The Stable Song Tab de uke por Gregory Alan Isakov (Acordes Barítonos)

6 Acordes usados na música: C, F7, Cadd9, Am, Em, G

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Tablature / Chords (Música Inteira)

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Álbum:  desconhecido
Tom: desconhecidoAcordes
C C                                 F7 F7
Remember when our songs were just like prayers.
C C Cadd9 Cadd9 Am Am F7 F7
Like gospel hymns that you called in the air.
C C F7 F7
Come down come down sweet reverence,
C C Cadd9 Cadd9 Am Am F7 F7
Unto my simple house and ring...
And ring

F7 F7 C C F7 F7
Ring like silver, ring like gold
C C Cadd9 Cadd9 Am Am F7 F7
Ring out those ghosts on the Ohio
F7 F7 C C F7 F7
Ring like clear day wedding bells
C C Cadd9 Cadd9 Am Am F7 F7
Were we the belly of the beast or the sword that fell...
We’ll never tell

Em Em F7 F7 C C F7 F7 C C
Come to me clear and cold on some sea
Em Em F7 F7 C C G G
Watch the world spinning waves, like that machine

Now I’ve been crazy couldn’t you tell
I threw stones at the stars, but the whole sky fell
Now I’m covered up in straw, belly up on the table
Well I drank and sang, and passed in the stable.

That tall grass grows high and brown,
Well I dragged you straight in the muddy ground
And you sent me back to where I roam
Well I cursed and I cried, but now i know...
now I know

And I ran back to that hollow again
The moon was just a sliver back then
And I ached for my heart like some tin man
When it came oh it beat and it boiled and it rang...
oh it's ringing

F7 F7 C C F7 F7
Ring like crazy, ring like hell
C C Cadd9 Cadd9 Am Am F7 F7
Turn me back into that wild haired gale
F7 F7 C C F7 F7
Ring like silver, ring like gold
C C Cadd9 Cadd9 F7 F7
Turn these diamonds straight back into coal.

Tab de uke por , 19 Mai 2018

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