Laura Pausini ukulele tabs

Play songs by Laura Pausini on your Uke

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7 songs (0 tabs and 7 chords)

Top Tabs & Chords by Laura Pausini, don't miss these songs!

There are 7 Laura Pausini Ukulele tabs and chords in database

Laura Pausini Albums

Biography Laura Pausini

Laura Pausini is a five-time Grammy Award winning Italian singer, songwriter, producer and TV host. She is the most famous and successful Italian artist worldwide. Pausini is famed for her soulful voice and her romantic Latin pop and Pop ballads and love songs, although she has also dealt with other subjects such as poverty, war, and racism, among other social issues. She is fluent in several languages. Although she mainly sings in Spanish and Italian, she also sings in Portuguese, English, and French. Read more on

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