5 Acordes usados na música: E, Abm, C#m, A, B
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Veja estes acordes para o Barítono
Transpor cifras:
It's been years in the making
Abm C#m A
In my skin I am shaking from the cold
I am tired from the taking
Abm C#m A
And my heart won't stop breaking and I know, I know
C#m A E B
Moving forward can't be this hard
I'm just trying to find out
C#m B
Who I am on my own
I had you right beside me
C#m B
Now you're gone and I know
That when the room clears I'm still here
C#m B E
Who am I when I'm alone?
They say time is a healer
Abm C#m A
It's more like a concealer for a scar
'Cause it never really leaves us
Abm C#m A
It can always find us where we are, we are
C#m A E B
Who thought it could ever be so hard?
C#m A E B
There's so much I should have said when time was wearing thin
C#m A E B
You're not here but someday I know I'll see you again
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Sobre esta música: When I'm Alone
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