Trouble Is A Friend Tab de uke por Lenka (Acordes Barítonos)

7 Acordes usados na música: Am, G, F, C, Em, Dm, E

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Tablature / Chords (Música Inteira)

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Álbum:  desconhecido
Tom: AmAcordes
[Am Am] Trouble will find you no mater where you go, oh oh
[Am Am] No Matter if you're fast no matter if you're slow, oh oh
The [G G] eye of the storm and the cry in the morn, oh [Am Am] oh
Your [G G] fine for a while but then start to [F F] loose con-[C C] trol

He's [C C] there in the dark
He's [G G] there in my heart
He [Am Am] waits in the winds
He's [Em Em] gotta play a part
[F F] Trouble is a friend, yeah
[C C] Trouble is a friend of [G G] mine oh oh!

2. [Am Am] Trouble is a friend but trouble is a foe, oh oh
[Am Am] And no matter what I feed him he always seems to grow, oh oh
He [G G] sees what I see and he knows what I know, oh [Am Am] oh
So [G G] don't forget as you ease on [F F] down the [C C] road

He's [C C] there in the dark
He's [G G] there in my heart
He [Am Am] waits in the winds
He's [Em Em] gotta play a part
[F F] Trouble is a friend, yeah
[C C] Trouble is a friend of [G G] mine oh oh!

So [C C] don't be alarmed if he [G G] takes you by the arm
I [Am Am] won't l win, but I’m a [Em Em] sucker for his charm
[F F] Trouble is a friend yeah [C C] trouble is a friend of [G G] mine oh oh

[F F] Oh how I hate the [Dm Dm] way he makes me [Am Am] feel
And [F F] how I try to [Dm Dm] make him leave; I [G G] try Oh Oh I [E E] try

Tab de uke por , 16 Out 2020

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