If A Heart Must Be Broken taby ukulele według Anne Murray (Chwyty barytonu)

4 Chwyty użyte w piosence: G, G7, C, D7

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Tablature / Chords (Cały utwór)

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Rok:  2000
Akord: C, G, Am, EmChwyty
If A A Heart Must Be Broken

G G G7 G7 C C
For y-ou my heart was always open
G G D7 D7
But you walked out and this loneliness came in
G G G7 G7 C C
What I'd give to know the future now and then
G G D7 D7 G G
If a heart must be broken why let the loving begin

G7 G7 C C
For y-ou a treasure became a token
G G D7 D7
I lost it all for a love that might have been
G G G7 G7 C C
What I'd give to know the future now and then
G G D7 D7 G G
If a heart must be broken why let the loving begin

C C D7 D7 G G
They say the heart sometimes will cloud the mind
C C G G D7 D7
And nothing stands to reason when a love is blind
G G G7 G7 C C
But the truth is always harder in the end
G G D7 D7 G G
If a heart must be broken why let the loving begin

Repeat #3

G7 G7 C C
What I'd give to know the future now and then
G G D7 D7 G G
If a heart must be broken why let the loving begin

taby ukulele według , 04 sty 2013

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