Zucchero ukulele tabs

Play songs by Zucchero on your Uke

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Italy ()
21 songs (4 tabs and 17 chords)

Top Tabs & Chords by Zucchero, don't miss these songs!

There are 21 Zucchero Ukulele tabs and chords in database

Zucchero Albums

Biography Zucchero

Zucchero (Italian for "sugar") is an Italian rock singer. He was born Adelmo Fornaciari on September 25, 1955 in the Italian province Reggio Emilia, Italy and has since become one of the most famous Italian singers. He is probably best known internationally for the song Senza Una Donna, which is a duet with Paul Young and hit number 4 in the latter's native United Kingdom, where Zucchero has generally made little commercial impact, in 1991.

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