Follow You To Virgie taby ukulele według Tyler Childers (Chwyty barytonu)

4 Chwyty użyte w piosence: F, Bb, C, C7

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Tablature / Chords (Piosenka uproszczona)

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Album:  nieznane
Akord: F, DmChwyty
F F Bb Bb

F F Bb Bb C C C7 C7

Hammer on G G for the F F chord and and pull off G G to end the Bb Bb

F F Bb Bb
Back before these calloused hands and all this work
F F Bb Bb
We used to sit up at the flats
F F Bb Bb
Acting like we'd live forever
F F Bb Bb
Getting high and skipping class
F F Bb Bb
Yeah, I reckon we were heathens
F F Bb Bb
But in her eyes, we were saints
F F Bb Bb
Now you're calling all the boys home
F F Bb Bb
'Cause heaven's angels carried her away


F F Bb Bb
So, I will follow you to Virgie
Although it hurts me so
F F Bb Bb
To lay to rest this mountain beauty
That the Lord's called home

F F Bb Bb
And I can't see her up in glory
C C C7 C7
I can see her through the pines


F F Bb Bb
Back when all us boys were tryin'
F F Bb Bb
To make sense of all these strings
F F Bb Bb
I can see her in the corner
F F Bb Bb
Singing along to all our crazy dreams

F F Bb Bb
So, I will follow you to Virgie
Although it hurts me so
F F Bb Bb
To lay to rest this mountain beauty
That the Lord's called home

F F Bb Bb
And I can see her up in glory
C C C7 C7
I can see her through the pines

Single strum:
And I will follow you to Virgie
Bb Bb
'Cause that's what us boys are for
To help you out when you get weary
Bb Bb
And you can't go no more
F F Bb Bb
Can't you see her up there, Cody?
I can see her through the pines
C7 C7
Saying boys be good

taby ukulele według , 01 maj 2024

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