Happiness Tab de uke por Rex Orange County (Acordes Barítonos)

8 Acordes usados na música: F, Bbm, Dm, Bb, C, D7, Gm, Db

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Tablature / Chords (Música Inteira)

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Ano:  2017
Tom: desconhecidoAcordes
I'll be the one
Bbm Bbm
That stays 'till the end
Dm Dm
And I'll be the one
Bb Bb
That needs you again
And I'll be the one that proposes
Dm Dm D7 D7
In a garden of roses
Gm Gm F F C C
And truly loves you long after our curtain closes

Dm Dm
But will you still love me
Db Db C C
When nobody wants me around
Dm Dm
When I turn 81 and forget things
Db Db C C
Will you still be proud?

Cause I am the one
Bbm Bbm
That waited this long
Dm Dm
And I am the one
Bbm Bbm
That might get it wrong
And I'll be the one
That will love you
Dm Dm D7 D7 Gm Gm F F C C
The way I'm supposed to, girl

Dm Dm
But will you still love me
Db Db C C
When nobody wants me around
Dm Dm
When I turn 81 and forget things
Db Db C C
Will you still be proud?

F F C C Dm Dm
Proud of me, of my short list of accomplishments
Gm Gm F F C C
Me and my lack of new news
Me and my selfishness
Dm Dm Gm Gm F F C C
Or me and myself wish you nothing but a happy new version of you

Dm Dm Db Db F F Bbm Bbm Bb Bb C C F F
Cause I...
Dm Dm Db Db F F Bbm Bbm Bb Bb C C F F
I want you to tell me you find it hard to be yourself so I can say,"It's gonna be alright."
Dm Dm Db Db F F Bbm Bbm
And I want you to love me the way you love your family
Bb Bb C C F F
The way you love to show me what it's like to be happy

Dm Dm Db Db F F Bbm Bbm Bb Bb C C F F x3

Tab de uke por , 10 Jan 2019

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KnC_Plecter avatar
recommend capo on 1st fret
05 Jun 2019
FrostySnowballs avatar
strumming pattern?
13 May 2019

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