You Grew Up To Be A Bard Tab de uke por Tripod (Acordes Barítonos)

8 Acordes usados na música: F#m, C#, A#, G#, D#, F#, G#m, B

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Álbum:  desconhecido
Tom: desconhecidoAcordes
F#m F#m, C# C#, A# A#
F#m F#m, C# C#, A# A#

C# C# G# G#
Meet you by the art room door
C# C# G# G#
In a circle on the hallway floor
C# C# G# G#
Teacher held you back again
C# C# G# G#
Drawing ogres in your textbook margin
D# D# C# C#
Keeping your eyes down and dodging oranges
A# A#
On the bus trip home
G# G#
Every day you're battle-scarred
F# F#
You'll grow up to be a bard
C# C# G#m G#m
You'll grow up to be a bard

C# C#, G#m G#m
C# C#, G#m G#m
C# C#, G#m G#m

C# C# G#m G#m
Hurt yourself at sports again
C# C# G#m G#m
You're not made for mud and wind
C# C# G#m G#m
Limping home through quiet streets
C# C# G#m G#m
Sprinkler spits a snare drum beat
D# D# C# C#
Kids down on the vacant block throw rocks at you
A# A#
For talking to yourself again
G# G#
Days like this are way too hard
F# F#
You'll grow up to be a bard
C# C# G#m G#m
You'll grow up to be a bard

C# C#, G#m G#m

B B C# C#
You'll tell your own daughter stories
A# A#
She'll get some dice of her own one day
F#m F#m C# C#
They can trademark the name all they like
A# A#
It's all ripped off Tolkien anyway
F#m F#m C# C#
'Cause dragons and dungeons go back
A# A#
They go back a long, long way
G# G#
And they won't go away
F# F#
They won't go away

C# C# G#m G#m
Meet you by the art room door
C# C# G#m G#m
In a circle on the hallway floor
C# C# G#m G#m
Made up a new map last night
C# C# G#m G#m
It's got a dragon and a wizard fight
D# D# C# C#
Once the ranger and the thief get here
A# A#
We can lock the door
G# G#
Shut the noise out from the yard
F# F#
Then we can let down our guard

C# C#
You'll grow up to be a bard

You'll grow up to...
C# C#
You'll grow up to be a bard
G#m G#m
You'll grow up to...

Tab de uke por , 11 Jun 2019

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