waiting for me

C7 C7 F F F7 F7 Bb Bb D7 D7 Gm7 Gm7
My lover stands on golden sands

A7 A7 Dm Dm Db7 Db7 C7 C7
And watches the ships that go Sail -ing

F F Dm Dm Gm Gm C7 C7 F F Dm Dm
Somewhere beyond the sea

Gm Gm C7 C7 F F A7 A7 Dm7 Dm7
She's there watching for me

C7 C7 F F F7 F7 Bb Bb D7 D7 Gm7 Gm7
If I could fly like birds on high

A7 A7 Dm Dm (Db7 Db7) C7 C7 F F E7 E7
Then straight to her arms I'd go Sai -ling (pow)

A A F#m F#m Bm7 Bm7 E7 E7 A A F#m F#m
It's far beyond the stars

Bm7 Bm7 E7 E7 A A E7 E7 A A G7 G7
It's near beyond the moon (Pow) (Pow)

C C Am Am Dm7 Dm7 G7 G7 C C Am Am
I know beyond a doubt

Dm Dm G7 G7 C C C C
My heart will lead me there soon

F F Dm Dm Gm Gm C7 C7 F F Dm Dm
We'll meet beyond the shore
Gm Gm C7 C7 F F A7 A7 Dm7 Dm7
We'll kiss just as before
C7 C7 F F F7 F7 Bb Bb D7 D7 Gm7 Gm7
Happy we'll be beyond the sea
A7 A7 Dm Dm Db7 Db7 C7 C7
And never again I'd go sai -ling

Apparently the D7 D7 and Db7 Db7 towards the end of the verses are supposed to be D9 D9 and Db9 Db9. I think it sounds better my way.

Tab de uke por , 15 Dez 2009

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