Nothing taby ukulele według Bruno Major

11 Chwyty użyte w piosence: C, E7, Am, C7, F, Em7, D7, G7, Caug, Dm7, Fm7

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Tablature / Chords (Piosenka uproszczona)

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Rok:  2019
Akord: nieznaneChwyty

C C E7 E7
Track suits and red wine

Am Am C7 C7
Movies for two

F F Em7 Em7
we’ll take off our phones

D7 D7 G7 G7
And we’ll turn off our shoes

C C E7 E7
We’ll play Nintendo

Am Am C7 C7
Though I always lose

F F Em7 Em7
Cause you watch the TV

D7 D7 G7 G7
While I'm watching you

# [Chorus]

C C Caug Caug Am Am C7 C7
There’s not many people I'd honestly say

F F Em7 Em7 D7 D7
I don't mind losing to

Dm7 Fm7-5 C
But there's nothing like doing nothing with you

(Verse 2)

C C E7 E7
Dumb conversations

Am Am C7 C7
We lose track of time

F F Em7 Em7
Have I told you lately

D7 D7 G7 G7
I'm grateful you’re mine

C C E7 E7
We’ll watch The Notebook

Am Am C7 C7
For the 17th time

F F Em7 Em7
I’ll say it's stupid

D7 D7 G7 G7
Then you'll catch me cryin’


C C Caug Caug Am Am C7 C7
We’re not making out on a boat in the rain

F F Em7 Em7 D7 D7
Or in a house I painted blue

Dm7 Fm7-5 C
But there's nothing like doing nothing with you


C C E7 E7
You could be dancing on tabletops

Am Am C7 C7
Wearing high heels

F F Em7 Em7
Drinking until the world spins like a wheel

C C Caug Caug Am Am C7 C7
But tonight your apartment has so much

F F Em7 Em7 D7 D7
Who needs stars we've got a roof

Dm7 Fm7-5 C
But there's nothing like doing nothing with you

E7 E7

Dm7 Fm7-5 C
No there's nothing like doing nothing with you

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taby ukulele według , 19 kwi 2020

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