Queen Of The Gas Station Tab de uke por Lana Del Rey (Acordes Barítonos)

7 Acordes usados na música: Dm, F, D, G, Bb, Gm, C

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Álbum:  desconhecido
Tom: desconhecidoAcordes
Intro: Dm Dm

Give me coffee, king-sized cup
Dm Dm
Come on, kitty cat, fill her up
What's your name, little buttercup?
Dm Dm F F D D
That's for me to know and youuuuu to make up

G G Bb Bb
Love casinos, Indian reservations
F F Gm Gm Bb Bb
But, baby, if you love me, take me to the gas station
Dm Dm
Gas station

Look at you smoking in them neon lights
Dm Dm
Under the thunder, yo, you look so nice
Made me wonder how you spend them nights
Dm Dm F F
Me, I spend them looking for men I might like
Dm Dm
Like you
Like you
Dm Dm
Like you

G G Bb Bb
Love casinos, Indian reservations
F F Gm Gm Bb Bb
But, baby, if you love me, take me to the gas station
Gm Gm Dm Dm
Take me to the gas station

Give me coffee, Utah love
Dm Dm
I'm the kind of girl you dream of
I'm trying to tell you what I dream of
Dm Dm
And that's gas stations
F F Dm Dm
With slurpee machines and organs playing
Preferably with smoking inside
Dm Dm
If you can swing it (swing it, swing it)
Can I be real pleased
Dm Dm
if we could find one just like here
F F Dm Dm Bb Bb C C Dm Dm
Again, again, again, again, again, again
Bb Bb F F
Again, again, again, again, again, again

Gm Gm or G G Bb Bb
Love casinos, Indian reservations
F F (build up) Gm Gm Bb Bb
But, baby, if you love me, take me to the gas station
Dm Dm
Gas station
Gas station
Gas station
Gas station

Tab de uke por , 06 Mai 2016

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