One Love Tab de uke por Hootie And The Blowfish (Acordes Barítonos)

6 Acordes usados na música: G, D, Em, C, F, Am

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Tablature / Chords (Música Inteira)

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Ano:  2005
Tom: C, G, Am, EmAcordes
Afinação original: +1.5 passo(s) (afinação original)
Tab/cifra de progressão de acordes organizados para o Ukulele.
A# A# F F Gm Gm D# D#A# A# F F F F Gm Gm G# G#

A# A#F F Gm Gm D# D#
Sunshine, on the horizon
A# A# F F F F Gm Gm G# G#
Over two young lovers, while its goin' down
A# A# F F Gm Gm D# D#
Somewhere, the same sun rises,
A# A# F F FGm G# G#
on another two lovers, as the world goes around

A# A# F F Gm Gm D# D#
Same scene, played over and over
A# A# F F FGm G# G#
Same sweet passion, same warm blood
A# A# F F Gm Gm D# D#
Softly speaking, the universal language
A# A#F F F F Gm Gm G# G#
So many lovers, One love

A# A# Cm Cm D# D# A# A#
One love, might make a difference
A# A# Cm Cm D# D# A# A#
Might take the walls, and tear them down
A# A# Cm Cm D# D# A# A#
One light, might keep on shining
A# A# Cm Cm D# D# A# A#
If we take one love and we spread it around

A# A# F F Gm Gm G# G#

A# A# F F Gm GmD# D#
Old religions, new generations
A# A# F F F F Gm Gm G# G#
D D#aught in a struggle about, a righteous way
A# A# F F Gm Gm D# D#
Can't see the forest, for all the frustrations
A# A# F F F F Gm Gm G# G#
So many lyin', so many dyin' .. but only one love


Cm Cm D# D#
Too many stories, we've all come and shared
Cm Cm D# D# F F
Too many roads untraveled, all reach the same end

A# A# F F Gm Gm D# D#
Same scene, played over and over and over now
A# A# F F F F Gm Gm G# G#
Same young passion, same red blood
A# A# F F Gm Gm D# D#
Universal language, goes unspoken
A# A# F F F F
Too much hatred, too much hatred now
Gm Gm G# G#
.. but only one love


A# A#F F Gm Gm D# D#
Sunshine, on the horizon
A# A# F F FGm G# G#
Over two young lovers, while its goin' down

Tab de uke por , 15 Jul 2009

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