Witchcraft taby ukulele według Pendulum (Chwyty barytonu)

5 Chwyty użyte w piosence: Fm, C#, D#, A#m, G#

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Tablature / Chords (Cały utwór)

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Rok:  2010
Akord: G#, FmChwyty
Fm Fm              C# C#       D# D#          A#m A#m
It's in your eyes, a color fade out
Fm Fm C# C# D# D# A#m A#m
Looks like a new transition
Fm Fm C# C# D# D# A#m A#m
The starting up and shaking your ground
Fm Fm C# C# D# D# A#m A#m
Turning your head to see a new day calling

C# C# D# D# Fm Fm
Does it feel like a head to lean on?
G# G#
A A snapshot from where you were born
C# C# D# D#
I'm looking for your hand in the rough
Fm Fm G# G#
You're caught in the wire

Well I'll lift you out

Fm Fm C# C# D# D# A#m A#m
Fm Fm C# C# D# D# A#m A#m
Fm Fm C# C# D# D# A#m A#m
Fm Fm C# C# D# D# A#m A#m

Fm Fm

Fm Fm C# C#
Leading on the action
D# D# A#m A#m
Caught in a cell phones rays
Fm Fm C# C#
Bleeding on a sofa
D# D# A#m A#m
Staring at the waistline
Fm Fm C# C#
He's coming and she knows it
D# D# A#m A#m
Even though she knows why
Fm Fm C# C#
Footsteps in the hallway
D# D# A#m A#m
Girl you haven't got time

Fm Fm C# C# D# D# A#m A#m
You gotta get out
Fm Fm C# C# D# D# A#m A#m
Go far away
Fm Fm C# C# D# D# A#m A#m
You gotta get out
Fm Fm C# C# D# D# A#m A#m
Go far away

Fm Fm

Fm Fm C# C#
Darkness in the bedroom
D# D# A#m A#m
Maybe she is resting up
Fm Fm C# C#
Maybe she was out late
D# D# A#m A#m
Just come back from the club
Fm Fm C# C#
I can't hear her breathing
D# D# A#m A#m
Something doesn't seem right
Fm Fm C# C#
Killer in the hallway
D# D# A#m A#m
We're living on a set time

Fm Fm C# C# D# D# A#m A#m
You gotta get out
Fm Fm C# C# D# D# A#m A#m
Go far away
Fm Fm C# C# D# D# A#m A#m
You gotta get out
Fm Fm C# C# D# D# A#m A#m
Go far away

Fm Fm

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taby ukulele według , 30 kwi 2013

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