Luis Eduardo Aute ukulele tabs

Play songs by Luis Eduardo Aute on your Uke

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7 songs (1 tabs and 6 chords)

Top Tabs & Chords by Luis Eduardo Aute, don't miss these songs!

There are 7 Luis Eduardo Aute Ukulele tabs and chords in database

Luis Eduardo Aute Albums

Biography Luis Eduardo Aute

Performer of a music style known as Canto Nuevo or Nueva Trova, Luis Eduardo Aute has been an artist in many different ways. It was in 1954 when Aute moved to Spain, after spending his childhood in the Philippines. Deciding to become an artist, Luis Eduardo Aute's first passion was painting, having his first exhibition in 1960, while living in Madrid. By the mid-'60s, the painter and poet was convinced to start recording his own music and he signed up to RCA in 1966. The following year, Aleluya and Rosas En El Mar were released.

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