Last Look Tabulatur von Chicosci (für Baryton)

4 Im Lied verwendete Ukulelengriffe: A, F#m, E, D

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Tablature / Chords (Vereinfachter Song)

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Album:  unbekannt
Key: A, F#mAkkorde
Verse 1: A A-F#m F#m 
Can i be a little selfish
And swear i'll come back home to you
Our heads turn, the last kiss...
Make me yours and kill me with your stare

Pre-chorus 1: E E-F#m F#m
Leaves shaking, let's follow
I'm staying with you angel
Til the fear dies, i won't let go

Chorus 1: A A-F#m F#m-E E
So far away, one last look
It's the same thing as before
So far away, one last look

Verse 2: A A-F#m F#m
How could you just take me
A A silent frame, a heart i fell into
Let's pray for the violence,
3:47... It's just another requiem

Pre-chorus 2: E E-F#m F#m
Leave shaking, let's follow
I'm staying with you angel
'til the fear dies, i won't let go

Repeat chorus:

Chorus 2: A A-F#m F#m-E E
So far away, one last look
It's the same thing as before
So far away, one last look
Til we sleep forever

Bridge: D D-E E-A A-F#m F#m
A A love in wait
I'll watch you go
We lie in state
I'll watch you go

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Tabulatur von , 30 Nov 2009

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