Crazy Little Thing Called Love Tab de uke por Queen (Acordes Barítonos)

7 Acordes usados na música: D, G, C, Bb, E, A, F

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Tablature / Chords (Música Inteira)

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Ano:  1980
Tom: desconhecidoAcordes
This [D D] thing called love I [G G] just can't [C C] handle [G G] it
This [D D] thing called love I [G G] must get [C C] round to [G G] it
I ain't [D D] ready, [Bb Bb] crazy little [C C] thing called [D D] love

This [D D] thing (this thing) called love (called love)
It [G G] cries (like a baby), In a [C C] cradle all [G G] night
It [D D] swings (woooh woooh), It jives (woooh woooh)
It [G G] shakes all over like a [C C] jelly [G G] fish, I kind of [D D] like it
[Bb Bb] Crazy little [C C] thing called [D D] love

There goes my [G G] baby, she [C C] knows how to Rock'n'Roll [G G]
She drives me [Bb Bb] crazy, she gives me [E E] hot and cold [A A] fever
Then she [F F] leaves me in a cool cool sweat [E E] [A A]

I gotta be [D D] cool relax, get [G G] hip!
Get [C C] on my [G G] track's, take a [D D] back seat
Hitch hike, and [G G] take a long ride on my [C C] motor [G G] bike
Until I'm [D D] ready, [Bb Bb] crazy little [C C] thing called [D D] love

I gotta be cool relax, get hip!
Get on my track's, take a back seat
Hitch hike, and take a long ride on my motor bike
Until I'm ready, crazy little thing called love

This [D D] thing called love I [G G] just can't [C C] handle [G G] it
This [D D] thing called love I [G G] must get [C C] round to [G G] it
I ain't [D D] ready, [Bb Bb] crazy little [C C] thing called [D D] love

[Bb Bb] Crazy little [C C] thing called [D D] love

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Tab de uke por , 09 Mar 2016

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