So Peaceful Tab de uke por Jain (Acordes Barítonos)

4 Acordes usados na música: Am, F, C, Em

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Tablature / Chords (Música Inteira)

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Ano:  2016
Tom: C, AmAcordes

Am Am F F
Here comes the sun
C C Em Em
Over your head like "oh" I'm sunrise
Am Am F F
You know that in this world not everything's good
C C Em Em
But right now nothing can hurt you
Am Am F F C C Em Em
Maybe your joy seems so simple in front of people
Am Am F F
It's not everyday you're feeling this joy
C C Em Em
It's more precious than all your money


Am Am F F C C Em Em
So peaceful inside then I say it more 'cause i'm alive
But you see it is
Am Am F F C C Em Em
So peaceful inside then I say it more 'cause i'm alive
Am Am F F C C Em Em
So peaceful inside then I say it more 'cause i'm alive
But you see it is
Am Am F F C C Em Em
So peaceful inside then I say it more 'cause i'm alive


Am Am F F
Here comes the sun
C C Em Em
You feel it on your arms
Am Am F F
You're so feeling good just right now
C C Em Em
Let nobody disturb you
Am Am F F C C Em Em
So let your soul be in peace and your mind be released
Am Am F F
It's not everyday you're feeling this joy
C C Em Em
It's more precious than all your money


Am Am F F C C Em Em
So peaceful inside then I say it more 'cause i'm alive
But you see it is
Am Am F F C C Em Em
So peaceful inside then I say it more 'cause i'm alive
Am Am F F C C Em Em
So peaceful inside then I say it more 'cause i'm alive
But you see it is
Am Am F F C C Em Em
So peaceful inside then I say it more 'cause i'm alive

Tab de uke por , 18 Set 2016

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