Where She Lays Tab par The Long Faces (Accords Baryton)

7 Accords utilisés dans la chanson: A, Fm, Cm, F, D, Dm, Bm

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Tablature / Chords (Chanson entière)

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Album:  inconnu
Tonalité: DmAccords
A A                                   Fm Fm                                                            
Cm Cm F F Fm Fm
First time you realise, your heads on backwards splitting at the side
A A Fm Fm
Cm Cm
Pinned up against the wall you've been through guys but lie your riddling mind
F F Fm Fm
She can't stay lonely
A A Fm Fm Cm Cm F F Fm Fm
We are the best of ours we carry 'round a suitcase full of drugs
A A Fm Fm Cm Cm
Life stands upon a thumb, the endless cycle of the loaded gun
F F Fm Fm
And you wont stay lonely
Cm Cm D D A A
'Cause you are you, you are half beyond the rainbow of a sheltered youth
Cm Cm D D
You are free
You are gone beneath the ocean of tranquility
You are mine
You are just fine
Dm Dm D D Bm Bm
You are gone
Cm Cm Fm Fm
And you are only waiting by my window
A A Dm Dm A A
Where she lay

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