Amber Tab de uke por 311 (Acordes Barítonos)

5 Acordes usados na música: C, Am, Em, Dm, G

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Tablature / Chords (Música Inteira)

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Ano:  2004
Tom: C, AmAcordes
Verse 1:
C C Am Am Em Em C C
Brainstorm take me away from the norm'
Am Am Em Em C C
I've got to tell you something
Am Am Em Em C C Am Am Em Em
This phenomenon I had to put it in a song
Em Em
And it goes like

Chorus: (x2)
C C Am Am Em Em
Whoa amber is the color of your energy
C C Am Am Em Em Dm Dm
Whoa shades of gold display naturally
Dm Dm G G
You want to know what brings me here
Dm Dm G G
You glide through my head blind to fear
And I know I

Dm Dm G G
You live too far away
Dm Dm G G
Your voice rings like a bell anyway
Dm Dm G G
Don't give up your independence
Dm Dm
Unless it feels alright
Nothing good comes easily
Sometimes you've got to fight


Dm Dm G G
Lost a thousand ships in my heart so easy
Dm Dm G G
Still it's fine from afar
And you know that

C C Am Am
Em Em
Take me away from the norm'
Am Am
Em Em
I've got to tell you something

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Tab de uke por , 18 Jan 2019

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