Rocket Ships taby ukulele według Cavetown (Chwyty barytonu)

5 Chwyty użyte w piosence: A, F#m, D, E7, F#M

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Tablature / Chords (Piosenka uproszczona)

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Album:  nieznane
Akord: A, F#mChwyty
#On summer nights the stars fall a little slower and
F#m F#m
#I don't if I can catch them in time to sew
#words delicately to the palm of my hand, tell me
E7 E7
#What am I worth?
#Do you see words written in the air
F#m F#m
#or is it just me forming pictures from nowhere
#I have funny little comic books taped to my hands
E7 E7
#And a brain within a brain, it's got a mind of its own, yeah

A A F#m F#m
#Rocket ships will take off whether you're in them or not
D D E7 E7
#And it's sad but it's the truth, the world would still turn without you
A A F#m F#m
#But when your bones turn to earth and you ask me 'what was I worth?'
D D E7 E7
#I'll simply plant a flower above you, and you can watch it grow
A A F#m F#m
D D E7 E7
#You can watch it grow, you can watch it grow, you can watch it grow

#On summer nights my thoughts form a little vaguer and
F#m F#m
#I don't know how to arrange them or put them into
#words, Now I'm leaving bashful teardrops in my hands
E7 E7
#Please tell me I'm a man
#Do you think aliens in outer space
#think that they're the only human race
#My mind's a house of magic cards about to blow away, yeah
E7 E7
#I'm just a shoot and I'm not ready to grow yet

A A F#m F#m
#Rocket ships will take off whether you're in them or not
D D E7 E7
#And it's sad but it's the truth, the world would still turn without you
A A F#m F#m
#But when your bones turn to earth and you ask me 'what was I worth?'
D D E7 E7
#I'll simply plant a flower above you, and you can watch it grow
A A F#m F#m
D D E7 E7
#You can watch it grow, you can watch it grow, you can watch it grow

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taby ukulele według , 15 sty 2020

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