Do It For Him/her Tab de uke por Rebecca Sugar

11 Acordes usados na música: Dm, G, C, Cmaj7, Am, B7, Em, E7, A7, A, C7

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Tablature / Chords (Música Inteira)

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Álbum:  desconhecido
Tom: desconhecidoAcordes
No capo! :)

Dm Dm G G
You'd do it for him
C C Cmaj7 Cmaj7
And you would do it again
Dm Dm G G
You'd do it for her, that is to say
You'll do it for him

Dm Dm Am Am
Keep your- stance wide
Dm Dm Am Am
Keep your body lowered
Dm Dm G G
As you're moving forward
C C B7 B7
Balance is the key
Em Em B7 B7
Right foot - left foot
Em Em B7 B7
Now go even faster
Em Em Dm Dm
And as you're moving backwards
C C Em Em
Keep your eyes on me

Dm Dm Am Am
Keep my - stance wide (Good.)
Dm Dm Am Am
Keep my body lowered (Right.)
Dm Dm G G C C
As I'm moving forward (Concentrate!)
B7 B7 Em Em
(Don't you want him to live!?)

B7 B7
Right foot - left foot
Em Em B7 B7
(Yes, but put your whole body into it!)
Em Em Dm Dm C C
Everything you have, everything you are
B7 B7
You've got to give

E7 E7
On the battlefield,
Am Am
when everything is chaos
E7 E7 Am Am
And you have nothing but the way you feel, your strategy and a sword
G G C C A7 A7
You just think about the life you'll have, together after the war

Dm Dm
And you would do it for her
G G Em Em
That's how you know you can win
A A Dm Dm
You'd do it for her
That is to say,
You'll do it for him.

Dm Dm Am Am
Deep down - you know
Dm Dm Am Am
You weren't built for fighting
Dm Dm G G
But that doesn't mean
C C B7 B7
You're not prepared to try
Em Em B7 B7
What they - don't know
Em Em B7 B7
Is your real advantage
Em Em Dm Dm
When you live for someone
C C Em Em
You're - prepared to die
Dm Dm Am Am
Deep down - I know
Dm Dm Am Am
That I'm just a human (True.)
Dm Dm G G C C B7 B7
But I know that I can draw my sword and fight

Em Em B7 B7
With my short existence (Good.)
Em Em B7 B7
I can make a difference (Yes, excellent!)
Em Em Dm Dm
I can be there for him
C C Em Em
I can be his knight
Dm Dm G G C C
I can do it for him
C7 C7 Dm Dm
You'd do it for her
Okay, now do that again (Yes, ma'am.)
Cmaj7 Cmaj7 Dm Dm G G
You'd do it for her, and now you say:
Cmaj7 Cmaj7
I'll do it for him

Tab de uke por , 20 Jul 2015

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gayanxiety avatar
it's really good!
19 Jan 2018
Kocialke avatar
It's excellent!
18 Jan 2018
Skeleton3 avatar
Doesn't sound quite right, but it will do.
28 Sep 2015

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