The Warmth Of The Sun taby ukulele według Beach Boys

12 Chwyty użyte w piosence: C, Am, Eb, Cm, Dm, G7, G, E7, Amaj7, Am7, D7, Gmaj7

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Tablature / Chords (Cały utwór)

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C C Am Am Eb Eb Cm Cm Dm Dm G7 G7 G G
Ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh ooohhhhhhhhhh

C C Am Am
What good is the dawn
Eb Eb Cm Cm Dm Dm G7 G7 G G
That grows into day
C C Am Am
The sunset at night
Eb Eb Cm Cm Dm Dm G7 G7
Or living this way

E7 E7 Amaj7 Amaj7 Am7 Am7
For I have the warmth of the sun
D7 D7 Gmaj7 Gmaj7 G7 G7 G G
Within me at night


C C Am Am
The love of my life
Eb Eb Cm Cm Dm Dm G7 G7 G G
She left me one day
C C Am Am
I cried when she said
Eb Eb Cm Cm Dm Dm G7 G7
"I don't feel the same way"

E7 E7 Amaj7 Amaj7 Am7 Am7
Still I have the warmth of the sun
D7 D7 Gmaj7 Gmaj7 G7 G7 G G
Within me tonight

C C Am Am
I'll dream of her arms
Eb Eb Cm Cm Dm Dm G7 G7 G G
And though they're not real
C C Am Am
Just like she's still there
Eb Eb Cm Cm Dm Dm G7 G7
The way that I feel

E7 E7 Amaj7 Amaj7 Am7 Am7
My love's like the warmth of the sun
D7 D7 Gmaj7 Gmaj7 G7 G7 G G
It won't ever die

C C Am Am Eb Eb Cm Cm Dm Dm G7 G7 G G
Ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh ooohhhhhhhhhh

C C Am Am Eb Eb Cm Cm Dm Dm G7 G7 G G C C
Ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh ooohhhhhhh

taby ukulele według , 01 lut 2019

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Wrath avatar
mobile flag for US(ISO2) (Carbondale)
I'm strumming d-u(on last string)-d(last string) and sounds great. love the tab and the song
20 Feb 2019

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