All That Matters Tab de uke por Justin Bieber (Acordes Barítonos)

4 Acordes usados na música: Am, F, E7, E

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Ano:  2014
Tom: AmAcordes
Am Am - F F - E7 E7 - Am Am

Am Am F F E7 E7 Am Am
Uh-oh, just as sure as the stars in the sky
Am Am
I need you to shine in the life

F F E7 E7 Am Am
Not just for the meanwhile, for a long long time,

better believe it

Am Am F F E E Am Am
Uh-oh, whenever you're not in my presence

It feels like I'm missing my blessings, yeah

F F E7 E7 Am Am
So I sleep through the daylight, stay awake all night,

till you back again, yeah, yeah

Am Am F F
You think I'm biased, to my significant other

E7 E7 Am Am
You hit it right on the head, only been missing my lover

Am Am F F E7 E7 Am Am
Got a whole lot of texts in my phone and I don't reply,

but the next day bothers you, I

Am Am F F E7 E7 Am Am
You're all that matters to me, yeah yeah, ain't worry about nobody else

Am Am F F E7 E7 Am Am
If I ain't with you, I'm with myself, you make me complete

Am Am F F
You're all that matters to me, yeah, yeah,

E7 E7 Am Am
what's a king bed without a queen

Am Am F F E7 E7 Am Am
There ain't no "I" in team, you make me complete,

Am Am
you're all that matters to me

F F E7 E7 Am Am
Take the keys out the car it won't drive,

Am Am
that's how I feel when you're not by my side

F F E7 E7 Am Am
When I wake up in the morning up under you, and only you

Am Am F F E7 E7 Am Am
Uh-oh, I'm grateful for your existence,

Am Am
faithful no matter the distance

F F E7 E7 Am Am
You're the only girl I see, from the bottom of my heart please believe

Am Am F F
You're all that matters to me, yeah yeah,

E7 E7 Am Am
ain't worry about nobody else

Am Am F F E7 E7 Am Am
If I ain't with you, I'm with myself, you make me complete

Am Am F F
You're all that matters to me, yeah, yeah,

E7 E7 Am Am
what's a king bed without a queen

Am Am F F E7 E7 Am Am
There ain't no "I" in team, you make me complete,

Am Am
you're all that matters to me

F F E7 E7 Am Am
Yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, you're all that matters to me

F F E7 E7 Am Am
Yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, you're all that matters to me

Tab de uke por , 31 Jul 2017

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