Don't Dream It's Over Tab de uke por Crowded House (Acordes Barítonos)

7 Acordes usados na música: A, Gbm, D, Db7, Db, Bm, E

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Cifras transpostas Para cima 2 Semitons. (De volta a Versão original)

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Tablature / Chords (Música Inteira)

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Ano:  2010
Tom: GbmAcordes
Afinação original: +1.0 passo(s) (afinação original)
Tab/cifra de progressão de acordes organizados para o Ukulele.
B B                        G#m G#m
There is freedom within, there is freedom without
E E D#7 D#7 D# D#
Try to catch the deluge in a paper cup
B B G#m G#m
There's a battle ahead, many battles are lost
But you'll never see the end of the road
D#7 D#7 D# D#
While you're traveling with me
C#m C#m F# F# B B G#m G#m
Hey now, hey now, don't dream it's over
C#m C#m F# F#
Hey now, hey now, when the world comes in
They come, they come to build a wall between us
We know they won't win
Now I'm towing my car, there's a hole in the roof

My possessions are causing me suspicion but there's no proof
In the paper today tales of war and of waste
But you turn right over to the T.V. page

Hey now, hey now, don't dream it's over
Hey now, hey now, when the world comes in
They come, they come to build a wall between us
We know they won't win

Now I'm walking again to the beat of a drum
And I'm counting the steps to the door of your heart
Only the shadows ahead barely clearing the roof
Get to know the feeling of liberation and relief

Hey now, hey now, don't dream it's over
Hey now, hey now, when the world comes in
They come, they come to build a wall between us
We know they won't win

Don't let them win
Hey now, hey now
Hey now
Hey now, hey now
Don't let them win
Hey now, hey now
Don't let them win
Hey now, hey now

⇢ Não satisfeito com esta tablatura? Ver 5 outra(s) versão(ões)

Tab de uke por , 26 Ago 2013

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Could somebody please finish laying out the chord progressions to this song?
30 Mar 2017

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