Missing Tab de uke por Evanescence (Acordes Barítonos)

13 Acordes usados na música: Dm, Am/D, Gm/D, Bb9, Bb, A4, Gm, A, A/C#, C/E, F, C, Dm/C

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Ano:  2004
Tom: DmAcordes
Dm Dm Am/D Am/D Dm Dm Gm/D Gm/D

Dm Dm Am/D Am/D Dm Dm
Please, please forgive me
Gm/D Gm/D Dm Dm
But I won't be home again
Am/D Am/D Dm Dm
Maybe some day you'll look up
Gm/D Gm/D Bb9 Bb9
And barely conscious you'll say to no one
Bb Bb A4 A4 Dm Dm
Isn't something missing?

Am/D Am/D Dm Dm
You won't cry for my absence I know
Gm Gm Dm Dm
You forgot me long ago
Am/D Am/D Dm Dm
Am Am I that unimportant?
Gm Gm Bb9 Bb9 Bb Bb
Am Am I so insignificant?
A4 A4 A A Bb9 Bb9 Bb Bb
Isn't something missing?
A/C# A/C#
Isn't someone missing me?

Dm Dm C/E C/E F F
Even though I'm the sacrifice
Gm Gm Bb Bb C C Dm Dm
You won't try for me not now
C/E C/E F F Gm Gm
Though I'd die to know you loved me
A4 A4 A A Bb Bb
I'm all alone
A4 A4 A A Dm Dm Am/D Am/D Dm Dm Gm/D Gm/D
Isn't someone missing me?

Dm Dm Am/D Am/D Dm Dm
Please, please forgive me
Gm/D Gm/D Dm Dm
But I won't be home again
Am/D Am/D Dm Dm
I know what you do to yourself
Gm/D Gm/D Bb9 Bb9 Bb Bb
I breathe deep and cry out
A4 A4 A A Bb9 Bb9 Bb Bb
Isn't something missing?
A/C# A/C#
Isn't someone missing me?

Dm Dm C/E C/E F F
Even though I'm the sacrifice
Gm Gm Bb Bb C C Dm Dm
You won't try for me not now
C/E C/E F F Gm Gm
Though I'd die to know you loved me
A4 A4 A A Bb9 Bb9 Bb Bb
I'm all alone
A4 A4 A A Bb9 Bb9 Bb Bb A/C# A/C#
Isn't someone missing me?

Dm Dm Dm/C Dm/C Bb9 Bb9 Bb Bb
And if I bleed, I'll bleed
Gm Gm Dm Dm
Knowing you don't care
Dm/C Dm/C Bb9 Bb9 Bb Bb
And if I sleep just to dream of you
A A Bb9 Bb9 Bb Bb
And wake without you there
A4 A4 A A Bb9 Bb9 Bb Bb A/C# A/C#
Isn't something missing? Isn't something....

Dm Dm C/E C/E F F
Even though I'm the sacrifice
Gm Gm Bb Bb C C Dm Dm
You won't try for me not now
C/E C/E F F Gm Gm
Though I'd die to know you loved me
A4 A4 A A Bb9 Bb9 Bb Bb
I'm all alone
A4 A4 A A Bb9 Bb9 Bb Bb
Isn't someone missing me?
A/C# A/C# Dm Dm Am/D Am/D Dm Dm Gm/D Gm/D
Isn't someone missing me?

Tab de uke por , 30 Abr 2014

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