Any Fun taby ukulele według Coconut Records (Chwyty barytonu)

5 Chwyty użyte w piosence: Bb, Gm, Eb, F, G

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Tablature / Chords (Cały utwór)

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Rok:  2009
Akord: Bb, Cm, GmChwyty
Bb Bb      Gm Gm        Eb Eb         F F
You never had any fun, so I won't come around
Bb Bb Gm Gm Eb Eb F F
You never had anyone, so I won't let you down
Bb Bb Gm Gm Eb Eb F F
You never had any fun, so I won't come around
Bb Bb Eb Eb F F
You never had any fun, any fun. Noooo

Gm Gm Eb Eb Bb Bb F F
Down in the basement, alone with the high hopes
Gm Gm / Eb Eb Bb Bb/ F F
alright Alright.
Gm Gm Eb Eb Bb Bb F F
Well, it's a downpour and the water, it is rising
Gm Gm Eb Eb Bb Bb F F
And yes, she's a system and the plan, so devising

Gm Gm Eb Eb Bb Bb F F
Help, been a hard day, and the hits keep on coming
Gm Gm Eb Eb Bb Bb F F
I said back to the old way, yeah, just long distance running
Gm Gm
So we had little argument outside the bar
Eb Eb
If you get in our apartment, to get out to the car
Bb Bb Eb Eb F F
Make it look real when you pretend to feel, alright. Alright

Bb Bb Gm Gm Eb Eb F F
You never had any fun, so I won't come around
Bb Bb Gm Gm Eb Eb F F
You never had anyone
G G Gm Gm Eb Eb F F
You never had any fun, so I won't come around
Bb Bb Gm Gm Eb Eb F F
You never had anyone

taby ukulele według , 08 sty 2012

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