Get Lucky taby ukulele według Daft Punk

4 Chwyty użyte w piosence: Bm, D, F#m, E

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Tablature / Chords (Piosenka uproszczona)

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Rok:  2013
Akord: A, F#mChwyty

Bm Bm D D F#m F#m E E x2


Bm Bm D D F#m F#m E E

Like the legend of the phoenix, all ends with beginnings

Bm Bm D D F#m F#m E E

What keeps the planet spinning? Ah. The force of love beginning


Bm Bm D D F#m F#m E E

We've come too far to give up who we are

Bm Bm D D F#m F#m E E

So let's raise the bar and our cups to the stars


Bm Bm D D

She's up all night 'til the sun, I'm up all night to get some

F#m F#m E E

She's up all night for good fun, I'm up all night to get lucky

Bm Bm D D

We're up all night 'til the sun, we're up all night to get some

F#m F#m E E

We're up all night for good fun, we're up all night to get lucky

Bm Bm D D

We're up all night to get lucky, we're up all night to get lucky

F#m F#m E E

We're up all night to get lucky, we're up all night to get lucky

⇢ Nie podoba Ci się ta tablatura? Wyświetl 11 innych wersji

taby ukulele według , 31 lip 2017

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240549 avatar
flag for CA(ISO2) (Bracebridge)
Nice Job! Those chords are hard to find!
From, Ryan (240549)
05 Nov 2017
jrk399 avatar
flag for US(ISO2) (Chicago)
The chords work with the song, but two things, 1. The Chords dont line up with the lyrics, 2. There are countless other Get Lucky chords on this site with the same chords.

Keep doing what your doing but check to see if there are chords for it before posting it next time. :)
31 Jul 2017

Top Taby i chwyty Daft Punk, nie przegap tych utworów!

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