Broken Halos taby ukulele według Chris Stapleton

5 Chwyty użyte w piosence: G, Cadd9, Em7, Bm, C

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Tablature / Chords (Cały utwór)

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Album:  nieznane
Akord: G, EmChwyty
CAPO 1 | Tabbed by Jerrett O'Quinn


G G Cadd9 Cadd9 G G Em7 Em7
Seen my share of broken halos
G G Cadd9 Cadd9 G G
Folded wings that used to fly
Cadd9 Cadd9 G G Em7 Em7
They've all gone wherever they go
G G Cadd9 Cadd9 G G Em7 Em7 G G Cadd9 Cadd9 G G
Broken halos that used to shine


G G Cadd9 Cadd9 G G Em7 Em7
Angels come down from the heavens
G G Cadd9 Cadd9 G G
Just to help us on our way
Cadd9 Cadd9 G G Em7 Em7
Come to teach us, then they leave us
G G Cadd9 Cadd9 G G
And they find some other soul to save


G G Cadd9 Cadd9 G G Em7 Em7
Seen my share of broken halos
G G Cadd9 Cadd9 G G
Folded wings that used to fly
Cadd9 Cadd9 G G Em7 Em7
They've all gone wherever they go
G G Cadd9 Cadd9 G G Em7 Em7
Broken halos that used to shine
G G Cadd9 Cadd9 G G Bm Bm C C Bm Bm C C G G
Broken halos that used to shine

[Verse 2]
G G Cadd9 Cadd9 G G Em7 Em7
Don't go looking for the reasons
G G Cadd9 Cadd9 G G
Don't go asking Jesus why
Cadd9 Cadd9 G G Em7 Em7
We're not meant to know the answers
G G Cadd9 Cadd9 G G Em7 Em7
They belong to the by and by
G G Cadd9 Cadd9 G G
They belong to the by and by

G G Cadd9 Cadd9 G G Em7 Em7
Seen my share of broken halos
G G Cadd9 Cadd9 G G
Folded wings that used to fly
Cadd9 Cadd9 G G Em7 Em7
They've all gone wherever they go
G G Cadd9 Cadd9 G G Em7 Em7
Broken halos that used to shine
G G Cadd9 Cadd9 G G Em7 Em7
Broken halos that used to shine
G G Cadd9 Cadd9 G G
Broken halos that used to shine
G G Cadd9 Cadd9 G G
Broken halos that used to shine

taby ukulele według , 05 lip 2017

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