I'm A Believer Tab de uke por The Monkees (Acordes Barítonos)

6 Acordes usados na música: G, D, G7, C, D7, F

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Tablature / Chords (Música Inteira)

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Ano:  1967
Tom: desconhecidoAcordes
[G G]                [D D]          [G G]    
I thought love was only true in fairy tales,
[G G] [D D] [G G] [G7 G7]
Meant for someone else but not for me

[C C] [G G] [C C] [G G]
Love was out to get me that's the way it seemed,
[C C] [G G] [D7 D7]
Disappointment haunted all my dreams

[G G] [C C][G G] [C C][G G]
Then I saw her face now I'm a believer
[G G] [C C] [G G] [G G] [C C][G G]
Not a trace of doubt in my mind
[G G] [C C] [G G] [F F] [D7 D7]
I'm in love (oooooh) I'm a believer I couldn't leave her if I tried

[G G] [D D] [G G]
I thought love was more or less a givin thing
[G G] [D D] [G G] [G7 G7]
It seems the more I gave the less I got
[C C] [G G] [C C] [G G]
What's the use in trying all you get is pain
[C C] [G G] [D7 D7]
When I needed sunshine I got rain
[G G] [C C] [G G] [C C] [G G]
Then I saw her face now I'm a believer
[G G] [C C] [G G] [G G] [C C][G G]
Not a trace of doubt in my mind
[G G] [C C] [G G] [F F] [D7 D7]
I'm in love oooooh I'm a believer I couldn't leave her if I tried

[G G] [D D] [G G] [G G] [D D] [G G] [G7 G7]

[C C]
Love was out to
[G G]
get me
[C C]
that's the way it
[G G]
[C C]
[G G] [D7 D7]
haunted all my dreams

[G G] [C C] [G G] [C C] [G G]
Then I saw her face now I'm a believer
[G G] [C C] [G G] [G G] [C C] [G G]
Not a trace of doubt in my mind
[G G] [C C] [G G] [F F] [D7 D7]
I'm in love (ooooh) I'm a believer I couldn't leave her if I tried

[G G] [C C] [G G] [C C] [G G]
Yes I saw her face now I'm a believer
[G G] [C C] [G G] [G G] [C C] [G G]
Not a trace of doubt in my mind
[G G] [C C] [G G]
I'm a believer
[G G] [C C] [G G]
I'm a believer

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Tab de uke por , 04 Mai 2013

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JennyWho avatar
flag for US(ISO2) (Los Angeles)
sounds fantastic!
04 May 2013

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