My Beautiful Rescue Tab de uke por This Providence (Acordes Barítonos)

5 Acordes usados na música: C, Em, G, A, D

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Cifras transpostas Para cima 4 Semitons. (De volta a Versão original)

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Tablature / Chords (Música Inteira)

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Ano:  2006
Tom: D, G, Em, BmAcordes
Afinação original: +2.0 passo(s) (afinação original)
Tab/cifra de progressão de acordes organizados para o Ukulele.
E E   G#m G#m
I've been jumping from the tops of buildings
B B E E G#m G#m
For the thrill of the fall ignoring sound advice
And any thought of consequence
My bones have shattered
G#m G#m B B E E
My pride is shattered
And in the midst of this self inflicted pain
C# C# E E
I can see my beautiful rescue

G#m G#m E E B B F# F# G#m G#m
I'm falling more in love with every single word I withhold
G#m G#m E E B B F# F# G#m G#m
I'm falling more in love with every single word you say
G#m G#m EB F# F#
I'm falling head over heals for you

E E G#m G#m
I've been dancing on the tops of buildings
B B E E G#m G#m
C C#t the top of my lungs I'm singing you a song
"Don't you leave me alone"
My bones were shattered
G#m G#m B B E E
My pride lay shattered
B B G#m G#m
Well I'll trample my pride
C# C# E E
Until the whole world dance with me

G#m G#m E E B B F# F# G#m G#m
I'm falling more in love with every single word I withhold
G#m G#m E E B B F# F# G#m G#m
I'm falling more in love with every single word you say
G#m G#m EB F# F#
I'm falling head over heals for you

F# F# C# C# E E
Again well I'm crying out,
B B F# F#
Wash my hands, these bloody hands
C# C# E E
Oh open my mouth
B B F# F#
And I'll sing

G#m G#m E E B B F# F# G#m G#m
I'm falling more in love with every single word I withhold
G#m G#m E E B B F# F# G#m G#m
I'm falling more in love with every single word you say
G#m G#m EB F# F#
I'm falling head over heals for you

E E G#m G#m
I've been dancing on the tops of buildings,
With you.

⇢ Não satisfeito com esta tablatura? Ver 2 outra(s) versão(ões)

Tab de uke por , 14 Jul 2009

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