Silenced By The Night Tab de uke por Keane (Acordes Barítonos)

7 Acordes usados na música: F, C, G, Am, Dm, D, E

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Tablature / Chords (Música Inteira)

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Ano:  2012
Tom: AmAcordes
Afinação original: -0.5 passo(s) (afinação original)
Tab/cifra de progressão de acordes organizados para o Ukulele.
Capo 1

[Verse 1]
E E B B F# F# G#m G#m E E B B F# F# G#m G#m
In a city like mine, there's no point in fighting
E E B B F# F# G#m G#m E E B B F# F# G#m G#m
I close my eyes, see you and me driving
E E B B F# F# G#m G#m E E B B F# F# G#m G#m
If I am a river, you are the ocean
E E B B F# F# G#m G#m E E B B F# F#
Got the radio on, got the wheels in motion

[Chorus 1]
E E C#m C#m F# F#
We were silenced by the night
B B G#m G#m E E
But you and I we gonna rise again
E E C#m C#m F# F#
Divided from the light
B B G#m G#m E E
I wanna love the way we used to then
E E B B F# F# G#m G#m E E B B F# F# G#m G#m
I lie in the dark, I feel I'm falling
E E B B F# F# G#m G#m E E B B F# F# G#m G#m
Feel your hand on my back, hear your voice calling
E E B B F# F# G#m G#m E E B B F# F# G#m G#m
I'm out of my depth girl, stick close to me
E E B B F# F# G#m G#m E E B B F# F#
Because the people in this town, they look straight through me

[Chorus 2]
E E C#m C#m F# F#
We were silenced by the night
B B G#m G#m E E
But you and I we gonna rise again
E E C#m C#m F# F#
Divided from the light
B B G#m G#m E E
I wanna love the way we used to then

G#m G#m C# C# B B D# D#
Cause baby I'm not scared of this world when you're here
G#m G#m C# C# B B D# D#
And baby I'm not scared of this world when you're here

E E F# F#
Oh oh oh
B B G#m G#m E E
You and I we gonna rise again
E E F# F#
Oh oh oh
B B G#m G#m E E
You and I we gonna rise again
E E C#m C#m F# F#
We were silenced by the night
B B G#m G#m E E
But you and I we gonna rise again
E E C#m C#m F# F#
Divided from the light
B B G#m G#m E E
I wanna love the way we used to then

Tab de uke por , 14 Jul 2021

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