Fame Tab de uke por David Bowie (Acordes Barítonos)

3 Acordes usados na música: Bb7, Bb9, Eb7

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Álbum:  desconhecido
Tom: desconhecidoAcordes
Bb7 Bb7  F7 F7 Eb7 Eb7   (Bb7 Bb7  Bb7 Bb7 Bb9 Bb9) (x6)

Bb7 Bb7 Bb9 Bb9 Bb7 Bb7 Bb9 Bb9
Fame, makes a man take things over, fame, lets him loose, hard to swallow
Bb7 Bb7 Bb9 Bb9 Bb7 Bb7
Fame, puts you there where things are hollow, fame
Eb7 Eb7 Bb7 Bb7 Bb9 Bb9
Fame, it's not your brain, it's just the flame, that burns your change to keep you insane

Bb7 Bb7 Bb9 Bb9 Bb7 Bb7 Bb9 Bb9 Bb7 Bb7 Bb9 Bb9

Bb7 Bb7 Bb9 Bb9 Bb7 Bb7 Bb9 Bb9
Fame, what you like is in the limo, fame, what you get is no tomorrow
Bb7 Bb7 Bb9 Bb9 Bb7 Bb7
Fame, what you need you have to borrow, fame
Eb7 Eb7 Bb7 Bb7 Bb9 Bb9
Fame, "Nein! It's mine!" is just his line, to bind your time, it drives you to, crime

Bb7 Bb7 Bb9 Bb9 Bb7 Bb7 Bb9 Bb9 Bb7 Bb7 Bb9 Bb9 Bb7 Bb7 F7 F7 E7 E7 (Bb7 Bb7 Bb9 Bb9) (x2)

Bb7 Bb7 Bb9 Bb9 Bb7 Bb7 Bb9 Bb9
Could it be the best, could it be? really be, really, babe?
Bb7 Bb7 Bb9 Bb9 Bb7 Bb7 Bb9 Bb9
Could it be, my babe, could it, babe? really, really?

Bb7 Bb7 Bb9 Bb9 Bb7 Bb7 Bb9 Bb9
Is it any wonder I reject you first? Fame, fame, fame, fame
Bb7 Bb7 Bb9 Bb9 Bb7 Bb7 Bb9 Bb9
Is it any wonder you are too cool to fool, fame
Eb7 Eb7 Bb7 Bb7 Bb9 Bb9
Fame, bully for you, chilly for me, got to get a rain check on pain

Bb7 Bb7 Bb9 Bb9 Bb7 Bb7 Bb9 Bb9 Bb7 Bb7 Bb9 Bb9

Bb7 Bb7
Fame, fame, fame, fame, fame, fame, fame, fame,
Fame, fame, fame, fame, fame, fame, fame, fame,
Fame, fame, fame, fame, fame, fame, fame,
Fame, what's your name?

Tab de uke por , 05 Jul 2018

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