The Sorting Hat Tab par Riddle TM (Accords Baryton)

5 Accords utilisés dans la chanson: A, D, F#m, E, Bm

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Tablature / Chords (Chanson entière)

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Album:  inconnu
Tonalité: A, F#mAccords
A A D D F#m F#m E E

A A D D F#m F#m E E

A A D D F#m F#m E E
One thousand years ago this story starts
A A D D F#m F#m E E
There were four sorcerers with strong and wise hearts
D D F#m F#m
Bold Gryffindor from wild moor
F#m F#m E E
Fair Ravenclaw from glen
D D F#m F#m
Sweet Hufflepuff from valley broad
Shrewd Slytherin from fen

A A D D F#m F#m E E
They had a dream to teach all that they knew
A A D D F#m F#m E E
Witches and wizards came far and it grew
D D F#m F#m E E
‘Til a castle stood tall by the shores of a lake
D D F#m F#m E E A A
And a thousand years later the magic remains

Bm Bm F#m F#m D D A A
Old Hogwarts Sorting Hat sing me a song
F#m F#m D D A A E E
Speak in my head tell me where I belong
Bm Bm F#m F#m D D A A
And when things look bad and there’s no where to run
F#m F#m D D E E A A
Unite all the houses and we’ll fight as one

A A D D F#m F#m E E
Brave Godric Gryffindor favoured the strong
A A D D F#m F#m E E
Those who had courage and knew right from wrong
D D F#m F#m E E
And Rowena Ravenclaw taught only the best
D D F#m F#m E E A A
So kind Helga Hufflepuff would teach all the rest

A A D D F#m F#m E E
But Salazar Slytherin had his own plans
A A D D F#m F#m E E
He thought the Muggle-borns didn’t understand
D D F#m F#m E E
The subtleties of magic and so he devised
D D F#m F#m E E A A
The Chamber of Secrets with a monster inside

Bm Bm F#m F#m D D A A
Old Hogwarts Sorting Hat sing me a song
F#m F#m D D A A E E
Speak in my head tell me where I belong
Bm Bm F#m F#m D D A A
And when things look bad and there’s no where to run
F#m F#m D D E E A A
Unite all the houses and we’ll fight as one

Bm Bm F#m F#m D D A A
Old Hogwarts Sorting Hat sing me a song
F#m F#m D D A A E E
Speak in my head tell me where I belong
Bm Bm F#m F#m D D A A
And when things look bad and there’s no where to run
F#m F#m D D E E A A
Unite all the houses and we’ll fight as one

F#m F#m D D E E A A
Unite all the houses and we’ll fight as one

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