On The Other Side Tab de uke por The Gladiators (Acordes Barítonos)

2 Acordes usados na música: A, D

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Cifras transpostas Para baixo 1 Semitom. (De volta a Versão original)

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Tablature / Chords (Música Inteira)

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Álbum:  desconhecido
Tom: D, A, Bm, F#m, GbmAcordes
Afinação original: -0.5 passo(s) (afinação original)
Tab/cifra de progressão de acordes organizados para o Ukulele.
G# G# C# C#
Ay na na na na na Na na na na na Na na
G# G# C# C#
Na na na (Na na na)

[Verse 1]
G# G# C# C#
Over on the other side of the mountain
G# G#
There is that fountain
C# C#
I've been searching for
G# G# C# C#
Searching for so loong so long
G# G# C# C#
That's where righteousness will always flow
G# G# C# C#
Togetherness will ever grow
G# G# C# C#
So we no want no pickpocket over there
G# G# C# C#
I say you can't run no rocket over there

G# G#
Say your hands and your heart got to be clean
C# C# G# G# C# C#
To reach the other side of the mountain
G# G#
Say your hands and your heart got to be clean
C# C# G# G# C# C#
To reach the other side of the mountain

[Verse 2]
G# G#
I and I shall be
C# C# G# G# C# C#
Like sounding brass and tingling cymbals
G# G#
With gifts of mysteries to remove mountains
C# C#
Et cetera et cetera
G# G#
I and I shall be
C# C# G# G# C# C#
Like sounding brass and tingling cymbals
G# G#
With gifts of mysteries to remove mountains
C# C#
Et cetera et cetera
G# G# C# C#
Music flowers and children will be there
G# G# C# C#
That's where everyone will get an equal share
G# G# C# C#
So we no want no warmongers over there
G# G# C# C#
No gossiper no traitor will be there

G# G#
Say your hands and your heart got to be clean
C# C# G# G# C# C#
To reach the other side of the mountain

G# G# C# C#
G# G# C# C#

G# G#
I said I and I shall be
C# C# G# G# C# C#
Like sounding brass and tingling cymbals
G# G#
With gifts of mysteries to remove mountains
C# C#
Et cetera et cetera
G# G#
I and I shall be
C# C#
Like sounding brass

Tab de uke por , 01 Set 2022

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